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    HB Forum Owner PiersKnight's Avatar
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    November 15th, 2011
    England at the moment, but moving to the USA very soon to marry Sara.
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    Round 1: Las Vegas the 26th at 11 am.
    Round 2: La Paz Baja California July 29th at 3 PM.
    Round 3: Panama, August 1 at 12 noon.
    Round 4: Rio de Janeiro: August 8th at 8 PM
    Round 5: Knockemdown Key, which is an Island, near Key West: 13th of August.

    In the following matches it is only MY matches, which are told in full

    I fought Amanda from Chile for the first round of the tournament, but let me tell you what happened for round 1 group A UP TO Amanda.
    OK, so, after the Playboy Casino interviews on the 23rd in the company of Hugh Hefner, and with Hustler on the 24th, and the MGM Grand Hotel hoax fiasco on the 25th and after watching the Group B fights on the 24th and 25th (See the 2014 Tournament Diary) finally on the 26th’, Group A fought; we started at 10 am on Saturday morning, for which I missed my cartoons, serious, - I did miss my cartoons, funny as it sounds, it’s part of my Saturday morning Routine, but I do.

    We got up and had breakfast and I had my morning coffee and we walked through the Casino to the dining room; this was at the MGM Grand Hotel, they wrangled us together in our groups, needless to say, I had my fans, now, because of Friday after the speech that Mr York gave everyone, (see the tournament diary,) anyone who didn't know me before knew who I was, but for the most part everyone knew me; that was awkward, I just tried to ignore it.

    After breakfast they walked us down to the storage area for Group A to fight, it started off with England, Carla vs. Bogot?, Marie. Needless to say, the English red head made a point of whipping Marie around the ring by her hair and savagely kicking her **** over and over until she gave in. Carla moved to round 2.

    Next we have Venezuela vs. Canada, Canada’s Super Girl, Lisa, beat Miss September, Lola, around the ring in a Boxing match, to which she slammed the dark beauty around the ring until her eyes were swollen shut and her **** were bloody.

    Next we have Scotland's Missy Strongarm vs. Easter Islands Nude Muscle Queen. So, Miss Strongarm grappled and grappled and grappled and then finally she got Bonny in an Iron Triangle hold and broke her arm.

    Next we have Denmark vs. Philippines, neither of these looked like great fighters, they looked like fitness Barbie dolls, and they fought like Barbie’s, - lots of *** slaps and *** yanking, followed by one very strong lucky slap to the nose from Denmark, which sent the little Asian girl to the floor followed by a cruel face ****ing that turned bloody as the Asian girl passed out.

    Next we have Ecuador, they called her the Countessa Paulina, vs. Miss Cancun, Juanita. The Mexican jumped and hopped and danced her *** around like a Tai Kick Boxer as she took Paulina apart with snap kicks and 3 hard head butts to the face which made her collapse in a spray of blood followed by a brutal breast pounding until her **** were purple and bleeding.

    [h=Las Vegas 26th July, Miss Chile, Amanda vs. Sara White Doe.]1[/h]After the final match between Jamaica and France they introduced Amanda from Chile to the tune of Queen’s ‘We Are the Champions,’ followed by ‘We Will Rock You,’ then we had to wait for her confetti blast with the ‘Winner’ Banner that flopped down from the ceiling.

    She walked around the ring flexing her muscles and cupping her **** and spreading her ***** open, but oh it gets better, she jumps around the ring cupping her **** then points to me, “She is going down, she is going down, she is going down,” she chanted in each corner, followed with more confetti; she does a break dance in the center of the ring with the moon walk, the Referee motions to her that she is wasting time, I rolled my eyes and waited, they had to clean the ring first.

    They swept out all the paper from the ring and began to remove the banner, but she refused to let them cut the banner down, they made her, then she claimed that I was a cheat on steroids so she wins, to which, before I could say anything the Judges interrupted and asked her if she was refusing to fight me, she said no, they said well then the match continues.

    Then the Group from Chile said she wins by Default because I was a cheat, the Judges asked for their proof, to which, Chile brought the Doctored video that the Russians made as their proof, the judges tossed it out as having been disproved, to this, the Chile group were extremely unhappy, they thought that they had this match in the bag, to them, it was already won, now they were being told that they had to fight and Amanda had a screaming fit in the middle of the ring.

    The Referee then introduced me, and the crowd gave a modest cheer and I began to climb into the ring. Amanda rushed over to me and started to throw punches and kicks at me before I was in the ring and before the referee yelled at her, but that fell on deaf ears; Amanda started in on me, she led with a kick to my right breast, a hard solid >> SMACK <<, then she slammed her fists down on my back and drove her knee hard up in my right breast again, >> WHAM <<, I groaned and she thought she was doing good.

    I savagely rammed my elbow in her gut, she gasped, then I took aim and jumped up with a head ram in her face. I felt the >> WHACK << on the top of my head but I heard >> CRACK <<, Amanda staggered back and held her chin then she fell on her ***, >> THUD <<. I stood up to my full height and raised my fist, I said, “Get up,” she scrambled to her feet, I was mad, I didn't hold anything back, she wanted to see how strong I was, I did just that.

    She rushed in with a kick at my knee, I bent my knee as she kicked and aimed for her toes, she connected >> CRACK <<, she screamed and limped back, I followed and she punched my breasts right, left into my *****, I hit her in the face >> WHAM <<.

    She staggered back in a turning spin, and as she turned, I kicked hard left into her left side ribs, >> SMACK <<, she spun back to face me, I hit her in the jaw full force >> CRACK <<, I saw blood, she gurgled and whined as she backed up, I savagely wailed a right kick into her left side >> CRACK, CRUNCH <<, she gurgled out loud and I hit her again, right cross, left cross, >> CRUNCH, SCRUNCH <<, she fell back on the floor.

    I grabbed her ankle and drug her to the center of the ring and she clawed the floor, I stomped her and she spit blood out, then her group called for a break, I let her go and walked to my side of the ring, she laid there on the floor and cried, they came over to her and drug her to her corner and asked the Doc to check her out, eventually they made their announcement, - “WITH A BROKEN JAW AND 4 BROKEN RIBS AMANDA IS NOT ABLE TO CONTINUE THIS FIGHT. – SARA WHITE-DOE IS THE WINNER AND MOVES TO ROUND 2.”

    This was greeted with boos and a few cheers and a lot of gamblers that suddenly felt like they were cheated, needless to say I was very Popular amongst the winners, and for those that lost, I was unpopular; I was just happy to move on to the next round.

    So sixteen of us left Las Vegas in Deluxe Travel Coach Buses, 4 to a bus, for La Paz Baja California for our matches on July 29th, so 4 buses; actually 6 all in all, mostly because the Judges had their own coach and the Crew had their own, so our gear, or lack of it, was close in seal under bus trunks, and we got to see our small resting beds and lounge, they had Racks for us and the AC turned up.

    We drove about 14 hours in stop and go traffic at the major cities, we stopped once for everyone to eat at a Steak house, they rented a conference room, and allowed us to go to the buffet to which I got to have steak and a baked potato and Sea food Salad, fresh Crab legs and 2 glasses of Guinness Ale.

    Everyone wanted to know what I was drinking, I said, “Guinness Stout, very dark,” they had to open a fresh keg. I downed the first huge glass like it was water, about 8 of the clients who were groupies, watched me wash down another in 3 swigs; those who know me, know I like my Ale or Whiskey, everyone was kind of like ‘NO way,’ none of them would try it.

