Session 2 of 5

Big Karla, Epic Catfight
Weekend Recap April 18th ? April 19th. Session 2 of 5.

Session Two: 12:00 PM - to 2:35 PM.

Both me and Karla actually went from the fight ring to Tubs with Herbal soaks, between the Herbal waxes and the baths, I would hope by now everyone who has followed my life or followed our recaps, have heard about our herbal baths, soaking in the tubs for a few hours, in more than a few cases, up to 8 hrs.

It heals and helps to heal the body of cuts, scrapes, most bruises and injuries, but it doesn't fix broken bones or deep wounds or critical wounds or fatal wounds. Doesn't cure cancer, but for everything else, the herbal baths speeds up your bodies ability to heal. I do have to say, if it were not for the herbal baths, it would take me far longer to recover from some of the beatings I take in a fight.

All is fair in love and War, I made sure Karla was soaking before I got in next to her; she asked me what do we do? I said, ?Place the mouth piece in your mouth for air and rest your head on the cradle and breath slow and rest / be still / the water and the herbs will do the rest.? So we soaked.

For 2 hours we soaked. When we got out and dried off, Karla noticed that she didn't feel as bad as she thought she would, a lot of the bruising had stopped or was faded, don't get me wrong, we looked like we had been in a fight, but we didn't look as bad as we would have been had we not soaked; much less, I am not sure I would have been able to do 5 sessions like we fought without the herbal baths!

We got some water and walked to the fight room, everyone waited on us as we walked in and took our places, I noticed a screen had been wheeled in to the fight room and a plug and play cord for communications was run from the English judge?s PC, to the Flat Screen.

I shrugged, Karla asked again what the hell was going on, I said I don't know baby. Miss Weller pressed her enter key and the DV email video played: Mr Cole and his new women and New Wife, Netty, who flipped me the bird from the beginning on the screen. She flexed her muscles and her tits and was looking fit and hard tone, she was almost beet red in her skin color and her hair was about stark white bleached out.

In terms of body builders, to describe peak looks, she looked shredded, so to speak, veins sticking out, much like my arms and body. I heard from the recorded message: ?What's up my bitch Sara, tell Piers to *%^%$$ off and I will do as I please. Second, Gbox, you back stabbing traitor, siding with the enemy after boo-hooing about your fucking tit harness matches; you can't believe the trouble I went to, to grab the cunt, and you now tell me you didn't want the bitch dead! You?re a waffler you sorry sack of - - - !? fingers clenched up like she would kill Gbox- →

?Sara!!! ? Cunt, - (she continued), I am coming for you Bitch, not sure how many blow jobs you gave them to be on your side, but keep up the good work. Whoever said you were a Lesbian lied, because you fucking screw every guy there is, - you would have to cunt, just to have so many loyal shits fawning over you, you must be a hell of a fuck in bed.?

?But enough of our pleasant hellos. May 24, 2015, Race day, Indy 500 you sperm burping, cock guzzling thunder cunt. Coming to kill you bitch!?

She cupped her tits and said, ?Bringing my girls to fight your girls, and after I am done with you I will take your shit and your clients and little GBox and fuck Piers.? She turned to Eric Cole and said, ?Anything else sweety?? as she made an issue out of showing her ring.

Mr Cole says, ?Yes Honey, I DO have a few things to post. Sara?your time is up, I am your reaper! You cost me two wives, I now have one who rivals you in every way! She has been training in your old stomping grounds in Turkey. Look at her, she is amazing! I have gone to great expense to find your equals, I have a few who wish to say hi to you, - then say hi girls,? his 6 fighters waved their middle fingers at me saying, ?See you soon!?

Sounds like he is not certain of Netty, maybe, but she married him, ring and all.
The recording finished and Karla said, ?OH HELL NO!? As funny as it sounds, everyone in the room, - I mean everyone, was pissed off.

Karla said, ?No Sara! No, you?re not doing this alone!? Rod and Michael and John and everyone else, they took it as a personal attack. The Judges on our side said, ?No matches for her from any of our groups!?

They looked at me I was calm, Jimmy asked me why? I said, ?Because she is terrified of me! She is rallying her people because she is scared of me. She's backed herself into a corner and she can't refuse now, she'd look like a coward.? Karla says, ?Well, in all fairness, as big as I am, you are more than a hand full, Sara!?

