Usual Nasty warnings etc.

The match was the talk of the fights schools for some months afterwards. Luckily for Silver her disgrace had to a certain extent had been overshadowed by latter events. The death of the Gaijin redhead had caused a shock to the audience of her team mates but she unlike her partner was not particularly popular and her rein of fear across the girls at Nagawi had even reached as far as the seniors at the school. It had also enabled two death duels to be cancelled, and thus cleared the air between the teachers at the two schools. The public announcements and speeches after the bout also covered up the facts and referred to ?serious injuries? and a flight back to Ireland to ?recover?. The live web feed that had gone out had as usual a secret two minute delay enabling the school board to doctor the feed to edit out the scenes at the end of the fight. In the end the big controversy everyone was talking about he next day was caused by the boys cock guillotine fight, or lack of said fight. The two hunks who were to put their tools on the line, or to be more precise on the block, had both gone round to the girl of their dreams house that afternoon to pick her up and take her to the match. They found her in bed with her girlfriend. Understandably this rather took the edge off their willingness to put their cocks on the edge of a blade and thus both refused to fight causing severe loss of face in both schools. However as the teachers were only going to lose face as opposed to something rather more important no bullying or threats of punishment could change their minds.
The whip fight however had been a great success. The stage for the whip fight was erected atop the normal ring. It consisted of a narrow walkway running around the ring edge above the ropes and then a matrix of similar catwalks crossing and recrossing the ring area resembling the British flag all some six feet above the ring and ten feet above the gym floor. The whip fights rules were simplicity itself. The fighters would chase each other around the narrow catwalks using the whip as their only weapon and the winner was the first fighter to knock their opponent off three times into the ring, a fall onto the concrete floor of the arena would end the fight and normally also brake bones. Fighters were naked except for high heel strap shoes, elbow length opera gloves, and a moulded face mask. The toeless shoes had six inch spike heels so making running on the clear plastic walkways dangerous and even keeping your balance difficult. The opera gloves, in school colours red for Mina and orange for Ichigo, would give some protection when trying to defend against the whip strikes, and the plastic white moulded masks, with all but unnoticeable eye lenses, were glued to the students face making them resemble kabuki actors,. The mask would stop permanent scaring and blinding from the 12 foot bull whips the fighters were armed with and the whips were adapted slightly to limit their lethality, they would cause vicious red welts but not cut to the bone, but strikes to particularly sensitive areas would cause bleeding as well as the obvious excruciating pain.
Ichigo had fought a pretty girl with a pronounced Kansai accent even stronger than her own. Mina was younger and slightly shorter than the H school fighter but both had the muscled but wiry build of gymnasts. The younger girl's breast were very small and yet to develop but she had two inch long teats pointing a challenge at Ichigo's own excited erect nipples.
After five minute hard working both girls were cover in sweat and crimson whip welts. Red stripes marked their young bodies as the whips cracked and whistled. Both girls had aimed for the obvious delicate places made available to them. Mina had the more consistent aim and her whip had stripped lines of purple and red across both of Ichigo's delicate buds. The whip also caressed Mina's tits leaving its red stripe of pain across both teats. She fell back staggering on her high heels holding up her gloved hand to ward off another attack while she quickly regained her balance on the spikes. Ichigo immediately changed target and the whip curled round the thigh of the other Japanese girls and cut a red furrow across her dimpled ass cheeks. Bent low to get her balance Mina sent out her own twelve foot of buffalo hide to seek revenge. In her excitement and due to an unfortunate slip on her high heels Ichigo had had to spread her legs to keep balance on her spikes. The Whip cut straight into the red slit of the Hokkaido school girl stopping her dead and instantly causing blood to drip from her slashed sex meat. Both the taller teen?s teats were also weeping blood but she had also scored some nasty slashes across the other Asians body. When their gloved arms moved to protect their breasts both had switched to the other girls slit until the arm had come down to protect their tortured clits and then the target had returned to cutting welt across their tenderized breasts. The whips crossed and recrossed their hairless