    Attila sat with me and they asked the stupid question, ‘in a fight, who would win between me and her?’ Attila said, “She kicked my *** last time,” and they said, “But this time, we want to find out, in a long drawn out fight!” She kissed me and the whole table full of people said, “OOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.”

    Then after all the nonsense, we drove the next route of the journey, and me and Attila curled up in the bed and talked for like forever. She wanted to know about Rachel, she told me she was sorry, I said, “I know,” then she invited me to New Zealand to her house for the Next Comic-Con.

    So next, we drove up to the Marina where they loaded us on a boat, well, actually, it was a private Cruiser about 400' long, 12 decks from top to bottom of the hull, that would be our hotel for the next 3 rounds.

    On the deck of the ship we were travelling on, one of the group from South America (a man) tried to knife me, I blocked the Attack then he dived over board 75' to the concrete dock wrong side of the ship, in this case I did not assist his fall, no, he did it all on his own; I wanted to talk to him rather roughly and he ran, I gave chase and he leaped over the side before I caught up, - wrong side, - Splat, head first. So I am waiting on a new laptop, the old one I was carrying got the knife through the keyboard and battery.

    [h=La Paz Baja California July 29th, Miss Jamaica, Fran, vs. Sara White Doe]1[/h]Ok so now we are down to me and Fran locking up in La Paz, the big Dread locks Reggie music loving, Bob Marley T-shirt wearing black woman, my next match, Fran, the big Jamaican ***** who stood about 6' tall, her chest was mostly ****, I knew why they liked her, she had lots of older black scars on her **** and ******s, like mine, she also had scars on her forehead, her head covered in a mane of long dreadlocks.

    Fran flexed her tone muscles and tensed her legs; I could not see her 6-pack abs because her **** were covering them up. She had big baby bottle ******s, I climbed in the ring and I was wet, I wanted to lock up with her so bad it was unreal; - I finally got someone I could fight, I mean really fight, if I dug in her **** she was not going to scream and run away from me, she knew what it was to fight.

    She was already wet with ******l fluid running down her thighs like me, clear white foam, you could smell us; we were ready to rip **** off. Her big 60 H cup **** swayed to the side as she walked, I hear Attila and Sue and Tayla and Angelina all say, ‘get her Sara, she is your type of fighter.’

    The bell rang and my fist pounded her face hard as our **** slammed together our legs entwined and hand raked **** with nails dug in our ****; I'm a 48GG cup but she made me look small in the ****, I raked my claws down her ****, as we found ******s to bite I bit her dark brown skin like an apple, as my teeth sunk into her ******, she bit my right breast, that’s when I felt her shudder and she shoved me off, or tried to.

    Our clits touched and I felt her explode and gush over my crotch, covered my abs and lips and **** in sticky fluid, she began to inadvertently relax, I said, “No you don't get to quit on me now, **** NO *****!” I beat her face with a right and left cross she shook her head as I pounded her ****; “I never get anyone like you to fight like this but once in a blue moon, you’re going to fight me,” I said.

    She dug her claws in my **** and yanked my breasts in different directions, I moan in pain but it made me want to ******, I yanked her **** savagely and we got to our knees and started to yank and pull each other around by our breasts in a tug of war. Her grip on my right breast slipped and I grabbed her right *** in a death grip and yanked her over my hip in a full catfight *** throw; she shouted in pain as she crashed to the floor.

    I dropped down over her face and held her head so she could not move as I face sat her and rocked several times then rolled off her face covered in my ******l fluid, I heard her say, “You dirty *****, you'll pay for that,” I said, “Good, - so you do fight.” She rolled up to her knees and raised her fists “COMEON ****, I NO AFRAID OF YOU” she said and tried to flex her ****, but she didn't have the muscle for it; I flexed mine and she called me a fat cow ****, I said, “You should look in the mirror, **** face!”

    She lunged at me, fists pounding and teeth trying to bite me, I savagely traded punches with her, she decided to *** box with me; she brutally hit me, driving my breasts in my ribs several times, she made a point of hitting my ******s as I beat her ****, but I didn't pull my punches, so 14 hits in to the breasts, breast boxing and she was starting to cry.

    My breasts were turning red and purple in a few places, but she started to sob, as I hit her hard enough to rupture something she started to pour bloody milk. She cried out in pain as we traded blows still, but I changed my attack and drove my right knee in her left *** and it SMACKED up and hit her in the face.

    She fell back on her back and I punched her inside her ****** with a spear hand thrust, she screamed in agony as I violated her ***** and she tried to crawl away, her **** dragging on the floor, I dropped my left knee on her big H cup and crushed it between the floor and my knee, she screamed and called for her break, I yanked my fist out of her ***** and let her go.

    I walk over and sat down, she was cussing in French Jamaican about what she thought was fair, she stuffed a water bottle up her ***** and squirted it up in her and blood ran out. Sue washed me down with ice water to get me cooled off, Fran flipped me the bird, and I shouted over to her, “You know my Boyfriend in England has a wife named Fran? She is about your size in ****, and oh, by the way, her Name is Fran too, so I guess I will beat the **** out of you today *****, - big **** too!” She flipped me the double bird and told me to go **** my self.

    So in bed, me and Piers wife ((Fran) would be about the same in ****, but as far as muscle goes, I think I am way over powered for her, she would be a little rag doll to me in a catfight)). Anyway, Sue asked me why I said that, I shrugged and said, “Well how often is it I get to fight someone my size and she has ****?” Tayla said, “I think you are way bigger Sara,” Attila says, “Sweety, you’re the biggest ***** in muscle in this tournament honey, I can't wait to fight you myself, but you got her out matched and she knows it. Skill and strength baby, you got both, go get her!”

    The bell rang and I got up, my **** had swelled from the pounding, but I knew hers were on fire badly; everytime she took a step, bloody milk poured from her ******s like faucets, pink lymph ran down her engorged **** as bloody lines dripped from her *****, she raised her fists and said, “Stamina fight, you ****.” I said, “Ok, your choice, I can fight for up to 5 hours and we only been doing this for 35 minutes!” She spat on my ****.

    I punched her in the face with a right cross, her head rocked sideways and she staggered a bit and shook her head then she punched my right breast and blood ran from her bites where she got me early in the fight, then right to my left side cheek, I saw stars for a split second, to which I followed up with 3 savage punches to her right ****** which gushed lymph over us as I slammed the last 2 punches left right in her face.

    She staggered back to a neutral corner, where no one was, into the ropes; she bounced off the ropes and landed on her ***, legs spread, the Judges demanded I finish it, lay her out cold. I got down on her and savagely hammered her face with punches, then to her **** and face in turn, blood ran and her eyes swelled shut and her nose broke. I hit her **** so hard the pressure tears ripped open and her fat glands blood and milk ducts were exposed for everyone to see. She flopped on the floor and the referee counted her out with a 10 count.

    Her team drug her to the back to patch her up, covered in as much blood and ***** juice, as everyone calls it, I showered and then waited for the other matches.

    I watched Angelina and then Attila fight, then I watched all of group B's fights.

    Ok, well lets see, - back tracking

    [h=Ok, so starting from the top in Group A]2[/h]
    UK Carla, who was from England vs. Miss Super Muscle from Canada, Janet.
    Miss Canada Won, she dragged Carla by her **** around the ring in a bloody mess and KO'd her.

