Hi everyone.

Unfortunately, due to the closure of yahoo groups, many very good and interesting stories have disappeared from the web. One of such groups was the KandiBox group.

Most of the group founder's stories can be found on the author's profile Kandi6 - Writer | DeviantArt

The other writer of the group is tj-lesnig DeviantArt: 403 - most of his stories are not published on Deviantart.

As a token of appreciation to both authors, I am publishing their stories here. All rights belong to the authors. Feedback for the authors is welcome.

Justice Battle: Sam v Julie - Part 1
By TJ, Constructive comment welcome at [email protected]
Justice battles: A world where justice is determined by brutal boxing bouts

Sam's pulse raced and butterflies fluttered through her stomach as she stood in a ring
for the very first time.

She fiddled with her cloak, unwilling to remove it, wishing she'd never committed
herself to this ordeal through a challenge she'd made when severely provoked and now,
in front of countless baying watchers, she'd have to stand almost naked wearing just a
small pair of almost sheer black panties and knock out Julie, her one time friend, or
be knocked out herself.

Julie's turn to step into the ring and Sam's butterflies increased 10 fold as Julie,
with no apparent concern whipped away her cloak to cheers from the crowd and started
bouncing on her toes, loosening her shoulders with some quick and agile shadow boxing,
her firm, modest breasts jiggling in time with her dancing movements.

Sam had no choice, the ref was waving everybody out of the ring and Sam's corner, the
ref and the crowd were waiting impatiently for Sam to remove her cloak and come forward
to fight. She reluctantly slipped it off her shoulders and passed it to Jane her
appointed corner. Jane's lips moved but the roar of the crowd as Sam's large pendulous
breasts were revealed drowned out this last minute advice and Sam, blushing red, had to
step into the centre of the ring.

The ref announced to the crowd 'A grudge match, Julie, standing 5' 8'' in red panties
challenged by Sam standing 5' 4'' in black, to a fight to the finish using 6oz gloves.

1. After a knockdown a fighter has 20 seconds to resume fighting or continue after 1
minute after receiving a penalty breast punch.

2. If a fighter cannot make scratch after 1 minute she has lost the round and as a
forfeit she will remove her panties. She will then have 5 minutes to prepare for the
next round.

The ref then looked meaningfully at both Sam's and Julie's panty clad crotches before

3. There are to be no low blows to the panties however, should a fighter lose her
panties then obviously this restriction no longer applies.

4. Finally, I will broke no time wasting or unnecessary counts.

There was a brief pause and the ref announced 'begin'.

Sam suddenly realised that Julie was flying at her; a right fist hit her on the cheek
before she had time to do anything. Crack! her head swam as it was jerked back and
around and she lurched back both of her gloves rising up after the event then both
breasts were hit with horrid, sickening force, a left and a right impaling her
vulnerable 'D' cups the gloves sinking in deep, flesh billowing out around each glove
as it sank to the wrist in Sam's tender flesh. Sam squealed and her guard now dropped
allowing Julie to curtail the scream with a blow full on the lips. Sam had no idea
where she was, or what to do, each blow sent her another step back, her guard was,
well, she didn't have one, she was just following Julie's fists after the event and now
her guard, rose up again to her face and her swinging, pendulous breasts took uppercuts
this time, fists striking hard into the underside of each breast flinging first the
left and then the right up to slap against Sam's upper chest, sick tearing pain dragged
Sam's guard down again as she lurched into the ropes and bounced back into a haymaker
of a right which crashed into the bridge of Sam's nose.

The next awareness that Sam had was the metronomic chant of the ref '7, 8, 9, 10' and
the next was the acrid smell of smelling salts and Jane asking if she was alright. She
gasped, 'urghhhh' which Jane obviously took to mean 'Yes, I'm fine thank you' as now
she slapped her face and said, 'come on, get with it! Unless you want to be beaten to a
pulp, fight! 'Get your guard up and watch what Jane's doing. It might also help if you
try to bloody well hit her!'

Jane's annoyance was partly, well mostly if truth be told, down to the fact that
seconds in these contests were paid for how long they could keep their fighters going
should they lose, or very much more for a win. Jane didn't see a win and it looked like
a loss in very short order was in store so she was miffed, just a little.

'15, 16, 17' the ref continued as Jane said, 'come on, up you get and this time wake up
and stay on your feet'.

Sam allowed herself to be helped up at 19 and the ref with barely a glance said 'box
on'. Suddenly Julie was flying at Sam again, Julie's breasts leaping high up her body
as she leapt forwards. Sam jerked her head back as she failed to bring her guard up in
time, but at least she rode the blow as it just glanced of her cheek. Again though
she'd left her breasts exposed and this time Julie's right sunk into the side of her
left breast and through the tissue thwacking the breast into its neighbour and sending
that in turn lurching out to the side of Sam's body. Sam hissed as her left ******
burned with pain from the glove which rasped over it and then a deeper sick pain
exploded from the glands within as her outstretched **** was crushed by a straight left
turning Sam's hiss into a despairing cry.

