View Poll Results: After a long brutal bloody fight to the death...

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  • Eva and Chrissy kill Molly and Candice

    17 51.52%
  • Molly and Candice kill Eva and Chrissy

    4 12.12%
  • Eva must fight Candice - Eva kills Candice

    5 15.15%
  • Crissy must fight Molly - Molly kills Crissy

    4 12.12%
  • Eva must fight Candice - Candice kills Eva

    6 18.18%
  • Crissy must fight Molly - Crissy kills Molly

    8 24.24%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: WOMAN TO WOMAN - TO THE DEATH! (a request to Mcgoll!)

  1. #1
    Senior Hostboard Member Ted Mark's Avatar
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    WOMAN TO WOMAN - TO THE DEATH! (a request to Mcgoll!)


    Is there conflict as passionate and ruthless then the deathfight in which a mother and daughter meet another mother and daughter in a secret sauna to settle a decades old rivalry for boys and men going back to brutal bloody battles when both mothers were schoolchildren? No. Now the Day has come... and would the surviving young honey and MILF be from different families, then it would be a fight to the death between the Generations!

    EVA 153688 10big
    Crissy crissy moran in a sling bikini 273345917

    MOLLY 19814 15big
    Candice 352722 12big

    Anyone else wanna read this tale of tragedy and slaughter equal to the violence and gore of an all girl war?

  2. #2
    Senior Hostboard Member mcgoll's Avatar
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    Re: WOMAN TO WOMAN - TO THE DEATH! (a request to Mcgoll!)

    While I respect the above Poll, I pretty much had my own thoughts on how this would shake out from the beginning. Thanks for the shout out! Enjoy the...

    Showdown in the Secret Sauna

    The Secret Sauna was a little known "establishment" hidden in the all but abandoned outskirts of town. Those that owned it collected a steep fee from the few who sought to use it. Discreetly removing anything left behind by any visitors.

    Tonight, four women entered the building, through two different entrances. All hoping that only two would leave.

    The sauna was not large, but took up the majority of the building, with only two changing rooms on opposite ends. Now, a pair of women stripped down in each locker-filled room, simply dropping what little clothing they had on the floor.

    In their preparing room, Molly and her daughter Candice got ready to face their nemeses. The elder blonde giving her daughter last minute tips on the coming fight, as if she hadn't spent the last two weeks doing so. Throwing away the last scrap of clothing, Molly cracked her knuckles and turned to face her supposedly ready daughter.

    Candice had stripped off her tight shirt and short jeans, kicking off her shoes and announcing herself ready, wearing only a small white bikini. She yelped in surprise as Molly slapped her across the face hard enough to nearly knock her over.

    Molly yelled at her daughter, "You want to be choked to death by your own fucking panties?" Unceremoniously tearing Candice's only coverings off, the mature blonde snarled at her shocked offspring, "This is a deathfight, no ref is going to stop that bitch from strangling you."

    Hauling the now naked Candice off the cold floor, Molly gave her daughter a hard slap on the ass. "Now you're ready, killer!" Turning towards the main door, heavily bolted on their side, the older blonde's whole body shook with excitement, "Now lets see if those whores actually showed."

    Candice followed her mother eagerly as she ripped off the bolts keeping the door shut. While her jaw still ached from the surprise blow, she looked forward to taking out her humiliation on her hated opponent.

    As fast as they had disrobed, the blondes weren't the first into the open sauna space. Their hated foes were already there, ready and waiting.

    Like Molly, her brunette rival Eva was completely nude. Having only worn a one-piece dress, she'd torn it off as quickly as possible to rush into the sauna first. She wouldn't put it past Molly to hide beside the doorway and jump her before any kind of face off.

    Eva's daughter Crissy made Candice scowl with more than their usual hatred. The young brunette was wearing a pink bikini held together with gold string. While it didn't cover much, it was more than the nude Candice got to wear. The blonde was uncomfortably aware of her own nakedness as Crissy looked her up and down, smirking confidently.