    [h=Next fight: Scotland, ‘Missy Strongarm,’ vs. Miss Denmark.]2[/h][h=In truth, her name was Armstrong; she reversed it because of her big 15” biceps?? Really? My biceps flexed are 20”, anyway, she fought Denmark’s alternate girl because the first one had to go to her dads funeral, he was on flight MH17 that the Russian ******** shot down, so I don't know whose Denmark’s name is, I think it was Greta Greta or Gretchen, I can't remember. Anyway, Miss Scotland savagely beat the fitness blond down and ruptured her **** and busted her pubic bone even after the girl gave. Missy got her first warning from the group.]2[/h]
    Next up Cancun vs. Finland.
    Ok so next we Have Cancun’s Juanita Vs Finland’s Miss Greta who got her *** stomped with yet again a brutal series of *** kicking from Juanita the Kick Boxing Mexican.

    I just told you what happen between me and miss Fran so next we go to the top of Group B, we start off with Argentina (Juana) vs. Rome (Angelina) just like she fought with me in Rome in the ring she made Juana a scratched up bloody mess and took them to the fight to the side where the clients were and made a gory catball then beat her with a dirty catfight Hook hold via KO clamped down on Juana’s neck with her thigh and cut off her air.

    [h=Next up Israel Dalia vs. Australia's Lisa.]2[/h]This one was a battle of kicking and they both focused on breasts and faces, in the end, with her **** pouring blood, Dalia collapsed on the floor and Lisa then stomped the girls **** until they tore open, she almost kicked her **** off her chest

    Next up New Zealand My Girlfriend Attila vs. Greenland's Super Sindey.
    Ok, so Attila and her blondish red head exchange insults and one was about her ****ing the competition, which was me. I told her the fight is Attila, she was not facing me, - YET. “I heard you are both Lezzy cunts who should not be in real woman's fights,” Miss Greenland said. I got mad, Attila savagely hit her with everything she had, rights and lefts, Sindey back peddled and they started to trade blows hard and fast, Attila drove her knee into Sindey guts and then did a DDT, Sindey was KO'd. Attila sat on her face for the pin and the Count out.

    Mind you, that’s not the whole match; it’s just the highlights.

    Next we have Dominican Republic Brenda Vs Bulgarian Yvette AKA the Crimson Killer, Commander Death or also know as cheating ****. Sorry I stand corrected, Commander Death the Crimson Killer, I don't care, she was a ****; she made a point of grappling Brenda and scratching her bloody until the poison took effect that she had in her Nail polish, Brenda Passed out from what everyone called her scratched up **** and fisted *****; funny how she gets to fight me in the last round, anyway, that’s it for round 2, La Paz Baja Mexico.

    [h=Next stop is Panama, for Round 3]2[/h]
    After we left La Paz Baja we travelled by private cruise ship down to the Panama Canal, at this point in the tournament there are 8 of us, Miss Canada, Miss Scotland, Miss Cancun, ME, Miss Rome Angelina, Miss Australia, Miss NZ Attila, Miss Bulgaria, the Crimson Killer Yvette.

    So there were 8 of us left to travel to Panama. We boarded the private Cruise liner, it was as best as could be said a smaller version of the Love boat from back in the 1980's TV series, it was about 2/3rds the size, it had a ships crew and a Spanish Captain who liked his ******. The Group paid 2.5 million for 48 rooms on the top deck of the ship, which was both top floors; we had deluxe meals and full run of the ship, with a ship full of clients and fighters and Media and equipment that’s what they paid for, they also paid for customs to NOT ASK QUESTIONS. Grant it, we had nothing on the ship to be stopped for, No Drugs, No Smuggled items, No Stolen things, just a bunch or passengers that are travelling who don't want questions asked about why they are travelling between countries and stopping.

    Docking in Panama was smelly, it reminded me of the smell that was in NSA Jacksonville Port on the Navel base, which smelled like Dead fish and stagnant water, BUT in Panama it was worse in the port because of the fact they dump **** in the water and it does not move or wash away, it just sets there, so if you get the chance to move away from the smell it is best.

    After we docked they organise us to travel by 2 private coaches to the warehouse 10 miles north inland, they put Me, Attila, Angelina, and Miss Canada all on the same shuttle, Bulgaria, Australia, Scotland and Cancun were on the other bus. For the warehouse to be only 10 miles inland, it took 40 minutes to get there, which griped me. It reminded me of Los Angeles CA at rush hour STAND STILL Traffic; if someone has a gripe then get out of your car and start ******** at the driver in front of you! I asked the driver if we could walk there, he said, “Yes, if you know where I am going, sure,” I said, “Ok, fine, be a DICK!” So we waited.

    45 minutes later we pulled into the parking lot of a huge Air Conditioned Color Box Printing warehouse, they made stickers for boxes; anyway, we were led into the area where the ring was set up the warehouse was empty of workers, it had about 80 chairs set-up around the ring and the table for the Judges and the bell, all of our clients and fans shuffled in and took their seats.

    First up was Miss Super muscle Canada, I can't remember her name but I remember she liked to act like she was a Super Goddess with big ****, kind of like ‘Missy ((((OK IAM CHANGING THIS, IT BUGS ME)))) ARM STRONG ok I feel better, - IT SOUNDS BETTER, - so sue me, I don't give a ****.’ She changed her name because she kept doing her bicep flex in front of everyone; she was a self-promoting ***, ‘Missy Armstrong,’ not ‘Strongarm’ like she kept referring to her reversed name.

    They introduced all of us briefly and we undressed in front of everyone, not that that was an issue but for the clients in their minds we were stripping for them. Both Canada and Scotland Climbed in the ring and they looked like copies of each other, which in one way it was funny because they were both trying to stir the clients up and get them to drop their pants like we had seen them do before. The girls were flexing their muscles and abs and spreading their ***** folds, shaking their ***** and ****. We watched several clients get comfortable and stroke themselves hard.

    The bell rang for them to fight and both ran at each other throwing big punches and trying to finish each other off fast so they could do humiliation and bloody each other. Attila asked me why they were trying to use finishing moves and hits as starting fight moves, I said because they are both worried about 3 women in this group that could clean their clock with skill and power, Me, You and Angelina; Attila said well they are failing.

    Anyway Missy ((Armstrong)) Strong Arm, pinned Miss Super Canada in the corner and savagely Kneed the girl into a bloody broken mess, the first thing we heard snap was her pubic bone and then Missy climbed on her face in a figure 4 face sit and she ****ed miss Canada's face into a bloody mess and left her flopping on the floor

    Next Up, Me verses Miss Cancun, Juanita the Mexican Kick Boxer, she sold her self as a Pro Muay Tai Kickboxing champion. We climbed into the ring and I warmed up, stretching out, I expanded my body to the fullest of my true size, stretching then I tightened up my muscles, my abs and arms and legs.

    Juanita warmed up jumping and flipping around the ring, then she started her dancing kick box routine. They rang the bell and I had already read her action, she was going to rush me and led with her right knee trying to kick me in the face. The bell rang >> DING <<, Juanita ran at me and leaped with a knee drive at my face, her right knee came up in a ramming spear move and I turned in a right spin and grabbed her left leg as she passed me, I shoved up on her leg and she flipped face first into the ropes and they caught her across the throat.