Somehow she couldn't get going, she was being massacred. She lurched back, her breasts
already marked and starting to swell, the taste of blood in her mouth and her ears
ringing from her knock down. She looked up at the almost laughing Jane who was again
advancing, relaxed and sensing no danger with her fists half raised preparing to strike
again, she looked at those pert pale breasts that she'd found her (now) ex boyfriend
fondling, twirling his fingers around her stiff pointy ******s and the rage she'd
needed since the fight began hit her in a wave and she exploded into manic action. Her
face in a twisted snarl her drove her right fist dead centre into the almost black
bulls eye of Julie's stiff ****** of her right breast. She saw the breast distort as
her glove sank in, the ridge of flesh that creased up above her glove as she struck
slightly uppishly into the breast, the swelling to the side as flesh made way for her
glove to strike deep and crush Julie's glands and then Julie's body shaking as the
power of the blow hit fully with the glove hard up against Julie's chest wall crushing
flesh against bone. Sam saw this in slow millimetric slow motion, the growing shock and
pain on Julie's face, a face that her left glove now hit, jerking back, her gaping
mouth snapping shut as Sam's fist cracked into Julie's jaw, spittle flying up from her
mouth in an arc above her head as her head whipped back. Julie's turn to raise her
guard as she staggered back and Sam followed up crushing both breasts with fierce
straight drives. Julie managed to retaliate and Sam felt her right breast explode with
pain as Julie hit it full on, driving down from just above the ******, but Sam kept
throwing punches and hit Julie's belly with a firm straight left, the blow making a
clear thwack as it struck and then a right twisted Julie's face aside as it crashed
into the left cheek. Julie, in turn hit Sam's left breast with a right uppercut and
gave herself just enough time to scamper away from Sam's next blow, a left which fell
just short of the retreating Julie.

Both fighters were now blowing hard and took a few moments to gather themselves but Sam
used her new found rage and anger to drive herself on. She flung herself once more at
Julie desperate to sink her fists once more in Julie's pert firm breasts. Driving
forwards and flinging a right and left fist at Julie's breast Sam had to stretch and
lean forwards as Julie quickly swayed back causing Sam's leading right to fall short.
Julie now fluidly reversed her retreat and swivelled, turning her right side away from
Sam's left fist she let loose with her own two fists at Sam's swinging *****. First a
straight left crushed Sam's right **** stooping her dead in her tracks as, still
driving forwards, her momentum added power to Julie's blow causing sickening pain to
burst inside her breast as her mammary glands were crushed. Sam could only groan in
agony as the pain bit deep within her and then her eyes widened in horror as she saw
Julie's right fist, unstoppable, drive up towards the same breast striking up at the
still compressed breast barely an instant after Julie's left fist had retreated.
'Arghhhh' Sam screamed as she felt Julies glove strike and grind against her breast,
her poor **** swelling up above Julie's impaling glove.

Sam, driven up onto her toes, quickly tried to gather herself together but Julie gave
her no time. Suddenly, Sam's head was whipped around as Julie's left crashed into her
left cheek and Sam, desperate to break of, lurched back her minimal guard useless to
protect herself as Julie's attack continued remorselessly. A straight left crushed
Sam's right breast again, then a right uppercut hit the base of Sam's left breast
swinging the heavy breast up hard to slap against her upper body. Sam dropped her guard
and now Julie aimed higher with a left right combination into Sam's face. Sam felt her
nose scrunch under the impact of Julie's left and jerked her head back perfectly for
Julie's right to target the point of her chin.

Sam never felt or saw the blow to her chin. She went down as if shot, limp body falling
backwards to fall flat on her back, arms outstretched at her sides whilst her large
breasts surged up and then swayed back, belying their size and weight to point their
******s proudly up to the ceiling despite the bruising and swelling that marked them
both, especially the right.

Sam's second raced in and with a douse of cold water and smelling salts Sam came
coughing back to life, groaning as she was eased up to a sitting position. The ref was
already passed 12 in his count, '13, 14, 15' counted the ref as Jane helped Sam onto
her feet, trying to impart some useful advice, but really there wasn't time as Sam
needed all the 20 seconds to bring herself back to full consciousness.

The ref stopped his count and paused just long enough for Sam to take in the smirking
Julie and explode inside with anger and determination to crush her. So when the ref
waved box on Sam drove forwards at Julie and now paid the price for blind anger and
inexperience. Sam's wild combination met thin air and she stumbled forwards into
Julie's driving fists, a fierce right that struck flush on Sam's left ****** and then
with Sam stopped dead in her tracks Julie's left swung across ripping through the
outside of Sam's right breast tearing it across Sam's body sending both breasts flying
out to the side. 'Ahhh' yelled Sam as burning sickening pain burst in her breasts and
she re-doubled her efforts to hit back at Julie. But her frenzied attack just left her
open and as she strove and pushed on at Julie her breasts were struck again and again.

