Denise?s Last Fight
August 11th 2014

For those of you who have followed my career, Denise is a long time rival / enemy of mine, all totalled I have busted her fake breasts many times and her friends? fake breasts too.

Over the course of many, many, many fights and years, she has done things to get back at me, even to the point of paying 3 different women to kill me at different times in my life, all of which landed her in serious trouble, although nothing ever truly came of it because, not to sound racist, but she is rich and white, she did not like Indian's or my tribe; WHY, we never truly knew why, her family moved to Libby from NYC, before that her ancestry came from England, they never left NYC until her family moved to Libby.

There was no reason for her hate, other than RICH and WHITE, as near as I could see, while my family is lower middle income, we have seen some big huge paydays that got used on bills and life; animal feed is not cheap and building and maintaining a ranch is not cheap, we take business anywhere we can get it in the off seasons I catfight for money and I catfight in tournaments.

As you all know, when I had my cancer I was stuck in New York and I found out that members of the UECT (Underground Extreme Catfight Tournament) that I had testified against, burned down my home in Montana. Last year in August or July late, I took a trip back to Libby to ask for a loan and rebuild my Ranch back. Needless to say, because of Denise, I did not get that loan, to rebuild, instead, I had to go through other channels for money to make up the difference, which was close to 2 million, going to my fight group (AECT, - Amazons Extreme Catfight Tournament) and giving them permission to use the ranch for underground catfights, they gave me the money to finish the ranch.

Construction started in full in August 2014 and was completed in late November / early December. During this time, I made a few trips back and forth to Libby to go to my ranch. During one of these trips, Denise came up my Mountain to tell me that I had no rights and that Taxes had not been paid, to which, I showed my Government Right Pass and that my land is Reservation land and all my receipts and building permits for everything.

At this time, the Barn was the only thing totally done, everything else was about 3/4's done, I said, ?You want to go a few rounds bitch? Maybe bust your tits again?? She glared at me, I said, ?What?? She said, ?Yeah, - I want to fight you bitch, - I will finally finish you!? I looked at her, I had been joking, I was just kidding when I told her I would bust her tits, I was tired and not really in the mood for all of her bullshit and the racist shit.

Much to my surprize she took my offer, she was serious, I said, ?Fine bitch.? She said, ?Fine cunt. I said, ?Fine!? She said, ?Fine!? I said, ?Ok, - FINE!? She screamed at me, ?FINE you fucking cunt. I will finish you today!? I said, ?Fine!? All the while we are walking to the barn, the one room that?s sorta made just for fights in a barn, we go too the 20' X 20' room in the lower level of the barn.

We walked to the Barn and we entered the room I was using for fights, she started to strip off her clothes and throw them in the corner. She had quite a few surgical scars covering her tits; mostly from the last catfight I had with her where I busted her left breast to pressure tears. She screamed at me, ?I am going to kill you Sara, I am going to rip those fucking nasty scarred up tits off you're stinking Indian smelly hide, then I am going to rip out your pussy!? I said, ?You can try! Good luck with that,? as I dropped my clothes.

Denise is about 5' 7" now, she was 5' 8", but I think she has had some compressed spinal injuries; I stand 6' 1" in my flat feet. Denise went all out for her breasts this time, she pushed her body to a big 38 G cup, but her tits looked like road maps from surgeries to her tits, clean scalpel cuts and sewed, from damage I have caused her over the years, and yet here we are, going at it again.

She had never won against me, ever; everytime I have fought her I have hurt her badly, and yet, the little racist comes back to fight me. I am not going to change who I am or how I fight, I would never change me, - ok, well, maybe a few less scars, but me is me.

Denise, I will say, has become well muscled over the years, YES by her choice, 99% of it is to fight me in her own words ?to make the squaw bitch pay for her mistakes,? she would do the Eddie Brock thing from Spiderman 3, - ?Dear God, I pray to you, KILL him for me, Please.?