    She bounced off the ropes with a surprised look on her face back at me, I slammed an elbow across her jaw faster than she thought I could move, she tried to duck, I bashed her cheekbone square, but what she didn't see was my left knee coming up to meet her solar plexus and I drove it in deep; she gasped and backed up, I grabbed her left arm in an arm bar and whipped her around into the corner upside down, she screamed out in shock more than pain, I heard boos from her fans and a few of them shot their loads.

    One guy was so upset that he rushed the ring to get at me, Angelina hit him with a back elbow, Juanita scrambled to her feet and jumped up, she decided that the best way to get at me would be to OVER POWER ME. Suddenly, she decided that she had enough muscle to just punch me out standing toe-to-toe and ***-to-***.

    She raised her fists and started to try to do her upper arm boxing with knees mixed in her attack. I met her challenge, I raised my fists and tightened up my body as she started to punch my ****, right, left, right, left, right, left, rabbit punches drill my breasts, driving them into my ribs, as we traded blows, she shot a knee up in my abs hard twice, for every single hit she landed, I punched her back 3 times.

    After a minute worth of stamina boxing, she realized I was more powerful, in a very short time, while she made my face red and my **** red, I broke her eye socket and her nose and ruptured her breasts. After 3 minutes she fell down on the ring floor, her eyes were swelling shut, her nose was gone; her trainer was screaming for her to take her break, but she refused, on her knees with her **** swelling up like water melons on her chest, I put an end to the match, I savagely field kicked her right breast with everything I had, her breast ruptured and tore in 6 places and split her ****** in half; she crawled to her knees and hands then fell down, my kick drove her back 5 feet on the ring floor in her corner.

    Juanita’s trainer decided she has had enough, he kept shaking his head, and they voted I had won, but she didn't take the hint, she came at me again with her fist raised, I hit her full and unrestrained in the mouth, this time I broke her Jaw, she was KO'd, so the judges again announced I was the winner by KO.

    I climbed out of the ring and they got busy scrubbing the ring down with bleach water and cleaners, I made a lot of people both Happy and very Un happy, the ones who bet against me lost their shirts on the betting, I got a lot of BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and on my side my new fans were happy, mostly my supporters and clients, so we waited for the ring to dry while Angelina got ready, then we helped her warm up.

    Angelina got ready and said her prayers, I said, “You got this, you got this.” She climbed in the ring and faced off with the Australian ***** Lisa, who started to get in her filthy mode, she started to make threats to Angelina, my friend stayed solemn and non emotional, I told her I was here for her. Her other Sister Nun Monique held my hand and said, “Have faith,” I said, “I do, - in her,” she smiled.

    Next up: Angelina Miss Rome vs. Lisa Miss Australia: They rang the bell and Lisa came bouncing out like a panther on the kill, Angelina countered, locking up her arms then they traded several brutal knees to the abs and crotches, Angelina pounded her in the face with a head butt 10 minutes into the fight then turned it into an IRON TRIANGLE hold around her neck and left arm.

    Angelina bent her arm in a lock and clamped her legs in a lock and closed her air way off, Lisa passed out at 20 minutes, they declared Angelina the winner and needless to say, Lisa claimed she cheated, she wanted to fight her again, I said, “Why? - She will just kick your *** again,” Lisa flipped me off, I told her she was barking up the wrong tree if she could not handle Angelina she was not in my league, so the Australians got pissy and stormed out.

    Next UP, Attila Miss NZ vs. Yvette, the Crimson Killer, Miss Bulgaria; the betting was ferocious and almost even, that was until Attila gave me a big Amazon kiss / slow grinding body hug, betting started to change, so the Bulgarians got upset.

    Attila got in the ring and needless to say we were all on her side, I watched Yvette, everytime she saw me looking at her she would avert her eyes like she was hiding something, I had a gut feeling that something was wrong, I was missing something, something I was not seeing, like it was a big dirty secret that is a back stab, but no one knows what it is; I tell Attila, “You got this baby, you got this.”

    The bell rings and Yvette rushes into Attila and starts a full blown body stamina fight, needless to say, that for all the bloody scratching and punching, Attila beats Yvette from pillar to post hands down, so much so that Yvette has to call for her break.

    Attila comes back and at that point she is showing fatigue, which seemed odd to me, but not unlikely for what I just watched in the ring, we cooled her off and gave her water, she stretched and stretched and took a few deep breaths, I asked her if she was ok, she said ‘yeah, just need one of your herbal baths after this fight,’ I said, “**** yes!”

    The bell rang and the second part started pretty much the same, Attila savagely pounded Yvette hard, kicking her *** all over the ring, but I could see she was getting tired, then suddenly she dropped, Yvette missed the punch and Attila still went down. Before anyone could challenge the notion that something was off Yvette dropped down on Attila and started to pound her face bloody, I started to call for a break and they rang the bell for a break and Yvette placed her in a neck breaker and snapped her neck.

    I was pissed, I started to climb in the ring and had 8 people on me, - ‘mad’ didn't cover it, the Bulgarian team rushed Yvette out of the room with her arms raised in victory, I was MAD. Sue and Tayla and Angelina and Monique tried to calm me down, a lot of the clients didn't know why I was mad, but I let it go, none-the-less, I was determined Yvette was going to pay.

    I had one person ask me what would be different if it was me and Attila in the last round of the tournament, I said, “It’s DIFFERENT, if we were in the last fight we would fight, but it would be our fight, it’s hard to explain why its different, but it is, - same as it would be with me and Angelina, or any of my Amazons, it is different, Yvette was a cheating *****, SHE GOT HER *** KICKED for 89% of the fight, then suddenly she wins in a fishy change of what? - Attila who was in the same shape as me suddenly falls!” Anyway, that’s it.

    So needless to say, the Bulgarians stayed out of my sight, I ******d with Piers, but it didn't fix being pissed off, - which was what I was, - PISSED OFF. The clients’ group assigned guards to me and to Yvette’s group, they were worried I would make MISS Commander Death Swim with the fishes, and I am not saying it might not have happened if I had had my way, but they just wanted to make sure if it happened, they could bet on it.

    So the next 4 or 5 days we sail down to Rio, Angelina and the rest of everybody tried to comfort me, I broke a bench press bar trying to push more than it was rated for, 780 lbs bends small bars, I know, it folded in my hands, then the weights broke off the end; I had never seen a bar do that before; Sue told me to calm down.

    I was at the captain’s table, no, NOT our Groups’ Captain, the Spanish one that the Tournament Hired to transport us around South America and Panama, - the Spanish guy. (Yes, I got invited to the Captains table on that ship also), anyway, I got asked a few times at dinner, ‘why was I so upset, it made no sense?’

    The Captain of this ship, I think his name was Garcia or Marini, something like that, sorry, I am wrong on both counts, it was Torres, he asked me why I was upset, - god, - slam the door shut!!! OK so Captain Torres didn't or could not understand why Attila's death was upsetting me, in his words I should be ‘Happy that I didn't have to face her in the ring in the later rounds,’ to which I saw Sue look down and Tayla said, “OK here it comes” under her breath.