First, an overreaching Sam was leaning forwards and Julie sunk a left and right into
the top of Sam's hanging right breast, the first blow struck solidly into the top
flank, flesh billowing our beneath the glove and then as the breast bounced back it was
met by another glove that tore across the flesh at a more oblique angle, dragging and
stretching the breast down Sam's body as the glove rasped across the taught stretched
flesh leaving a red welt in a vertical stripe across breast and ******.

And so it went on, Julie playing matador to the incensed bull that was Sam. An
advancing Sam was stopped in her tracks by fierce straight drives to her heavy breasts
and then Julie played swing ball, striking across Sam's breasts sending them swinging,
first one way and then the other making sure that her gloves rasped across the tender
flesh, especially the ******s, abrading the skin into angry red blotches dulled by the
growing dark bruising within. Sam's breasts swelled with the punishment and each punch
drew an ever more anguished groan or yell until with a feeling of desperation she drove
herself forwards once more onto Sam's fists.

'Arghhhhh', Sam's scream overlaid wet splat as Julie's fist splashed into Sam's now
turgid right ****, sweat flinging up around Julie's glove as it sank deep into tortured
flesh, but Sam gritted her teeth and forced herself forwards grinding her breast into
Julie's glove, her face twisted in agony as she drove Julie backwards towards the
ropes. Crowding Julie she managed to strike into the relatively unblemished flesh of
Julie's left breast, the pert **** squashed flat under Sam's glove, but in return her
own left **** was struck twice with two quick, short, rising jabs that penetrated deep
and hard hitting up into the base of the breast, and then a third blow struck up into
Sam's right breast but still Sam forced Julie back, her face a picture of pain and
despair as she rode the waves of pain and tried to break through Julie's defence. Sam
finally scored again with a right handed cross body shot that struck solidly into the
outside of Julie's left breast, the shock of the blow rippling through Julie's breast
as it whipped across her body and then she leapt forwards driving her left in a fierce
straight punch towards Julie's face.

Suddenly Julie wasn't there and Sam's punch and momentum sent her careering towards the
ropes and into a hard right that crashed into Sam's left cheek snapping her head around
and turning her body so that it fell awkwardly sideways into the ropes. Sam bounced,
her legs useless as she was virtually out on her feet from the head shot she'd just
received and now was reeling back into the ring trying to gather herself together. But
as her legs started to give way Julie sent a clean one two crashing into Sam's face.
The first shot, a left between the eyes, sent Sam's eyes rolling back in her head and
her body totally limp as it started to crumple and then the next shot, a right
uppercut, crashed onto the point of Sam's chin just as she'd started to drop and in
almost comic slow motion Sam's head snapped back and her body arched backwards to crash
heavily onto the ring floor.

Sam's second Jane rushed in to help as the ref started a count and slowly a terribly
groggy Sam groaned back to awareness, but already the count was on 15 as Sam started to
struggle to her feet. Jane though, held the still groggy Sam down whilst whispering
urgently into her ear, persuading Sam to stay down and take a minute pause. The ref
reached 20 and announced, 'Sam has one minute to regain her feet and re-start the
fight. If she does so she will receive a penalty blow to the breast otherwise she will
have lost this round'. A large clock now started a count and ropes dropped from the
ceiling above Sam's corner.

As the clock counted down Jane was talking earnestly to Sam who was now propped up,
sitting down in her corner. At first Sam listened mutely, totally demoralised, her
breasts swollen and ******s abraded almost raw by Julie's wicked fists which had either
powered deep into the tender flesh or whipped across and through Sam's heavy danglers,
but as the clock counted down Sam started to respond positively, her head lifted and
nodded at Jane's suggestions and so, when at 50 seconds Sam got up to her feet, it was
with head held high and a grim determination to try and turn the fight around.

Sam did her best to ignore the pain in her terribly swollen breasts, bruised and
abraded by Julie's gloves they ached with sickening intensity inside, the sheer weight
of her big breasts telling against her as they pulled down on the abused glands inside.
Her ******s were raw and abraded erect, the slightest breeze across them added to the
burning pain she could feel in them. Looking across the ring at Julie, almost unmarked
in comparison, at Julie's smug expression, her pert breasts and lithe body looking so
at home in the boxing ring could have destroyed whatever determination and resolve Sam
had gained from her corners advice but instead her resolve gathered strength and she
nerved herself to accept the coming punishment in turn for whatever she could dish back
at Julie.

Jane attached the dangling ropes to Sam's gloves and almost immediately Sam's arms were
dragged hard above her head and she was dragged back to rest firmly against the corner
post, her legs were stretched apart and pulled back and fixed slightly back of the post
so that her buttocks and upper back especially were drawn tight against the corner
post. Her breasts although flattened out by this pose were also drawn up and her two
large, swollen glands jutted out invitingly for Julie to hit. And, Sam realised, when
Julie did hit her pose and position was such that the full force of Julie's fist would
be absorbed by her breast.