I can imagine the prayers at Denise's house, ?God, please Kill Sara for ruining my tits in the fight I started, please Kill Sara for ending my Marriage because I am obsessed with killing her and my Ex Husband does not understand why I hired 3 women to kill her, and I lost my Daughter because Sara beat me up, so would you please kill Sara dear lord? Amen.? But if you think about it, NONE of this ever would have happened if she would have left me alone. In each case, she came after me, and she got the shitty end of the stick.

Denise has put on about 60 to 70 lbs of muscle over the years, she has taken hundreds of hours of YMCA Judo / Karata / Wrestling / Boxing / and pay women to fight with her nude, so she could practice how to fight me, how to kill me. To her credit, the years and money, money, money, and time helped her to revenge. ?Revenge,? is what she screamed at me, along with, ?You filthy cunt face bitch!?

She came at me swinging right, left, right, left, all well aimed shots at my face and tits, no wild windmills any more, she had improved a lot. I was blocking far more of her punches than I was used to blocking or knocking out of the way, and yes, quite a few got past my guard when I block a knee kick to my crotch she swung with a combo left / right, which, after the second time she hit me with a right left cross in the face I changed my style to leopard and Thai mix for blocking, but countered her with straight Thai fists.

When I changed my style on her, she got flustered; I started to hit her back and block all of her attacks. When I countered her, I punched her between the breasts with an iron fist strike, I heard, >> CRACK <<, which, for me, was not unexpected.

I hit her with everything I had, I knew how hard I hit her, she gasped a few times and spit blood, I did a jumping snap kick and kneed her in the chin hard, which lifted her off the floor. Her head snapped back like a bobble head doll and she fell on the floor; I said, ?No Denise, this time is your last time, I am done playing nice with you,? she kept spitting blood, I said, ?This time, you?re not coming back. 9 fights and you get your ass kicked each time by me, and keep coming back! All you have to do is leave me alone! Well, NOT this time!?

I got down on her cross crotch and said, ?Do you remember the first insult you shouted at me in school as we were kids?? I started to fuck her pussy, grinding my clit on hers and her labia lips, she got wet, I fingered her, she was crying, she gurgled and gasped and spit blood as she tried to move, but it hurt to move, I knew it hurt to breath, she said, ?No.? I said, ?You called me a father-fucking, mother fucking carpet munching lesbian cunt and Indians should not go to school, they should crawl back in mommies pussy and die,? as I made her orgasm and spurt all over me as I worked her excited cunt she orgasmed again and started to cry.

I said, ?Looks like you?re a lesbian now, I just made you squirt over my hands.? She cried as I shoved deep in her, my fist rapidly hammering her inside her pussy, twisting my punches. I tore her cervix off as I thrust punched her insides; she screamed and gurgled bloody spit.

I said, ?You?re wondering why you?re bleeding? - I broke your Xiphoid bone off your sternum and your breast bone shattered into several hundred pieces, you can?t breathe because your diaphragm is badly cut open, and can?t move, - right? And your breastbone splintered into your heart and lungs, - you?re bleeding to death. I have enough time to do one last thing and have you watch before you die,? I chomped down on her nipples on both breasts and I tore them off, areolas and all.

Her bloody tits gushed blood, I yanked her tits open and tore her apart left then right, it took several minutes to tear her tits open, but her implants fell out, I said to her, ?Tits are going in a jar on my mantel piece, - I am collecting tits now,? - she bled out.

Needless to say her ass got buried, and yes, her tits or implants are on my mantelpiece at the fireplace in a huge mason jar. I?ve been asked twice what was in the jar, I said, ?Implants, - breasts.? They said, ?No way!? I said, ?Yep, they are tits.?

So now everyone knows what happened to Denise. She told everyone before she came to fight me she was quitting everything and going to live in St Thomas, Virgin Islands and she would not be back. So to everyone she told that to, the assumption is what she told them.


Sara White Doe,
Piers Knight.

Copyright ? Sara White Doe. 2015. All Rights Reserved.