    I said, “Yes Tayla, YES here it comes, - Yvette got her *** handed to her for the WHOLD GOD DAM FIGHT and yet in the last few seconds of the fight she gets a win! Attila was every bit as tough as me or Angelina we Know what it takes to be what we are and we made that our lives, honing our bodies and skills into perfect weapons from our Birth, but these girls that jump into fighting late in life at 19 or 20 or LATER don't grasp or understand what it takes to GET HERE, they take short cuts to get here, all for something they kind of feel slightly but don't grasp the idea of what it MEANS to be an AMAZON, so when I say I am upset that Attila died at the hands of Yvette it’s because I sense that something is off my gut tells me - ‘cheat’ - I just haven't figured it out as to how, - yet.”

    The Client at the far end of the table said “You’re just upset because one of your so-called Amazons got beat by a better fighter,” to which I started at him and had guards on me in a second, then he would not shut up, he got smart mouth with me and said, “It’s true!” Tayla said, “God, why can't they shut up?” She closed her eyes, the guards let go of my arms and I picked a Steak knife up and hit the loud mouth in the shoulder with it, the blade sunk into the hilt in his shoulder - I love Silver Steak knifes, they are balanced well. I sat down now with guard around me, the Captain calmed down and said, “OK, how is Attila's Death at the hands of Yvette different than if she were to die at your hands? Dead is dead.”

    I said, “It’s not the same thing, Amazons lust to fight, when we fight we are making love to each other, we strive to be better, we fight with everything we have and if we die fighting with our sisters we know that the better Amazon won, but we helped make her better, something you would never grasp,” to which the Captain replied, “So when she fought Yvette she lost to a Better Amazon, are you not happy?” To which I got up and told the guard, “If they grab me again they will see what a true Sioux Amazon's power is.”

    I looked at the captain and said, “She is not an Amazon, she is a want to be, she does not have the skills or the Abilities to beat someone like Attila.” He smarted off, - “And yet she did.” I just walked out with Angelina and Monique, Sue and Tayla and 3 others from Rome and Missy running behind us, “Boy you sure told him,” she said, I was not in the mood. Angelina and Monique my to Amazons from Rome said goodnight.

    Fast forward to Rio, August 6th, we pulled into port and Anchored in the harbour and watched the beach from out in the harbour; Dr Martin took our Blood tests and urine tests, I passed. Then they made a point of showing us around Rio, I had been here once before with Rachel, we passed the empty lot were I fought the Nazi ****, the tree was still there but it had flyers and lights all over it, I said, “Well, things change.”

    They led us around Rio showing us the sights and the beaches, we did a photo shoot down there on the beach, then they showed us the Mayors Mansion where we would do our catfights. We sat down to dinner with the clients and the other groups and they told us that we would have the next day off, so all day on the 7th, I soaked and rested, I don't think I even left my room.

    August 7th 2014
    We are changing ships, our new group’s yacht is here, they are the ones who took me & Tammy to Mississippi. And this will take us closer to home once the Tournament is over. Time to relocate. Ok well I need to pack and go to my new quarters. See you in Rio, then, God willing, in Knockemdown key at Florida Keys.

    August 8th 2014
    On board this Yacht they have me in my same cabin, it almost feels like going home. I'm back on the same yacht they had us on for my Mississippi run, the captain said hi he was glad to see me.

    The whole ship is for the four of us and the rest of their groups, while we are anchored, then after today’s matches it is whoever is the last 2 fighters, then they travel to Knockemdown Key.

    We’ve not seen any more sharks, oh, but we’ve already been seeing dolphins, they are quite playful with the ship, we had some swimming in front of the ship and they been swimming around; when we stopped they swam off. They like to ride on the Bow wave, I know that when the ship moves we attract them, it’s like they are racing us, like they are saying ‘look at me I am fast, come on let's, race, I can beat you, I am fast.’ I know the cook threw a bunch of clean fish over the side for them and they were like, ‘well thanks.’

    The morning of the 8th, we took the liberty boats ashore and drove to the mansion, Missy was busy Playing to the fans, all the while, me and Angelina and my group sat there quiet, waiting. Yvette looked nervous and kept looking around to see if anyone was looking at her, I told Angelina to be careful, ‘DON’T let her pull any tricks.’

    She smiled and kissed me and in a thick Italian accent she said, “For you, my love, I worry my heart. God loves me, he watches me; I will humor you my Queen I love you, we Love you.” I said, “Just be careful, my gut regarding Yvette is reading Cheat!” Angelina bumped me with her shoulder and smiled, she said, “I will beat her ‘our’ way my love, Amazons.”

    First up, me and Missy Strong Arm (Armstrong), Miss Scotland with her heavy, heavy, Scottish rolling Accent, not quite the same geographical area, but she reminded me of Mel B from the Spice Girls, she used to be Scary Spice.

    Anyway, Missy jumps in the ring and starts Show Boating to the Clients, flexing her muscles and abs and legs, then she does the hoochie, hoochie,, cupping her **** because she could not get them to flex like me.

    I climbed into the ring to a worked up clients with betting streaming at almost 50/50. Missy got mouthy and said, “Well, time to put ya worthless *** ta bed, ya *****,” I just shook my head, she had made a point of pissing me off already by mocking me and mocking my family history; she started off the Interview on the 7th with - her Clan ruled the north countries for 18,000 years before the English came to Scotland and they got moved to Reservations and the English killed her ancestors at the battle of Stone Henge, which used to be a Reservation, - of course, she was making all this up, kind of mocking me, my family and my history.

    While the others stupid enough to believe her ****, ate it up, the rest laughed at her for the Joke and laughed at me, - arrogant little *****. So needless to say, I was already pissed off standing here in the ring, she flipped her red-blond hair back and bounced around the ring, fists raised acting like an old style 1780 prize fighter waving her hooked fist. I walked forward and she said, “Boy you really are a hard *** *****, you have no humor,” then the bell rang >> DING <<.

    I showed her how fast I was, - before the bell was half way through the start of its sound I hit her twice in the mouth, - I know people said they thought I moved but they were not sure I hit her, Missy's head snapped back and she spun around and went down on one knee before getting back up and staggered.

    She shook her head and turned around to yet another punch, I hit her full force >> SMACK <<, my right fist retracted and she fell on her ***, her **** bounced from side to side as she looked up at me; I stood in the center of the ring, she said, “Dam, you’re quick, but not as quick as me, you fat cow *** mare, you're dead.”

    She rushed me in true brawler fashion with fists going hard from windmill hooked lefts and rights. Those punches work great when you're fighting a target like a punching bag, but Punching bags don't hit back, Punching bags can't block, they just sit still and get hit, that’s what punching bags do.

    She came in wailing punch after punch, I made a point of not hitting her, I Blocked every punch and kick she threw, so for her it was, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left; kick, kick, kick; left, right, kick, right, left; left, right, left; kick, right, to which I blocked all of them which made her pissed off even more. So she decided to pick up speed with a repetition of the same ‘workout,’ only faster, right, left, right, left, etc for about 35 more repetitions…

    Again, I blocked all her attacks, at that point she is gasping for air, she took gulps of air, so while she was breathing heavy and trying to catch her breath, she decided to try and catch me off guard and do what is call in the WWE as a SUPER SIDE KICK and she very quickly lunged in with her right heel in a sweeping side kick aimed at my Abs and I took it, - I braced for her kick in a T stance and caught her ankle as I took a half step back with her impact; I said, “MY turn!”