The ref beckoned Julie forwards and with barely a pause Julie powered her right fist
into the centre of Sam's right breast. 'Arghhhhhhhh' Sam screamed as burning pain
seared through the heart of her breast, a breast that exploded away from Julie's glove
as it penetrated wrist deep, waves of breast flesh radiating violently away from the
invading glove and then as the shock and pain struck Sam her body went into spasm, her
breast heaving in aftershock. Sam had never felt such deep, invasive, sickening pain
and she slumped down to her knees cradling her right breast the moment that the ropes
released. Immediately the ref went into a count and it was only as the ref reached 15
that Sam, with a pain wracked face, slowly got back onto her feet to face the grinning

Sam followed the first bit of advice from Jane and quickly moved into the centre of the
ring before Julie could attack and then watched warily as Julie confidently strode
forwards. As soon as Julie was in range Sam faced a barrage of shots aimed at her
breasts but slowly retreating with her head tucked down low and her guard protecting
both ***** and head she avoided a direct hit as 4, 5, and 6 punches thudded into her
gloves and upper arms. Julie was getting frustrated at chasing the retreating Sam and
changed her aim higher, instantly Sam ducked down under Julie's fist and driving
forwards Sam eagerly drove a quick one two low into Julie's taught belly. 'Uh, uhhh'
exclaimed Julie over the crisp smacks of Sam's gloves and she stepped back breathing

Sam was pleased as Julie retreated, 2 red marks visible low on her belly, but Julie,
stung by Sam's blows, took just a couple of deep breaths and with Sam's guard casually
low, she leapt with lightning speed with a swinging right to the inside of Sam's right
breast. 'Arghhhh' Sam groaned as her breast was hit hard, Julie's glove driving the
breast out to slap against Sam's side as it hit hard, crushing and grinding across the
internal glands. Sam's face screwed up in anguish and she just barely defended herself
against Julie's follow up left, then as Julie drove a straight right Sam dropped and
using her left arm to deflect Julies glove high she stepped inside and drove her right
as hard as she could just inches above the waistband of Julie silky panties. 'Umpfff',
Julie groaned and reeled away bent forwards her left glove clenched low against her

Sam thrilled as her glove sank into the soft tender flesh of Julie's lower belly and
from Julie's reaction she knew as Jane, her second, had told her that she'd come close
to finding Julie's uterus and so she quickly chased after the retreating Julie who,
bent forwards with her left glove low protecting her lower belly had left her small
pert breasts undefended. Sam wasted no time and blasted a quick one two into each of
Julie's dangling apples forcing Julie to straighten and attempt a jab which Sam brushed
aside and dropping under Julie's driving fist Sam was in perfect position to drive a
powerful one two into Julie's belly, first a left struck just below Julie's navel and
then a right drove lower still, full onto the red welt of Sam's earlier right and Julie
oompfhed out much of her breath and tried to fold over, but Sam shouldered her back
upright and back into the corner before driving a vicious right as low as she dared.
Julie's rear thudded into the corner post as Sam's fist struck, just barely above the
plunging waistline of Julie's panties. Sam felt an almost sexual thrill as she felt her
glove strike and penetrate down towards Julie's sensitive organs and, helped by the
fact that Julie's bum was hard pressed against the corner post, Sam's fist sunk deep,
forcing Julie's lower belly into an unnatural, distorted, concave shape as flesh and
organs were compressed by Sam's fist forcing Julie into an agonised 'urggh' as what
little breath was left in her lungs was expelled in a short explosive gasp sending
spittle arcing across the ring.

The ref immediately started a count as Julie pitched to the ring canvass, first
dropping to her knees with her mouth gaping and eyes bulging with shock and pain before
folding over to rest her head on the ring floor and then toppling heavily onto her
side, drawing her knees up so that she finally lay in a foetal position.

Julie's second rushed into the ring and quickly eased Julie into a sitting position,
hunched forward with her back against the ring post. Sam watched with satisfaction as
an ashen faced Julie battled slowly to regain her breath. Sam was herself breathing
hard and she now took the opportunity to rest, leaning over the ring ropes with all
self consciousness gone she was giving the crowd an awesome view of her bruised and
swollen breasts as they gently swung and heaved in time with her quick deep breathing,
sweat glistening and trickling down the bruised and *******d flanks to drip from her
turgid ******s, swollen doubly by Julie's rasping gloves and sexual thrill caused by
her recent success.

Sam could hear the count progressing and at 15 seconds she pushed herself up away from
the ropes and turned to see if Julie would make it. Julie was on all fours, head
hanging low with her sweaty hair dragging on the ring floor whilst her second bent over
her whispering encouragement and instruction. Then, using the ropes to help, a shaky
Julie hauled herself to her feet and her second slipped out of the ring just as the ref
reached 18. Julie was hunched over, face drawn and still very short of breath as the
ref waved box on.