    This was hardly the first time Molly and Eva had ever squared off against one another. Rivals since before they were even as old as their daughters were now, their fights over the decades had frequently ended in one or both visiting the hospital. This time, there would be no hospital, Eva had agreed instantly when Molly suggested the Secret Sauna as a battleground.

    Crissy and Candice had no less animosity than their mothers, both chasing after the same man with the intensity the older women brought to every fight. While both were untested in combat, they were willing to put what skill they had on the line. Their mother's rivalry pushed each young woman to prove themselves, or die trying.

    As the blondes rushed in, they immediately had to stop to avoid slipping on the suddenly slick floor. The brunettes had apparently turned the sauna on to full blast. Steam shot out of pipes along every corner of the roof, fogging the air and making the ceramic floor wet. Molly was surprised, the one other time she'd been here, she'd bashed her opponent's skull against a cold floor, leaving the ground only slick with blood.

    Crissy and Eva stood apart, ready for whatever the blondes might try. The brunette mother was confident in her ability to outfight Molly, she'd done so many times before, but she didn't know what kind of tricks Candice might pull on her daughter. If at all possible, Eva hoped to put Molly down fast and assist her daughter. And then, after so many years, she would finally finish Molly off for good.

    Molly flexed her fingers as she slowly moved away from her daughter. Eyes locked with her longtime enemy, the blonde mother made sure to give Candice plenty of room to square off with Crissy. Already unable to see the far side of the sauna for all the steam, her blood boiled more from rage than the increasingly hot air.

    "Good to see you sluts finally showed up," Eva spoke mockingly, knowing full well she'd had to rush to get in before them. "Here we were worried you'd chickened out."

    Molly snarled wordlessly in reply, while Candice, overwhelmed with finally seeing her enemy so close up, charged. Eva had been hoping for at least some kind of staredown but that all went to hell when Molly took after her daughter and attacked immediately.

    As the mothers fell into boxing stances, legs spread for stability on the slippery surface, they raised their fists and advanced in measured strides. Their daughters showed no such finesse, charging across the floor and colliding in the middle. Scratching and screaming, the pair fell to the hard floor almost immediately, neither on top.

    As their daughters battled chaotically on the ground, rolling across the glistening floor, Eva and Molly locked up. As in previous fights, Eva showed far more skill, catching Molly's first wild swing and slamming her own fist right between the blonde's breasts.

    Molly stepped into the blow, getting inside Eva's reach and throwing her shoulder against the brunette. Making her rival slip a bit, the blonde mother shot her fist up under the brunette's chin in a flash. Blasting Eva backwards, Molly kept up a withering assault of powerful blows to the woman's heavy tits as she kept her off balance.

    Crissy managed to get the upper hand first. As Candice hauled on her bikini top, the brunette rolled on top of her. Slamming a fist down on the blonde's mouth, she grinned and brought her fist back for another punishing blow. "You wanted to see my tits so bad, coulda just asked, bitch!"

    Candice's head cracked against the ceramic floor as Crissy's fist came down like a hammer. Shrilly yelling in anger and pain, the blonde swung her arm up blindly, catching the straddling brunette in the side of the head.

    Molly laughed madly as she briefly saw Crissy hit the ground hard, her head bouncing against tile. The moments distraction cost her though as Eva got her feet set and struck back. The blonde mother grunted as Eva struck her squarely on the jaw, pushing her back.

    The gaps between the fights getting foggy, Eva could only barely tell that it was her daughter on the floor as the younger blonde squirmed underneath her. Shouting out, "Get up baby! Don't let her rest!" the brunette began throwing punches at her stunned enemy.

    As their mothers traded punches just a few feet away, Crissy and Candice struggled to get up while in a tangle of limbs. The blonde kicked Crissy in the gut, driving her heel in hard as she pushed off the gasping brunette. Rolling to her knees, the blonde spat out blood and went to charge.

