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Thread: Often Lethal Real Life Female Fights - 2007 Update

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    Senior Hostboard Member Ted Mark's Avatar
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    Real Life Female Fights

    Every time I wonder "what's wrong with me?" I look at the TV or read a Newspaper and say "Oh, everyone else is MORE CRAZY than me... I can relax!"

    Sunday Mirror, ?Aug 22, 2004 ?by JAMES HARPER
    A GIRL has died after being stabbed in a street brawl.
    Katie Wills, 20, was found slumped in the street after a 999 call to the police
    She was rushed to hospital but she never regained consciousness.
    Two women, one aged 35, were arrested at the scene of the fights in Eltham, South London.
    A 21-year old man was arrested later and all three were being held in custody yesterday in connection with the stabbing.
    But a Scotland Yard spokesman said: "At this stage we are keeping an open mind about any motive and the full circumstances surrounding the incident.
    Teenage Girls Involved in Knife Fight in Waldorf
    Posted on May 19, 2005:
    On May 11 at 2:27 p.m., Charles County Sheriff's officers responded to Moffit Place in Waldorf for the report of a fight involving juveniles. Investigation revealed a 15-year-old Waldorf girl exited a Charles County school bus at a stop and became involved in a physical fight with a 16-year-old Waldorf girl. During the fight, the 16-year-old brandished a knife and cut the other girl, causing the other girl minor injury. Both girls were charged with Second Degree Assault and Affray and the girl with the knife was charged with Carrying a Concealed Deadly Weapon. Cpl. K. Wilson is investigating.
    15-Year-Olds Knife Fight in Waldorf
    Posted on October 31, 2005:
    On Oct. 29 at 10:35 p.m., Charles County Sheriff's officers responded to a residence in the 3100 block of Gatwick Court in Waldorf for the juvenile fight report.
    Upon officers arrival, they observed a 15-year-old Waldorf girl holding a knife, in an argument with a 15-year-old Waldorf boy. Cpl. S. Brown attempted to make contact with the girl and she attempted to cut him with the knife.
    She was charged with first degree assault and is being held at Waxters Juvenile Facility in Baltimore
    Two Mobile girls stabbed during after-school fight
    Mobile AL

    Two girls stabbed each other with the same knife during an after-school fight involving five female middle school students, Mobile police said.

    'A good little girl' killed in brawl:
    12-year-old 'disrespected our...'

    Chicago Sun-Times, Nov 25, 2006 by Shamus Toomey

    A street fight among girls and young women in West Englewood went from violent to tragic Thanksgiving night when a 12-year-old was fatally stabbed in the chest and neck.

    Laura Joslin, a sixth-grader who liked to write poetry, had come to the aid of her older sister in a melee down the street from their bungalow when she was stabbed, relatives said.

    "She was only 12," Laura's sister, Brooke Wright, 20, sobbed on Friday.

    It happened about 9 p.m. Thursday in the 7300 block of South Claremont -- not long after Laura and her family had finished their holiday dinner.

    Police were left shaking their heads over the motive offered by the young woman being held in the murder, an 18-year-old who was still being questioned by police Friday and had not been charged.
    According to a police source, the woman told investigators the brawl started because "they disrespected our house."
    "In all my years . . . I still don't understand this one," said the source. " 'They disrespected our house.' "
    Wright, Laura's sister, offered a different scenario, saying the 18-year-old -- a young woman from the neighborhood who occasionally waved when she walked by -- came to fight a neighbor.
    "A girl came down here intentionally to fight with the girl next door over a boy," Wright said. "The girl next door said she didn't want to fight. [But the girl with the knife] said, 'We're not leaving until we fight somebody.' "
    Girl chases mom with butter knife

    By The News-Record staff
    A mother-and-daughter fight that allegedly started with an elbow from the mom ended with the girl wielding a butter knife.

    Police Cpl. Steve Wageman said an investigation continues into the fight that took place in the home on 1600 Maple Avenue about 6 p.m. Sunday.

    According to reports, the 37-year-old woman had hit the 15-year-old girl with an elbow earlier, leading to an argument that eventually led to the girl chasing her mother through the house with a butter knife.

    The fight then took an ugly turn when the girl grabbed the woman by the neck.

    Police responded, talked to other family members, and determined the girl should stay with her grandparents for the night, Wageman said. The case will be forwarded to the Campbell County Attorney?s office for possible charges.
    Don't fight at the Magic Kingdom
    May 22, 2007

    Three teens and two adults were arrested at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom after deputies said they spat on guests, cursed and brawled with an Orange County deputy, according to a report released Monday.