Sam quickly leapt into attack and Julie, following instruction, tried to clinch and
threw herself forwards as if to embrace Sam but Sam was quick enough to react and she
stopped her own charge and instead swept up her right fist into Julie's body, almost an
uppercut, Sam's fist angled up into Julie's midriff just above the navel and hit with a
sweaty thwack. Julie gave out an anguished, strangled, eek and instantly her shaky legs
lost all strength and it was only Sam's fist embedded in her body that was holding her
up, but only for a moment as Julie fell forward once more to the ring floor.

This time Julie was not so badly hurt but, still winded from the earlier blow she took
almost another full count before she once again was on her feet and the ref waved box
on. This time Julie did not try to clinch, instead she retreated as quick as she could
as Sam chased after her, trying to get an angle for another belly punch and with this
single minded intent Sam relentlessly pursued Julie who was content to evade punishment
and retreat as she slowly recovered.

After what seemed liked minutes of fruitless chasing and throwing punches at thin air
or into Julie's gloves Sam started to slow down and tiredness made her sloppy. Sam
threw a right and as Julie darted backwards she stretched forwards in a vain attempt to
make contact and, missing, she stumbled and almost fell and she threw both arms out to
catch her balance as, unable to stop she took 1, 2, 3, 4 short uncontrolled steps
towards Julie and suddenly Julie was on her and with her first stumbling step her left
breast exploded in agony as it was impaled by Julie's right fist. Sam couldn't stop and
through the sickening pain time slowed and she could see Julie's left powering towards
her right breast. Her eyes tracked the glove as it came towards her, wet leather
gleaming, she was still shrieking in pain from the first blow as she watched the glove
strike and sink into the flesh, she could see her breast begin to bulge and balloon up
and then the pain struck as the glove compressed flesh against bone, her forward
stumble grinding the glove into her sensitive flesh giving impetus and volume to her
initial cry. With each stumbling step Sam met a punch and with it a tearing sickening
pain... each punch tore into her sensitive glands, compressing the already swollen,
bruised and *******d breasts. To Sam it felt like her breasts were being flayed open
and ripped from her torso as Julie's punches drove deep into them, not just punishing
her milk glands but tearing at the ligaments that held the huge bulk of Sam's breasts
to her chest wall... With just the first punch the pain was so intense that her world
disappeared. In her head she was screaming in intense agony but though her mouth was
wide open and her face contorted no sound emerged.. and then the 2nd 3rd and 4th punch
struck, each with more ferocity and punishing impact as her body fell towards Julie's
perfectly timed hard driven punches..

Desperate, still lurching towards Julie, Sam needed to do something and as yet another
blow arrowed towards her swinging left breast, Sam's eye's fixed onto Julie's taught
stomach and purely from instinct she drove her right fist as hard as she could,
changing her stumble into a desperate drive forwards needing her punch to connect if
she had any chance to regain her balance.

Both punches struck at the same time. Hit flush on the ****** Sam's right breast
exploded out around Julie's glove and Sam felt a searing, intense sickening pain that
grew and grew such that she felt her breast must have been burst open and her entire
body became locked rigid as she shrieked in absolute agony unaware that her own blow
had an equally devastating effect on Julie. Driving downwards, Sam's blow had hit Julie
just millimetres above the waistband of Julie's knickers and easily penetrated her only
weakly tensed muscle shield so that as Sam shrieked Julie gasped out her entire air
supply in a single violent gasp a crumpled around Sam's deeply penetrating fist and
fell heavily backwards to the ring floor whilst Sam wheeled away sinking to her
haunches and cradling her breasts, sobbing with the sickening agony of her punished

Sam's world had concentrated into the sickening pain that coursed through her breasts,
she wasn't aware of the ref counting for Julie, nor of Julie's strangled gasps for air
as she writhed weakly on the canvass defying the efforts of her second to revive her,
all Sam could do was ride the waves of nauseous pain that assailed her and threatened
to make her pass out. Finally Sam did what Jane her second had been praying for and sat
fully down on the ring floor and Jane was able to fly to her aid as, with Julie's count
on 15, the ref started a count for Sam also.

Jane went quickly to work, sitting Sam up against a corner post she prised Sam's arms
away from her breasts and the crowd gasped as the two hugely swollen orbs tumbled down
Sam's torso, blotched all over with dark purple bruising, the glistening skin taught
and stretched as the breasts seemed to be visibly swelling still, her red raw swollen
******s looking like they were about to explode. Jane gathered Sam's two gloved fists
up and held them up in front of her face and spoke intensely 'look, use these and
you've won this, Julie can't take low blows but you've got to box clever, not like the
last few minutes. If you only try to hit her down there it's too easy for Julie to
defend, so work her all over, hit her face, her breasts, and then, when her guard is up
go back downstairs. Do that and you've won.. understand?' and then with no response
Jane almost screamed out 'have you got it?, do you understand?' and then more quietly
'you can take her, just box clever like I said, now come on, on your feet quick'.

Sam was on her feet just in time as the ref reached 19, but Julie was still being
attended to in her corner and the ref announced 'Julie has 45 seconds to rejoin this
round'. Sam wished she were anywhere else but in this ring with Julie, she didn't see
how she could survive another punch to her breasts but then in a front row seat she saw
her ex boyfriend, his face alight with glee at the spectacle in front of him and the
visions of him and Julie making love that she'd witnessed came flooding back, and with
it an intense anger started to replace the hopelessness that had assailed her.