    Sweeping her foot into Candice's thigh just as the blonde moved forward, Crissy sent the blonde crashing face first into her already aching belly. Coughing, the brunette gripped Candice by the hair and with great effort dragged her off.

    Her eyes wild, Molly ducked back from a potential headshot and stepped back in with another uppercut that nearly took Eva off her feet. The blonde screamed loudly and brought her foot up, smashing a full-power kick right into the dazed brunette's chest. Sending Eva crashing backwards into the wall as she herself slipped and hit the floor hard on her back.

    As her mother cried out in pain, Candice managed to surprise her own foe with a backhand to the jaw. Panting in the hot air, the young blonde shoved herself off the slippery floor and straddled her enemy. Locking her knees around the downed brunette, Candice got a jolt as her bare pussy pressed against Crissy's sweaty chest.

    Gasping in hot air, Eva regretted turning the sauna dial up all the way as the air scorched her lungs. Barely even able to see Molly with only a few feet separating them, she could only keep herself from sliding down the wall as the blonde slowly got to her feet.

    Striding out of the fog, Molly grinned sadistically as she found Eva bracing herself against the wall, barely able to stand. Backhanding the brunette's pathetic attempt to swing at her, Molly delivered a straight shot that made Eva's head crack loudly against the wall. "I could get used to that sound," the blonde purred as she wound up for another punch, pinning the brunette to the wall by a shoulder.

    Candice struggled with the wild Crissy, pinning the brunette beneath her as best she could as she clawed at her trapped enemy. Finally seeing an opening, the blonde smashed a fist down into Crissy's face, once again cracking it against the floor. With her rival's eyes rolling in her head, Candice stood up over her, gripping Crissy by the throat with both hands, the blonde giddily started squeezing as she hauled the brunette up into a sitting position.

    As Crissy came to, choking and looking up into the maddly grinning Candice's eyes, all she could hear was her mother's grunts of pain as Molly pounded her into the wall. Completely unable to see through the steam, she still knew she couldn't call out for help.

    Burying her fist repeatedly into Eva's swollen tits, Molly laughed as she ruined the beaten woman. Fighting over men for decades, the blonde had always hated Eva's chest. She was going to make the brunette pay in blood for every video she'd sent Molly showing her titfucking whatever man they were warring over.

    Leaning in close to the redfaced Crissy, Candice hissed in her ear, "Any last words, cunt?" and loosely released the limp brunette. Ready to grip down hard again, once Crissy had screamed out for mercy or something equally hilarious.

    Crissy took in two deep breathes as she looked up in terror at her adversary, her arms weak at her sides. Laughing sharply, she called out in a surprisingly clear voice. "Hang on mom! I've got this little whore right where I want her!"

    As Candice looked down at her enemy with bewilderment, Molly twisted sharply away from her victim, letting the broken Eva slump against the wall. Taking two long strides towards the voice she saw a figure through the heavy haze.

    Pulling off a tight spin, Molly roundhouse kicked the standing figure in the back of the head hard enough to nearly hobble herself. Stumbling, she turned around immediately, limping back to Eva as her victim smacked wetly into the floor. "Come on baby, she's not getting back up after that!"

    Crissy lay panting on her back, Candice's limp leg laying across her chest. Completely taken aback at how well her trick had worked, the brunette recovered slowly as a wet thudding started up again somewhere in the fog. Her mother's mewling cries barely heard over Molly's constant stream of snarled insults.

    Molly gripped Eva by the throat, dragging her to her feet as she repeatedly lifted her knee into the beaten brunette's crotch over and over again. Backhanding the crying woman across the mouth, she leaned in close to giggle, "I've been waiting for this for a looooooong time, whore. I can't even decide how I'm gonna do you yet." Pulling Eva forward, the blonde mother threw her weight forward and smashed her rival into the wall.

