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Thread: Blue Mary vs Bonne Jenet

  1. #1
    Senior Hostboard Member Malcore's Avatar
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    I was very bored last night and I felt like I wanted to give you all one more story before I take time to write that longer one. So this one-sided little beating was born.
    In regards to Jenet's chest being a bit bigger (and fake!) when compared to the offical measurements, it's partly creative license and partly a zing at the fact they draw her chest wildly different in sizes in every official art. And this is even by SNK standards.
    As always, your comments on this and future stories are more then welcome.

    Blue Mary 88/54/85
    Bonne Jenet 96/57/89

    The King of Fighters 2008 tournament saw a fight between two gorgeous blondes, Blue Mary and Bonne Jenet. This fight was for the championship and everyone knew it was going to be a brutal fight, with two babes walking in, and one having to be carried out, unconscious or worse. Somewhat anticlimactically, this final bout of the worlds foremost fighting competition was to be held in a bar.

    The two female fighters stood face to face, staring each other down. Blue Mary could not help but notice that B. Jenet seemed a bit bustier than when she last saw her fighting on TV. Oh well. Almost simultaneously with the announcer?s cry of ?fight? Blue Mary launched out with an explosive straight jab right into Jenet?s gut. The fist sunk deep into the busty pirates flat stomach causing her to double over and vomit almost immediately. Most of it landed on the wooden floor, but bits of it managed to dribble off of her chin and pretty face and onto her cleavage.

    Blue Mary smiled. This was going to be easy.

    Grabbing Jenet?s golden locks Mary stood her foe up erect while she just moaned. Mary gave Jenet two successive hard slaps to the face that snapped her head either way before locking driving another fist, much lighter this time, into her gut which still caused Jenet to spit up a bit more and double-over once more. Locking her arm around her hunched foe?s neck, Mary ran at the bar?s counter taking Jenet along with her and at the last second released Jenet and lept over the counter. While Mary landed gracefully and safely on the other-side of the bar?s counter Jenet slammed face first at full speed into the hard wood with a sickening crack that knocked her back and straight on her butt. Mary quickly lept over the counter and mounted her gorgeous foe?s chest and started to rain boneshattering punch after punch into Jenet?s face.

    Within six minutes the blonde bombshells face had become a ruined mess. Her full lips had ballooned grossly into cartoonish proportions, her right eye was swollen shut and her left one very nearly so, her teeth could now be counted in one, maybe two, hands and large black and blue bruises covered the whole of her once pretty face. Getting off of her moaning and completely out-of-it foe Mary stretched and smiled. She was going to enjoy this part. She bent over and grabbed Jenet?s hair once more, causing her to yelp as she was forcibly stood up. Although Jenet was somehow able to support herself on her wobbly legs, that was about all she could do as she stood before her gorgeous foe and drooled.

    Her stupor would be penetrated however, when Mary drove a massive uppercut straight up and under Jenet?s left breast, causing the pirate girl to shriek and the tit to pop out of her dress. Not one to pass up a prime opportunity, Mary quickly grabbed hold of the shapely orb and began to squeeze ? until she noticed the breast was unusually firm. ?Bitch has fake tits!? she mused to herself ?I fucking knew it!? she then decided to pepper Jenet?s large, fake, tits with punch after punch, relenting only after a full ten minutes, by which point the two orbs were completely covered in bruises and had swollen to about two and a half times their normal size. Jenet simply stood there, moaning. She was too weak, it seemed, to even fall down.

    Mary carefully slid Jenet?s dress off of her, leaving the now even bustier girl clad only in her thong. Mary then drove the two most powerful punches of her life directly into Jenet?s once gorgeous breasts, explosively popping her implants and causing two large streams of silicon to shoot forth from her nipples, and a truly ear-shattering scream to shoot forth from her mouth. Mary stepped back while the pirate fell to her knees clutching her ruined tits. Her work was almost over.

    Bonne Jenet had entered this fight one of the most beautiful women in the world and Blue Mary had already sure she would leave it one of the ugliest. All that was left now was for the finisher. Something nice and flashy. Mary knew just the thing. Grabbing hold of Jenet?s legs she dragged her over to one of the tables (tall with circular tops and a single leg for support) and spread them, the pole directly between her legs. She then got on the other side of the table, grabbed each of Jenet?s legs in either hand, and pulled. Hard. Jenet?s crotch slammed into the wooden pole with enough to break the pole in half and completely shatter her pubic bone. Needless to say, she passed out and Mary was awarded a flawless victory.

    Mary went on to claim the title of Queen of Fighters and fight in many more tournaments, while Jenet went on to claim a lengthy stay in the hospital, enormous bills, and the most humiliating defeat in the history of the tournament.

    <font color="#a62a2a" size="1">[ June 19, 2007 09:35 AM: Message edited by: Malcore ]</font>

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    HB Forum Owner MikeJV's Avatar
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    Inactive Member Chaoswolf9's Avatar
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    Awesome man!! [img]cool.gif[/img] Love the fighters you picked! both very sexy and down right brutal action!!

    Keep up the good work!

  4. #4
    Senior Hostboard Member Malcore's Avatar
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    Thanks so much for the praise! And no worries, I don't plan on stopping any-time soon.

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