She stood up straighter and strode across the ring towards Julie's corner where with 10
seconds to go Julie was being restrained in readiness to receive her breast punch and
continue the round. Legs spread and tied back, her arms tightly bound above her head
pulling her up so that she was held in a taught X position her back firmly against the
corner post. Her comparably unmarked breasts were stretched almost flat by the erotic
pose but two perky ******s set in small dark areola defined the target perfectly.

Sam allowed herself to feel the awful pain in her breasts as she lined up to strike
Julie's undefended breast, the left had slightly more bruising so she took aim and now
using the pain in her own breasts to fuel her anger she struck hard and fast, the
moment the ref dropped his hand Sam's fist arrowed in to strike against Julie's hard
flinty ******. 'Thud' Sam's fist struck home, sinking into the taught flesh of Julie's
breast it couldn't sink far before striking bone, and Sam thrilled at the contact, she
could see the violent entry of her fist as it sank into flesh, breast flesh rippling
away from her fist as the gentle swell of Julie's breast was briefly destroyed forming
a ring spreading away from the invading glove, then hard contact and she saw Julie's
face start to distort with pain as her glove reached and ground the largely unprotected
internal glands and ligaments against Julie's chest wall. As her fist withdrew for a
moment Julie's breast seemed inside out, a crater of oddly white flesh surrounded by a
raised circle of flesh that instantly started to spring back into place as at the same
time a rush of deepening colour marked out the impact sight.

Julie was still screaming in pain as the ropes released and Sam was eager to strike
again but the ref kept himself between them for a few moments until Julie had lurched a
couple of steps away from the corner and then he stepped away waving box on. Julie was
still largely unprepared, her left fist was low guarding her lower belly and her right
was high but Sam simply drove her right between this loose defence and struck Julie
just above the navel forcing her to stumble back into the corner and slightly bend
forward, bringing her chin into hard contact with a beautiful left uppercut from Sam
who felt the jar of the hard contact throb through her entire arm as it drove up
whipping Julie's head up and back for a double whammy as the back of her head cracked
against the top of the corner post.

Out cold Julie dropped limp to the ring floor as her second rushed in to revive her. It
took all of the 20 second count for Julie to come back to a semblance of consciousness
and then another 30 seconds before she started to respond to questions from her second,
but her body was still limp and with still 10 seconds to go before she would have to
take a breast punch to continue the round her second said, 'we lose this round'.

At that the ropes were quickly retracted and the ref announce 'First round to Sam,
fighters you have 5 minutes to prepare for the next round.'

Sam felt a mixture of emotions at winning the first round. After almost 30
minutes of largely continuous fighting she was tremendously weary, yet elated
at knocking Julie out, wanting the 5 minutes to finish quickly so that she
could further punish Julie but then again not wanting the 5 minutes to ever
end because of the fear of further punishment to her breasts. Breasts which
Julie had targeted with fearful accuracy, the ******s grossly swollen and
abraded red raw on top of once large D cups that were now huge, swollen well
beyond that impressive state, dreadfully bruised all over and internally such
that each sway, jiggle or bounce sent sickening pain coursing through her,
and now even with no punches tearing into them she could feel that the damage
from Julie's recent hits was still taking effect as her breasts continued to
swell as her body reacted to the damage.

Sam's second Jane made her sit up straight in her corner and allowed her to
sip sparingly at her water bottle while she gave her some instructions 'stop
trying to land the killer punch all the time, I know she has a weakness to a
low punch, especially now that she'll lose her knickers but for the last few
minutes you were so predictable, she was picking you off! Box clever, if you
see an opening go for it; Get her thinking, punch her ***** and her face,
make her bring her guard up and then, only then if there is a clear shot give
her a low blow BUT' and here Jane paused to make sure that Sam was
concentrating 'Remember, don't keep trying the low blow especially to the
**** just because she's lost her knickers as she'll be expecting that so
you'll not get through; you'll be picked off like you were just now.

In the other corner Julie was now looking quite fresh and her second was
encouraging her and building her up for the next round 'look at her, you've
nearly won this. A few more blows to those **** and she's yours, just don't
let her under your guard. You've got longer reach and you're fitter so just
keep those jabs going into her **** she'll cave in. She'll soon be at the
point where she'll be so scared of her **** been hurt she'll cover them too
much and leave herself exposed elsewhere, wait for that and then nail her

In the crowd there was a flurry of betting activity and the odds, which at
the end of the round had been slightly in favour of Sam, were actually now
going against her as images of each fighter in their corner was being shown
around the arena. Sam's badly bruised and swollen breasts were in marked
contrast to Julie, who despite some obvious bruising and swelling to her left
breast was, in contrast, still fairly unmarked and as the break continued,
looking fresher and more confident with each passing minute.