    As her mother's skull made loud cracks against the ceramic wall, Crissy hauled herself up the limp Candice's body. Gasping for breath, she rolled the nude blonde over. Finding the blonde's eyes fluttering open, the brunette grabbed her by the neck with both hands, driving her thumbnails deep into the recovering blonde's throat.

    Blood flowed easily with the air so wet, a large pool streaked away from the ravaged Eva as every part of her body was hammered by Molly's fists, knees and feet. Shuddering weakly, the brunette was in a sitting position as her blonde torturer stomped on her destroyed chest.

    Molly stood proudly over her victim, panting from exertion in the oppressive air. Bracing against the wall, she listened with glee to the choking gurgles echoing from the steam. As the gurgles died out, she leaned down and wrapped her fingers around Eva's chin as the woman drooped forward.

    Eva pissed herself in fear as she felt the strong grip tighten. She made one last futile struggle before Molly twisted her head to the side hard. The brunette's eyes rolled up as her neck made a loud popping sound.

    Twisting the other direction, Molly was rewarded with a distinctive crack. Letting the dying Eva go, the blonde spat on her longtime enemy and stood proudly over her kill. Stepping lightly over the long stream of blood and urine, she ran her hands through matted, sweaty hair as she tried to find her no doubt victorious daughter.

    Molly screamed in horror when she found Candice, splayed out over the drain, Eva's fluids collecting around the dead blonde's head. Mixing with the blood that had flowed from her opened throat.

    Stepping out of the fog directly behind the shrieking Molly, Crissy looped her bikini bottoms around the woman's throat. While her top had just been simple string, the steel wire she'd worn around her hips didn't snap as pressure was put on it.

    Yanking Molly around the hazy room by her throat, Crissy laughed madly. "Mom might not have been able to finish the job, but I fucking will!" Hugging the sputtering blonde to her breast, the brunette pulled with all her might. Her head aching, and her arms trembling, she didn't let up as Molly's elbow slammed backwards into her middle over and over again.

    Falling to her knees, Molly tried to get the fingers of one hand under the wire cutting into her neck. Blood streamed down her front, the blonde panicked as she lost her ability to try and knock the still standing brunette off. Desperately scratching at Crissy's arms, she reached back as far as she could and gripped the younger woman by the bangs.

    Digging her knee between Molly's shoulder blades, Crissy screamed with exertion as her hair felt like it would all be torn out. The blonde's fingers suddenly went entirely slack though and her hand dropped to her sides. Crissy snapped backwards from the suddenness of it, nearly toppling as Molly's dead weight fell against her.

    Her mouth hanging slackly open, Molly twisted on the rope digging into her throat. Blood covered her front, having flowed out from the wide wound. Finally released, the dead blonde slapped tits-down right beside her daughter's face up body.

    Stumbling on weak legs, Crissy found the body of her mother. After a few seconds of staring down at the dead brunette, she too spat on the woman.

    "You fucking weakling." Crissy turned on her heel as strode out of the room. Leaving the sauna on full blast for the place's eventual cleanup crew to deal with, the brunette left without any regrets. Candice would no longer complicate her relationships, and she could now fully move out of her mother's considerable shadow to be known as her own (much more succesful, of course) warrior woman.

  3. #3
    Senior Hostboard Member Ted Mark's Avatar
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    Cool Re: WOMAN TO WOMAN - TO THE DEATH! (a request to Mcgoll!)

    thank you for responding beyond my expectations!

    you have brought real life to this board in that Cage and JohnSoth2006 and SEGA have followed MikeJv to the realm of shades... Thanks for an appreciated treat!

  4. #4
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    WOMAN TO WOMAN - TO THE DEATH! (a request to Mcgoll!)

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    Re: WOMAN TO WOMAN - TO THE DEATH! (a request to Mcgoll!)

    Love all out wars! The generational gap is an exhilarating event to, especially when the daughters are ready and willing to give life and limb for mommys quarrels, hot... great writing, please keep this up

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