    I grabbed her knee and ankle and lifted her up in a hip toss throw by her right leg and swung her *** into the corner, she landed hard, back and shoulder first, as I followed her she looked up to me beating her in the **** and abs with several Heavy rights and lefts combos and pounding her breasts into her ribs along with hitting her in the ribs. She tried to cover up so I started to punch her arms and her fists, she held her right and left fists up trying to guard from my attacks, I punched her fists and they bounced back and hit her in the face several times, so while at the moment I had not hit her in the face she had hit her self in the face resulting in a bloody nose and red eyes and busted mouth.

    She screamed for a break, I stopped and backed off, she limped for her corner, her right knee had a huge knot swelling up near her outer calf and her abs were turning reddish purple, I cooled down and Sue asked me if I was sparring with her or fighting her, I said, “I am showing her what it means to be an Amazon. She fights press & pin Barbie dolls like Tanya Danielle or Chesty Moore and the rest of the ***** style fighters, she is not in the leagues with MMA fighters or Catfighters, she could not fight Ronda Rousey!”

    Unknown to me at the same time I am fighting missy, Angelina is fighting Yvette and at first break for my match with Missy I can not leave to watch the fight, if I do I forfeit the match. I sent Tayla to watch and help Angelina if she needs it.

    I get some message that tells me Tayla told her to tell me that Angelina is fine she is kicking Yvette’s *** all over the ring in spades, which made me feel better. Sue tells me to stop playing around with Missy and tosses the Ice bucket over my head, soaking me, Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. She says, “Show us what an Amazon is baby, they don't think you’re real, prove it, prove them wrong!” The bell rang >> DING <<.

    Missy came out bouncing up and down shaking her **** and she says, “Your luck just ran out *****!” She lunged at me with a drop kick, which is a finisher move, I spun out of the way to the right and circled as I savagely slammed down on her with a double AXE HAMMER blow to her **** as she went past me, her body hit the floor in a heap, >> BOOM <<.

    She gasped for air as my fits crushed her left breast in her ribs with the force of 2 sledgehammers pounding down on her chest, she sucked in air as I field punted her left shoulder and ribs, from the back she rolled 3 times to a stop near the ropes, as I walked over, she was still unclear as to what had just happened, her coach yelled at her to get her fat *** off the floor and fight.

    She woke up out of her daze as I yanked her off the floor by her **** in a death grip and hip tossed her over my right side. She screamed out as I yanked her again off the floor by her ****, sinking my claws in her breasts and lifting her in a dead lift by her breast over head, she grabbed my arms and sunk her nails in and tried to knee my breasts and face, she pounded my **** driving them in my ribs then I POWER BOMBED her hard on the ring floor, the floor shook, >> BOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMM <<.

    She kicked and held her back and rolled on the ring floor gasping for air, I grabbed her hair and yanked her off the floor, my hands knotted in her hair I yanked her into a leaping knee to the face, at that point everyone saw BLOOD, she hit the floor hard I hold her hair and scalp in my hands and blood covered her face and jaw, she lay spread eagle out over the ring floor and she spit blood.

    I straddled her abs and tucked her arms under her back, she was dazed and confused as to what was going to happen to her next as I savagely beat her breasts with rights and lefts, with clients counting as I punched her breasts to bloody pulp, purple and red blue, swollen to twice their size so her 44C cups were more like 44 FF cups of *******d agony.

    As she sobbed, her cussing me, she started with that she would kill me and passed out at 89 punches with, “Please stop!” Her **** tore open from my beating and swelling, I bit her ******s off and tossed them to the side as she peed out, her coach tossed in the towel and they asked her if she wanted to quit, she agreed.

    Ok, she AGREED to stop the fight, and at that point I agreed to stop the fight, I got up and started back to my corner, she got up and went back to attacking me. She had her chance to walk away, her **** were trashed, she could not take any more, but instead of walking away and healing and having the Doctor patch her up and try to sew her ******s back on she says ‘oh I can win this, I gave up already but now I can win,’ she drilled me in the back with her knee and an elbow to the back of me head, that was it as far as I was concerned.

    I spun around and she was busy trying to kick me with a knee to my face, I moved left and blocked her knee (Actually I hooked her leg in a lift and body slammed her on the floor), she screamed, I turned her over in a chin lock with my fingers locked under her chin, she was **** down on the floor and as I yanked back, her neck broke, >> CRUNCH
    <<, She flopped and spasmed, I got up, she was dead and shaking, the final twitching of nerves. The ref raised my hand in victory. I washed off and they drug her out of the ring, I ran to the other match.

    Angelina was lying on the floor lifeless with Yvette standing over her, I asked, “What happened? - WHAT HAPPENED??” Yvette ran to her group and slid out of the ring, everyone got in my way, Angelina had no marks on her, just a few scratches on her breasts, but Yvette looked like she got the holy **** **** beat out of her, bloody face, left eye swelling shut, bloody **** with purple and red splotches and bites.

    Having virtually won the fight, suddenly Angelina collapses in the ring AFTER Yvette called for her break, and of course we later learned she had been poisoned with Snake Venom, the same as Attila, (see page 15 of the 2014 Tournament Diary).

    Yvette (Miss Bulgaria, Commander Death the Crimson Killer,) got her *** kicked but then some how, I am not sure how, she managed to get Angelina drugged, she killed her; I think it’s her nails; she is painting her nails with some poison.

    After the matches Friday I told Frank my suspicions and my thoughts, the judges asked why, I said because her getting her *** beat up then suddenly she comes back in the last few seconds and wins? How does that happen? So they reviewed the match.

    Yvette gets her *** handed to her, gets her breast started on by Angelina, then for some reason unknown to anyone, Angelina falls to the floor in a dizzy spin.

    Regaining her focus and realizing what’s going on, Yvette finishes the fight quick and backs away, she breaks Angelina's neck then rolls back on the floor and waits for her hand to get raised then leaves the ring, so I explain to them my feelings, it’s the only one that makes any sense, her nail polish is poisoned, she had it on her hands, since she was so called clean in her blood test, she didn't have weapons on her, leaves one option, - her nails. Poison counts as a weapon.

    So they check the body of Angelina and Attila for poison in the blood in wounds, - 2 hours later, - Positive for a type of Venom, Snake, mixed with the nail polish, we didn't ask which type.

    Seven judges and two other groups from Italy and New Zealand both agree; we found the bottle of polish and 3 shots, one is a fast acting Steroid with Adrenaline and one of pain killer, - some type of synthetic anabolic type. The 3rd shot was a poison, straight poison while she was clean for the fights. I can only guess the shots were for her fight with me.

    Yvette will fight me on the 13th, but it’s not for the tournament, it is for Bulgaria to stay in the new group at all, through some ****ed up decision they are allowing Big Brenda from the Dominican Republic, a second chance and she will fight me on the 13th as well as Yvette, same rules, same outcome.

    Yes I will be fighting Yvette but it’s not for the tournament, they are cutting her nails and stripping them down to the bare nail then painting them with my nail polish like Piers suggested. All of her shots are being stripped from her, if she wins, then the Bulgarian team gets to stay in the new group.

    Also on the 13th, I fought Big Brenda from the Dominican Republic to the death as well as Yvette. Brenda focuses on Dirty catfight tactics, she was the self proclaimed **** and ***** death fight Queen, she had bulky muscle, she looks like at one point in time she was heavily into steroids and getting big, so the Question becomes, ‘how clean is she since she lost to Yvette back in La Paz?’