    The arrests took place at about 11:15 p.m. Sunday, after Rose Dipietro, 20, Brian Guilfoil, 19, and three teens, all of Shirley, N.Y., were detained by Disney security for being unruly and possibly drunk, according to a sheriff's report.

    The group threatened the security officers, who called for help from sheriff's deputies. When one deputy tried to intercede, Guilfoil pushed the deputy while his companions rushed into the fray, the report states.

    Security guards and deputies rushed to the deputy's aid, and the deputy used his stun gun against a 17-year-old girl.. The five suspected brawlers were arrested for felony battery on a law enforcement officer and other related charges.

    Dipietro and Guilfoil were booked into Orange County Jail, where they were released Monday afternoon on $2,300 bail each.

    The teens -- girls 17 and 16 and a 14-year-old boy -- were taken to the county's juvenile detention facility.
    Knife Fighting in the Streets of Briton

    By: Chris Pizzo
    Some people think that the only solution to violent crime is to take guns off the streets. To appease potential voters politicians eagerly create new laws they say will prevent crime.Proof of how futile these efforts are can be seen in the United Kingdom, which although has very strict gun laws the UK youth are cutting each other down in the streets with knives.

    In London alone, 52 teenagers a week are victims of knife violence. Also according to the Metropolitan police, knives are the weapon of choice in a third of the murders.

    Another growing problem is the 169 gangs that call London home.

    Nationwide a child is stabbed to death every two weeks. Knife homicides outnumber gun homicides three to one, and this figure has only increased over the last five years.

    Some children treat knives as a fashion accessory and carry them to be cool. Others in fear for their lives carry them for protection. Boys have been caught bringing machetes, knives, sharpened screwdrivers, and even swords to school.

    Carrying knives is not restricted to boys alone and girls have been caught with blades hidden in items like lipstick tubes. In one case, one girl stabbed another in the eye because she didn't like her music.
    Teenager charged with murder


    AN UNEMPLOYED teenager accused of murdering pretty student Sian Simpson, 18, has been remanded in custody. Sian was set upon and stabbed to death after she tried to act as peacemaker in a row between her cousin and another girl.

    Today Chelsea Bennett of Gilroy Court Hotel, London Road, Croydon, appeared before magistrates charged with her murder.

    She was remanded in custody to appear at the Old Bailey on September 27.

    A second 18-year-old woman has been released on bail to return to a south London police station next month.

    Horrified witnesses told how a mob of 15 white girls fought three black teenagers before fleeing when Sian was knifed.

    Sian, who hoped to become an accountant, collapsed seconds later as her white top turned red and blood poured from her mouth.

    She was dead on arrival at hospital, the first girl to be killed in a London street war that has seen six kids knifed or shot dead in a year. Sian was killed by a single knife wound to the heart.

    The row erupted between Sian?s cousin Chantal, who has a baby son, and a pregnant girl over whether Chantal?s boyfriend was the father of the unborn tot.

    Witness Annie Naine, 49, whose flat overlooks the scene in Croydon, South London, said: ?There were insults flying ? I heard one girl say, ?I know who the father of my baby is, what about you??

    ?Suddenly the row boiled over and punches were thrown. Two girls were pulling each other?s hair and I saw a guy running towards the girls carrying a large knife.

    ?He handed the knife to a small white girl. I saw her pull her arm back and plunge the knife into the black girl?s side. The girl flung the knife away and started to run. Suddenly the screams stopped and there was a terrible hush.?

    Horror ... cop on guard as pals gather at spot where Sian was killed and, inset, Sian's aunt Cheryl

    A local boy said: ?It was like a pack of animals fighting. It was white girls fighting black girls, 15 on three, the worst fight I?ve seen.?

    Sian?s dad Joseph, 41, wept as he said: ?She was a good kid ? bubbly, bright and beautiful. She got on with everyone. She?d always help her friends but was no trouble-maker. It?s just so stupid what happened. In my day there was trouble and fights but I don?t remember girls killing girls. I can?t believe people do these things.?