With 1 minute to go Jane made Sam stand up, she then grasped both breasts and
squeezed gently causing Sam to cry out 'arghhhhh, what the **** are you
doing!' 'pain makes your body release natural painkillers' Jane whispered 'in
the last 5 minutes your body has been turning off its adrenalin supply and
when you first get hit after a break like this it hurts like **** so,' and
now Jane grasped each breast much more firmly 'I'm trying to get your body to
start pumping out adrenalin again before you get back into the fight' '****'
Sam hissed at Jane 'that'll xxxxing do, if you don't let go now I swear I'll
xxxxing well kill you' 'Ok then, start loosening up and get ready. Don't get
caught cold I reckon she'll fly at you the moment the round starts' and
remember, BOX CLEVER'

A few moments later the ref called the start of the next round and beckoned
the fighters forwards to the centre of the ring.

Sam stepped forwards to face Julie. The ref, standing between them, stopped
them when they were about 2 metres apart, 'I want to remind you both about
unnecessary counts. If I deem a count to be time wasting, or otherwise
unnecessary I will award a penalty against that fighter which I will set' and
then looking at Julie he said 'I should also remind Julie that she can only
retire from this round when I deem that she has completely lost.' With that
he reached into his pocket and brought out a knife and reaching down to
Julie's knickers he pulled them away from the side of her left leg and deftly
sliced through the delicate material. A small puddle of red material fell
away from Julie revealing a thick tangle of wetly glistening black **** hair;
this black V outlined by a small strip of very pale skin outlining the shape
of the brief bikini that Julie must have worn when last sunbathing and then a
few centimetres of smooth tanned flesh before bruises and marks outlined the
area that Julie had been able to hit in the round before.

Julie's eyes blazed with livid anger and Sam deliberately tried to make her
even madder by glancing with disdain at Julie's **** and laughing out 'I bet
you normally turn the lights out before anyone sees that mess'. Julie's eyes
now bulged with rage and at that moment the ref waved box on.

Sam almost immediately regretted firing up Julie as before she had a chance
to set her guard or retreat Julie fired a hard right full onto the ****** of
Sam's left breast. The swollen and tender breast exploded around Julie's
glove, bulging obscenely around the fist as it drove deep inside to grind
against Sam's chest wall 'arghhhhhh' Sam screamed as the most intense pain
she'd ever felt exploded inside her, instantly blinding her eyes with tears.
Blindly she scrambled back blinking quickly to clear her eyes she was too
slow to see Julie's left whipping across into the side of her right breast,
splat, the wicked leather glove impacted hard, driving into the side of the
breast forcing it across and into Sam's left breast, the ****** bulging out
as Julie's glove crushed the side of the breast before being engulfed by the
leather glove as it rasped across the tender nub, driving viciously across
Sam's body.

Sam's scream from the first blow reached a fresh intensity as Julie's left
fist burned across her chest and the crowd roared with excitement. Sam
meanwhile desperately leapt away from Julie's attack just in time to avoid
the next right and with her eyes now cleared somewhat she sent a left jab
towards the wildly charging Julie, leaning into the punch as it crashed right
between Julie's eyes onto the bridge of her nose. The force of the blow
jarred through Sam's arm and Julie's head was whipped back as she was stopped
in her tracks before reeling away on rubbery legs, lurching back across the

A relieved Sam watched Julie stagger away, she needed a moment to cope with
the pain in her breasts, but she quickly realised that here was a golden
chance so after a brief moment she gathered herself and pursued Julie across
the ring. Julie had lurched into the ropes and as Sam approached she turned
to defend herself. Blood was streaming from both of Julie's nostrils,
dripping onto her chest and onto the ring floor but she had her guard up
despite being obviously heavy legged. Sam snaked out another left to the face
but Julie blocked, then a right and left combination thudded into Julie's
guard but it held firm, then Sam went lower and got a left below Julie's
guard into her body between breasts and midriff, Julie gasped and Sam went
for the body again with a right but Julie closed right up and clinched,
trapping Sam's fist between their bodies.

Sam heaved and pushed to try and get Julie off, but Julie clung on like a
limpet leaning full onto Sam and making her take their combined weight.
Julie's head was over Sam's shoulder and Sam could feel hot drips of blood
dribbling down her back and hear Julie's hoarse laboured breathing which was
rasping right by her ear. Sam twisted and turned to try and break Julie's
grip until finally she just drove forwards against Julie and she powered the
pair of them across the ring. Suddenly Julie was out of control and halfway
across the ring Sam was finally able to fling her clear, pushing her even
faster towards the ropes with Sam chasing after her. Instinctively Julie's
arms went out to save herself as she hit the ropes and Sam drove her right
fist angling down towards Julie's black curls. Instinctively Julie dropped,
twisting away to avoid the blow to her ****, but Sam's fist still thudded
home dangerously low, inches above and to the left of Julie's *****. Sam
thrilled as her blow thudded home, she felt the give in Julie's body as her
fist sunk in and as it did so Julie gave out a guttural gasp that sounded
almost sexual and her face seemed to crease into a smile, but this belied her
true feelings. Sam's fist had struck full onto Julie's left ovary and Julie
sank to her knees and pitched forwards, her small breasts hanging down as she
bent almost double gasping for breath.