    Did she go back to using steroids and drugs in her training? Well, she has to be checked today, same as me, but because of the new **** that the Bulgarians brought to the table 2 days ago, they are checking for a much wider range of drugs and Steroids and now everyone will be checked over from head to toe for weapons and other possible stuff. So the Bulgarians have agreed to fight for their right to stay in the group. So I ended up fighting both Brenda and Yvette at the same time.

    The match with Big Brenda was to be at 12 noon Aug 13th 2014 on Knockemdown Island in the Florida Keys. Last night Aug 12th we were sitting at the interview on the ship with the local Adult **** industry there because a lot of the sponsorship money was coming from them. It seems that the market that is driven from Show time and the ***** industry are going to open up a section on a small basis for NUDE WOMEN MMA because of reality TV and because of MTV's failed attempt at trying to make a Catfight League for TV. A few people have stolen the IDEA and from the reviews of the more violent HBO true blood and Showtime Pictures (Sparticus Blood and Sand) that they are willing to entertain the IDEA of women’s NUDE MMA.

    Put short, they wanted both Big Brenda and I to give our versions of how the catfight would go, with a brief commentary from each other during each of our dirty catfight tales. At a flip of a coin, she told her tale first, this battle of Tales meant that the more damage I did to her the guys in the Audience kept shooting their loads over and over. So Brenda was pissed off at the fact that I made everyone ***, our interviewer shot his load 3 times as I ‘killed’ her with a drowning face sit, as I orgasmed down her throat she made a weak gurgle sound as she got angry and left the table mad as ****.

    She made more threats and started screaming insults; by contrast I was very calm, I asked if we were done, she said yes, so I got up and flexed and I think I killed one of the Audience, he fell on the floor and peed his *** out in a spasm, he looked like he had a seizure or a stroke, his **** was angry red and purple as he literally made a puddle of sperm on the floor and passed out.

    It turned out that the fight did not begin until 3 pm with both Brenda and Yvette.

    Sara White Doe vs. Big Brenda and Yvette in a double death match.
    Needless to say, the end round was a **** and ***** catfight to the death, they had set the tents up on the inland beach and waited for all the bets to be called in. Brenda came in flexing her muscles and cupping her **** and doing spin kicks and she milked the clients for their approval; “Who wants to watch me rip the **** off of a weak pathetic has been Amazon who has you all brainwashed that she is better than what she is?? Time to milk those **** bloody *****!” She pumped her arms and flexed more, I was already mad, so I just let her run.

    Then they introduced me, everyone stood up applauding, they were actually clapping me, which pissed off Brenda more, so she came out giving them a nude show and they give a few cheers but I walk out and warm up and they are standing up and clapping; I flex my chest and they frisk us for weapons, Brenda said, “*****, you’re licking my **** and then I am killing you!” The referee made a point of lifting my **** one at a time, I asked if there was something wrong, he said no, just never seen them this big before!

    “Ok ladies, at the sound of the bell, fight,” he said. >> DING <<. She started with a lunge, claws to my breasts, which I let her grab, it was fine by me, I had not had a good what every one called a filthy catfight or a nasty fight in a bit. So I latched onto her breasts and started to tug her **** in twisting death grips, yanking her around the ring floor, she squealed out as my claws dug in as I squeezed her breasts in a death grip and she clamped down on my **** digging her claws in my flesh, she sobbed and yanked my **** in different directions, I yelped out loud.

    She kept saying, “*****, *****, *****, - you *****, - *****, GOD you *****!” I said, “Ok, fine, I am a *****.” I drilled my knee in her **** hard with three brutal hits which raised her off the floor, >> WHAM << WHAM << SMASH <<, she gasped a silent scream, as I head butt her in the nose I heard >> CRACK <<, blood covered her face and my face as I drove another few sets of knees in her ****, this time, I got the results I wanted, >> WHAM, SMMMACK, SPACK <<.

    She cried out as I destroyed her **** on her pubic bone, her inch hooded **** was crushed to a bloody broken fleshy nub, she screamed and I yanked her over my right side in a *** toss, her hands found her ***** and held her mound as she cried out in pain, kicking her heels on the floor. Blood ran from my **** and ******s from her claw marks and gouges down my breasts.

    As she tried to get on her knees holding her wounded mound, I drew back and field punted her right breast trying to do as much damage as I could so that later I could rip her **** off, - solid >> WHAM << to her right ***, - it smashed up and slammed her in the face with a wet >> SPLAT <<, she squealed out loud.

    Right at that time, I got pounded from behind, a three fold hit, kick to the back of my left leg, elbow strike to the back of my head, followed by a grab to my hair, yanking me around and swinging me into the turnbuckle. I fell into the turnbuckle **** first and got drilled in the back three times with knees.

    At that moment it hurt and I was groaning with each hit Yvette reached around to grab my breasts and yank me around which was her first mistake, I grabbed her wrists and bent them up in a reverse manner and slammed my head back catching Yvette in the chin, I felt the >> CLACK <<, her head went back and I twisted her wrist hard in a full crank right and out and she screamed, she dropped to her knees and I slammed my knee in her face hard >> SMACK <<, her head snapped back and I gripped then raked my claws over her right *** in bloody furrows, she wailed.

    I kneed her face again >> CRACK <<, her head shot back and she tried to dig up in my ****** with her right hand, she clawed my **** as I slammed a third knee in her face, >> CRACK <<, blood ran down her **** and face, she was seeing stars, she dropped on the canvas; no one said anything, I think mostly because they knew what was going to happen.

    Brenda had recovered enough to get to her feet and try to mount a attack again this time she tried to kick up with her left leg at my ***** and she cried out in pain and doubled over as blood ran down her thighs, I offered my hands in a test of strength to her, she grabbed my hands and started to force her arm strength, claws sunk in the backs of my hands as I gripped her hands, she flexed her arms and her biceps, then I flexed mine, I gripped down on her hands and she screamed and I screamed and I shoved back.

    I had crushed her right ring finger and her pinky was broke; in some ways, people seem to lose sight of how painful that is, other’s don't seem to think it matters, trust me, it does, when you go to throw a punch it matters a lot. Brenda called for her break.

    Brenda had one dislocated finger and one broke, first thing they did was to tape her hand, which in a way, was cheating, they wrapped a small cork from a wine bottle in her right hand and relocated her dislocated finger. Talk about a scream from ****, she cried a scream in agony that was ear splitting! It’s still cheating, something for her pinky finger & ring finger to curl around while they were taped together, not that it was going to make any difference, the match would end the same for her, if she lost, the clients were very clear about what they wanted to see, they were paying big money to see the finish with bloody **** and a woman’s sex tore out of her and her **** utterly destroyed; they didn't care if it was me bloody and my **** ripped in half or off, or her, but they did want to see it; then it was made worse or better, - I will let you decide.

    I turned my attention to Yvette who had decided to join in the party rather early in the fight. Yvette sided with Brenda as a two on one catfight to the death, with the Bulgarian team, the French, (Who did not get their wish about the **** and ***** harness fight) sided with them and the Dominican Republic group asked for it to be a 2 verses one fight; suddenly I had ****ing 35 ******** all asking to change things mid stream, the French Judge also sided with them, which actually made me super mad.

    I screamed at them in front of the TV monitors “You’re breaking your own rules!” They voted and then they did one thing that had never been done before, - they asked me, - they also offered more money, but they asked me. Still mad as ****, I agreed to the match, but I told them it was not changing anything, I will not pull my punches, they agreed and you should have seen the money on betting change on odds; those that knew me they left their bets, but most changed, they went with the odds, needless to say, I was about to make a lot of pissed off people.