    Distraught aunt Cheryl Simpson said Sian, of Croydon, was ?a wonderful sweet girl, always smiling and very ambitious?. A former pupil at Hayling Manor High School in Croydon, she had just taken her A levels. Cheryl added: ?She went to help her cousin and paid with her life.?
    Video Of Girls' Fight As Parent Watches Circulates On MySpace

    POSTED: 5:52 pm EDT April 26, 2006 UPDATED: 12:01 pm EDT April 27,

    Police in Fresno, Calif., are investigating video of a brutal fight between girls posted on showing a parent apparently watching the beating, according to Local 6 News. IMAGES: More Images Of Fight

    Videotape of the fight, which lasts about 7 minutes, was recently posted on MySpace. A woman can be seen standing over the girls and watching the scuffle. Fresno police said they know who the girls are but they don't know who filmed the fight and who posted it online. If the person who put the fight online is an adult, they could face charges, Local 6 News reported. Both girls involved in the fight were suspended from Fresno Unified, according to KFSN-TV. School officials are also investigating the incident. Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.
    Jessica Simpson vs. Lindsay Lohan is the real fight

    The basic fight is Lindsay is mad at jessicsa little sister ashley for going out with her lindsay is mad at the whole family...also the main thing Lindsay is getting called jealous cause shew cant keep a boyfriend and jessica is already married... and lindsay is jealous of jessica! can you say GIRL FIGHT!
    Girl fights downtown

    Kevin Roderick Hilary E. MacGregor attends an underground girl fight in the downtown warehouse district. If by underground you mean with a publicist, at 11 in the morning, and the fights are being taped for a DVD. The blood, at least that's real. The story is in the L.A. Times Calendar section so you have to be a subscriber, but here's the link.

    The underground "scene" is the creation of a 29-year-old woman who will identify herself only as "Marie," but who made herself available for multiple media interviews, from Penthouse to the Los Angeles Times. Marie, a partner in Demolition Pictures, organized these fights, she said, so she could shoot them for a DVD, which she planned to market for $19.95 over the Internet, "Bumfights"-style. She hopes to next spread her "scene" to Detroit, Atlanta and Chicago... That this underground scene exists only because she created it to sell as a commodity to people who want to feel edgy and in the know without ever leaving their living rooms does not bother Marie.
    'Girlfight' Star in Alleged Girl Fight
    Living up to the title of her movie, actress Michelle Rodriguez is arrested on assault and harassment charges after an incident with another woman, say police.
    WEDNESDAY MARCH 20, 2002 01:00 PM EST
    By Stephen M. Silverman

    Sultry actress Michelle Rodriguez, who played a boxer in the 2000 film "Girlfight" and who appears in the new movie "Resident Evil," was arrested Saturday on charges of fighting with another woman at her apartment in Jersey City, N.J., reports New York's Daily News. Rodriguez, 23, was free on bail Tuesday after the alleged skirmish, which got very physical, according to police. A 22-year-old woman, whose name was not released, told authorities that Rodriguez punched her in the face and pulled her hair while she was lying in bed talking on the phone in Rodriguez's apartment. Rodriguez blocked the door when the woman tried to escape, according to police, but the woman said she escaped after biting the actress's arm. (Rodriguez was later treated at Jersey City Medical Center for the bite.) Police and witnesses told the News that the melee moved to the street, where Rodriguez pulled the other woman's hair and punched her in the face, they said. Police labeled the incident a case of domestic disturbance, though they were uncertain as to the other woman's relationship to the actress. Rodriguez pleaded not guilty to assault and harassment charges and was released on $2,500 bail, according to the News. A hearing has been set for April 3. According to the news, Rodriguez, born in Texas, moved to Jersey City with her mother and some of her 10 brothers in 1990.

    MAY 20, 2005
    British Model Catfight: One Ends Up Topless

    hose wacky British models! Lauren Pope and Penny (who apparently has no last name) got into a catfight over men. Typical.
    A Model ends up topless on the pavement ? in an amazing catfight outside a top club over two Premiership footballers.
    Lauren Pope, 21, and pal Penny left London?s Funky Buddah with Southampton?s Peter Crouch, 24, and Celestine Babayaro, 26, of Newcastle United.

    As they were about to get into a taxi they were confronted by two other girls.

    The rival pair were shouting: ?Oi, we were talking to them.?

    Lauren ? who kissed clubbing Prince Harry last year ? had a spat with a girl called Kat.
    Penny, 21, went to her aid but had her top pulled down as Kat?s friend piled in. But bouncers stopped the fight.

    A witness said: ?Crouch and Babayaro looked stunned. You don?t expect to see glamour girls toe-to-toe in the street.?
    I'm sure they enjoyed the free tit show though.

    A parting shot:

    file 1466493


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    HB Forum Owner MikeJV's Avatar
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    I'd say I was surprized by any of that, but I'd being lying like a cheap rug. And "the law" is concerned about MADE UP stories of teens fighting? SHEESH! How about kids just being able to go to school without worrying if they'll be alive at the end of the day to go home? *shakes head*


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