We all took a minute and for the first time in a long while I seen that I had a lot of people behind me, even new friends. Karla finished her water and I took a drink of mine, she said, ?You ready for me you big bitch? - I am ready to beat your tits up again.?

I nodded my head and walked out, more serious. I could tell Karla was more serious, after seeing that email, she was pissed off. We came tit to tit and Karla whispered, ?I love you,? I said, ?I know, I love you too.? Jimmy said, ?OK. Ready. ? Fight!?

Karla hit my left breast with an uppercut right as I returned the punch to her left breast with a hard center punch, she winced as we started to trade blows like pro boxers, rights and lefts, mostly upper body boxing to each other?s breasts. I was hitting her hard, not as hard as I could, but hard enough force to drive her tits into her rib cage as they mushroomed out around my fist.

Not to be out done, Karla beat me savagely, slamming my tits around my chest like tough pinatas or giant speed bags, yes, I think my tits could be described as giant speed bags being slammed together or beat around my chest; you know you have big tits when you get hit in your breast and it comes up and hits you in your chin and mouth, - hers did, so did mine.

We savagely battered each other to what some like to refer as breasts grease on our areolas and beads of bloody milk seeps out of our tits, pink foamy lather covered our tits and fists and neither of us retreated from each other, we didn't guard our block; It?s been a while since I left myself open in a catfight, I got so dam used to fighting women who have no honor, no respect for anyone, I had almost forgotten what it was like to be heart and soul with a true woman, every one I was with who had been like that were taken from me by COWARDS AND CHEATERS, - Attila, Mei Choi, Monique, Lisa, - killed by cowardly bastards and bitches!

Karla pounded me hard; my tits were on fire and throbbing with their own heartbeat. I savagely hit her back then I grabbed her tits in a squeezing death grip and yanked her over my left side tossing her to the floor, - >>> WHAM <<<, she cried out in agony as I dove on her in a 69 and bit in to her wet mound, her pubic hair in my mouth and I bit into her hard; she screamed and bit into my mound and shook her head like an animal as we rolled over I tasted blood in my lips and mouth as I raked my nails over her back and ass.

I dug in like a savage as she tore at my ass cheeks and raked my back bloody. I orgasmed in her face, violently; she squealed and paused as I suddenly had my face covered in her vaginal fluid as she violently bucked and held me tighter as I ground in to her also. We quivered for a few seconds and shuddered mutually, we broke apart and faced each other again in a game of mercy test of strength.

We gripped each other?s hands and squeezed and slammed together breast to breasts on our knees. Fire burned in our tits, I know mine were about numb from the savage beating she gave me, bloody milk poured from our nipples covering our fronts, making us sticky and discoloured.

We had carried on like this, trading back and forth for an hour and twenty minutes, and we had not slowed down, - grant it, we had not been totally filthy with each other, but we were close. Our badly bruised tits and bloody scratched bodies rammed together and I shoved her on her back and ground my clit to hers, her bent legs and feet under her ass cheeks.

On top of her, I spread my legs for leverage and full contact as I bash my tits down alternately on her face and her tits. My tits covered her face, I felt her quiver and gush over my pussy again as I climaxed yet again covering her thighs and pussy, I had her pinned and as I slid up I smothered her out cold with my tits.

She groaned awake long enough I did what every one wanted to see that was a victory wipe of my pussy over her face, covered in vaginal fluid; I let her go and she laid there, panting out loud, deep breaths, she said, ?Did you KO me?? Everyone said, ?She breast smothered you out cold for 15 minutes!? Karla just shook her head and said ok.

She said, ?I want to soak and eat,? I said, ?Fair enough, we can do both.? So, that was the end of session 2, it went for the full 2hrs 30 minutes, but NOTE: Karla did not call for a break either.

OK so, that brings us up to Session 3.
Note: Session 3 was an IRON BITCH catfight, or IRON WOMAN, meaning at the end of two hours, whoever had the most pins was the winner; we kept Jimmy very busy, we used the standard WWE or pro wrestling 3 count ? 1?2?3?counted as a pin fall.

NEXT: Session Three: 4:30 PM ? 6:40 PM.

Sara White Doe,
Piers Knight.