    Sue and Tayla washed me down and cooled me off, Tayla kept telling me where she thought Yvette was weak and Sue kept telling me to keep moving, as well intentioned as it was, I think that made me even more angry; I know they wanted to help me,

    I know they care about me and, - well, - the only one who can do this or be in this fight was me. The truth? Not many Pro-fighters have done what I have done, so when this happens, the fight rules in my head change, I move from battle plan to react fast and attack, - my thoughts and actions are one and the same, when I think ‘punch,’ it has already happened, it’s the same for any of my attacks. The bell rang, >> DING <<.

    I knew they would attack from two different sides, - why? - Because that’s what I would do, - typical Pack hunter mentality, so you change to fight multiple foes, the trick is to drive it in a way that they have no choice, they have to work side by side, give them the illusion that they have no choice but to stay side by side, this is where it takes effort on my part, I have to show them the truth that they are out matched, or at least, convince them that they are out matched.

    I see Yvette’s eyes circle down and to my left and Brenda is coming straight to my right front, they rush forward and my spin kick is a blur, - Brenda never saw the spinning back chop as I pivoted on my left foot and leaped side ways with my right heel. Yvette didn't realize my target was so small as My heel struck her hard, >> SMACK, >> CRACK <<, my right heel hits her throat as my right forearm / elbow slams Brenda in the nose and cheek, both end up on the floor, Yvette gasping for air and Brenda turned her back to me.

    My next move was a Spinning heel AXE kick, my right heel chopped down between her shoulder blades on her spine, she gasped loud and crashed face forward in to the floor; I quickly move to Yvette as she scrambles to her feet, I field punt her in the ribs, she rolls over and lands next to Brenda at her left side.

    Brenda reaches back, feeling a body next to her she grabs Yvette’s right *** in a death grip and so realizes that she is not me, they spin and face each other, the mental hook is set, they now believe that the only way to defeat me is to attack together at the same time; if it had been anyone else, they would have been right, but I let loose with Master Kempo, Karata and Kung Fu - 7 martial styles, mixing Leopard style Kung Fu with Kempo I focused on what I wanted to destroy.

    They got up and faced me, both rushed forward, both lead with their right fist and right foot forward, I side step to the left, swing my right foot back in a T stance and stand on the ball of my left foot, knee slightly bent, then here comes both punches, Yvette aims for my face because she is pissed off and Brenda aims for my center chest between my ****, - she has decided that she is going to try and hit me hard enough to stop my heart.

    They reach the point of no return on their action, I leap with a twist, my right leg slams forward catching Brenda in her unguarded solar plexus and both my open hand chops strike home with blinding speed. Seven hits unanswered as my chops are divided up between them, - Yvette gets hit in the throat and nose and left eye, as I knife strike with my fingers Brenda's throat and I punch her twice with hammer blows to her nose, followed by an elbow across Yvette’s face, they both roll back, each one shaking her head.

    I grab Yvette first, she doesn't feel it until it’s too late, - I shove my hand deep in her ****** and grab her cervix, that gets her attention; yanking her hair back, I lift her off the floor by her crotch and hair and ram her into the turnbuckle face first. She blocks the turnbuckle as I yank her from in side she wailed in horror. I counted off in my head 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, Brenda hits me right between my shoulder blades right on time, >> SMACK <<, she was close enough to do a wing horse heel kick, her right foot came up and I felt wetness as I hit her **** and mound.

    My hand still inside Yvette, savagely, I yanked with a rip, Yvette stood on bent knees as her insides were yanked down between her legs, blood covered everything; Yvette passed out laying on her big **** on the floor as I turned to Brenda…she led with her left, I head butted her punch as hard as I could, I Felt the punch >> THOCK <<, but I heard >> CRUNCH, SNAP <<, blood covered my face, Brenda's first and second knuckles and fingers were broke and bloody.

    I step jump stomp kicked her between the breasts, her big 44E's spread out over her chest as she rolled backwards over her head landing on her ***. I leaped into a baseball slide with both feet and kicked her in the **** knocking her in to the corner, she was dazed, I tied her hair to the ring corner, I took a step back and leaped into a bronco buster on her chest and face; her head not going anywhere, I savagely ****ed her face, locking my legs around her head in a reverse face sit I started to grind her hard, bouncing up and down as I gripped her **** in a death grip; she screamed in my crotch and I orgasmed down her throat, she spluttered and gurgled, kicking and kicking she passed out.

    I yanked her to her feet and started to tie her in the ropes and she slowly woke up, her legs spread wide, I started to take her apart, crushing her pubic bone to busted shards I started on her breasts, biting off both ******s, I dug my fingers in her breasts and pulled, blood, veins, fat and milk ducts run out as her breasts tear apart, I yank them off to hang on the floor for the judges.

    Next up was Yvette, her trainer kept insisting her fight was over, I said, “NO! You wanted her in this, - she is here, - deal with it.” I drug her on her **** by her uterus across the floor to where her team mate was, dropped her, got on her back and yanked her right breast in a tearing fashion, as my nails dug in, she screamed and clawed my arms as I tore her right breast free, blood covered the ring floor again, 5 minutes later as I tore her other breast off in the same fashion she flopped on the ring floor as I stood on her neck and yanked what was left of her sex out of her; she screamed in hellish agony as ripped her out.

    Brenda, rather pale now, was spitting at me to tell me to **** off. I shoved my fist deep in her ****** and yanked, 5 minutes later her womanhood was on the floor. I ripped the rest of her breasts off.

    The referee checked for a pulse on both women, and needless to say there were lots of boos, but I also got some cheers from the other gamblers. Anyway, so now you know what ended the match and the Tournament. I washed off and was given my money.

    We are back at the Keys, Key West where we are stopping for some fun tonight, dancing and drinks, dinner and some Cockfighting competitions involving Greek and German nude Cockfighters, then tomorrow; we are heading out to Mississippi and heading back up the Mississippi River to go back to Indiana going via Clarksville IN down by Louisville then home, eventually, a drive of some 2 ? hours. The journey home, still on board the Yacht, began up a very hot Mississippi then by road to home.


    [h=Sara White Doe]3[/h] Piers Knight
    MGM Grand Hotel Las Vegas July 26, Amanda.
    mgm grand hotel las vegas - Google Search

    La Paz Baja July 29, Miss Jamaica, Fran.
    la paz baja california - Google Search

    La Paz Baja California is North of Cabo San Lucas, which we passed; it looked great when we saw it from the boat:

    Cabo, San Lucas.
    Cabo San Lucas - Google Search

    Cancun, Mexico.
    Cancun, Mexico - Google Search

    Panama, Aug 1st Juanita, AKA Miss Mexico,
    Panama - Google Search

    Rio de Janeiro Aug 8th Miss Scotland, AKA Missy Strongarm

    Knockemdown Key, FL Aug 13 Big Brenda and Yvette AKA Crimson Killer

    After the tournament, on the way home they called at Cuba to restock and refuel and they were invited to a series of private catfights at Mr Cole’s mansion on St Thomas (We may write these private matches down at a later date).

    Cuba Refuel and restock

    St Thomas

    Edited by Piers Knight.

    Copyright ? 2014. White Doe / Knight. All Rights Reserved.
    Last edited by PiersKnight; March 21st, 2021 at 05:30 PM. Reason: Correcting errors.

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