crotches and cut red furrows across their pert asses. At the gong Mina had used her better markswomenship and footing to move swiftly across the main diagonal at Ichigo forcing the other fighter to run around the edge risking a slip on her high heels to the concrete below. Both squealed as the leather hit their bodies and having chased the more inexperienced girl around Mina suddenly found the tables turned when with a vicious strike to her cunt it was she who was staggering on the 6 inch spikes along the foot wide catwalk with Ichigo in hot pursuit. Her eagerness was Ichigo's undoing as her haste to get nearer to the sobbing Mina and add another red cut to her pretty ass she lost her footing and with a thud landed heavily across the plastic catwalk. Her trained reflexes had saved her from falling but she lost her hold on the whip and that left it dangling on the wrist leash. Rolling over to get to her feet she was suddenly tugged with a wail straight off the walkway to land with a stunning crash on the canvas of the ring six feet below. Mina had capitalised on the other teens difficulties and had deftly wrapped her whip like a leash around one of the spiked heeled boots of the other japans girl and bracing her legs so she would not fall on her own spikes had heaved Ichigo into mid air.
Ichigo?s hip had taken a nasty bang and a bruise started soon to spread across her pert thigh. In the five minute break both teens had their bodies sprayed with pain killing lotions and their worst cuts, particularly those on their teats and clit were treated with special grease. Its sting made both young Asians wince and sway in the arms of their naked lovers who were acting as their seconds. Mina, who preferred girls to warm her bed, had a tall muscled senior in her corner caressing her softly and oiling her naked torso. Ichigo was fascinated, this was strictly forbidden at Hokkaido, but she had always thought of girls as much more attractive than boys. Ichigo?s latest bed warmer was in her corner but she ignored him looking with longing at the two girls across the ring from her. She was jealous of this freedom Mina enjoyed, things might be different for her if she was allowed to love where she wanted.
The second ?fall? also went to Mina but after a long nasty duel. Due to her stiff thigh Ichigo was not so fast on her legs and chose to stand and fight it out. Even though Mina seemed to hit twice for every one of the other teen?s cuts both were whimpering and crying from the pain within a few minutes. The masks eye glasses had a rimless bottom to stop them steaming up and also to allow the tears of the fighters to stream down the white plastic. Salty water was dripping off the cold plastic onto their red bloody breasts as both squealed at the whips slashes and sobbed with the pain. The taller Asian was finally beat to her knees by Mina's attacks and then showing her more skilled control of the whip she curled the leather around the other Japanese teen?s neck. Mina tugged the noose tight and pulled her panting sweat, blood and oil coated opponents glistening body off of the catwalk, but the other teen had no intention of giving up easily and she desperately flicked the whip around Mina's arm. Even as Ichigo toppled off of the platform she yanked the other teen off balance. Mina?s heels slipped from under her and she landed with a thud on her boyish bottom and then to her horror her sweaty ass slipped across the plastic catwalk and she also found herself in space. With mutual screams both teens? reflexes sprang into gear. Ichigo's body spun round enabling her to snatch hold of the very edge of the plastic walkway saving her from crashing to the arena concrete. She hung on desperately gritting her teeth against the protests of her aching muscles. Mina jack-knifed and found herself hanging over the shorter drop to the ring with her back to the other Japanese teen. Heaving herself up so that her small budding chest was now resting on the cold plastic of the gangway Ichigo swung her left leg up so as to climb back upon the catwalk. Mina however had other plans and the more experienced whip fighter had a nasty surprise for the less skilled girl. Even though starting with her back to the other sweating teen Mina swung herself round and then while holding on only with her left hand she regained her whip from where it hung on her wrist by its strap. By this time she could see under the catwalk where only the lower half of her opponent?s body was now visible as Ichigo had regained some sort of safety laying across the top of the walkway. However Mina knew she would have one perfect chance at her opponent?s most tender spot and just as she expected the muscled shapely legs of the other teen vixen split wide open as Ichigo swung her left leg up to the plastic catwalk. The whip whistled and cracked.

<font color="#a62a2a"><font size="1">[ June 29, 2007 04:41 AM: Message edited by: johnsmith2007 ]</font></font>

<font color="#a62a2a" size="1">[ June 29, 2007 07:22 AM: Message edited by: johnsmith2007 ]</font>