Julie's second rushed out as the ref started a count, she eased Julie into a
sitting position, albeit hunched over, and shoved an ice pack where Sam's
fist had struck. Next she tipped Julie's head back and went to work stemming
the flow of blood that by now was making the ring look like an abattoir, the
whole of Julie's front was streaked with red blood stains so it was difficult
to tell whether Julie's second had stopped the blood or not but as she worked
she was talking urgently to Julie until with the count at 16 seconds she
eased Julie up to her feet, hunched up and obviously very tender, but
nevertheless standing.

Sam waited in the centre of the ring as the ref called the fighters together.
Julie hobbled forwards, hunched and obviously in pain on her left side, she
was taking very short awkward steps with her left leg and she set her guard
with her left arm low and her right side towards Sam. 'Box' announced the ref
and Sam quickly drove her right fist towards Julie's head but Julie dropped
and suddenly Sam's left **** exploded in agony. 'Noooarghhhhhhh' cried Sam as
Julie's right fist skewered into her grossly swollen and bloated ****. She
staggered back, her left glove cradling her **** and Julie awkwardly
followed. Sam led with a right but Julie blocked it and then sent her right
towards Sam's head. Sam saw it coming and raised her own left to block but
this was a feint and now Julie's sent a left cross sweeping into the inside
of Sam's tortured left **** hitting with a resounding 'smack' as leather met
wet flesh full on, tearing into the sensitive flesh squashing and driving
into the breast, angling in to maximum effect. The inside half of the breast
was squashed beneath Julie's glove while the other half flew out to the side
flinging beads of sweat off to the side in a violent spray. Again Sam cried
in anguish and retreated much quicker than Julie could manage to chase.

Sam was in despair, a moment ago she thought she had been about to win and
even though Julie was still hunched over and not fully mobile Sam was now in
such pain she thought she would pass out with another blow to her *****,
especially the left. Suddenly the crowd roared and a startled Sam looked up
at the commotion and she saw her own breasts in close up, she almost gagged
at the sight of such a swollen mess, huge red raw ******s standing out from
dark bloated globes; then she saw what the crowd had seen, a drop of fluid
formed on her left ****** and dripped to the floor, then another and another
tinged with red, each drip coming quicker than the last. Julie smirked at her
'I'm going to pop that for good soon' she exclaimed. Inwardly Sam quaked with
fear at the damage but the smirk and the goading from Julie made her channel
her fear into wanting to inflict the same or worse onto Julie; visions of her
boyfriend fondling Julie's breasts swam into her head and she wanted nothing
more than to destroy the creature in front of her that used to be her friend.

Sam was about to charge in when she heard a shout 'clever', it was Jane and
that one word made her stop a headlong dash towards the waiting Julie.
Instead she made herself look cowed, a horrified glance at the monitor, a
hesitant touch of her breasts with her gloved fist along with a not so
pretend grimace of agony and then she backed away from Julie with both gloves
protecting her breasts. Ahead of her Julie forced herself upright, a thin
superior smile playing over her blood streaked lips and she visibly swelled
in confidence as she saw Sam back off seemingly distraught.

Sam watched Julie advance, Julie was still favouring her left side and
walking very stiffly obviously in pain from the earlier low blow but her
increasing confidence was allowing her to increasingly shrug of the pain from
this blow. Thud, Sam blocked a jab aimed at her left breast, and then again
and again as she retreated, Julie was determined to get another blow onto
Sam's left breast so she chased Sam around the ring firing lefts and rights
from all angles to try and get a fist to land on Sam's injured ****. Each
time a blow thudded into the glove protecting her **** Sam cried out with
exaggerated pain, it was an easy con as each jolt of her breasts actually did
hurt, but it made Julie think she was getting through and inflicting serious
damage so she re-doubled her efforts with almost no reply from Sam other than
dogged defence and retreat.

Slowly Sam started to open up as well, replying with the occasional shot, not
hard but quick stinging jabs. Taking a couple of blows to the gloves Sam
fired a quick left into Julies face, full on the nose snapping Julie's head
back and re-starting the flow of blood from Julie's nostrils. Julie snarled
and re-doubled her efforts, a left and a right thudded hard into Sam's guard
each accompanied by a guttural feminine cry from Julie as she put her all
into trying to crush her fist into Sam's breasts. Julie then drove in another
left right combination, a left snaked around the outside of Sam's protective
right glove and punched into the side of Sam's swinging right **** and Sam's
scream of pain was real this time and she barely had the sense or time to
swing her body aside as Julie's right made the same beeline towards her left
breast. For a moment though, with both gloves extended, Julie was wide open,
her sweat and blood streaked chest heaving with exertion, her small breasts
stretched flat by her out reaching fists almost reduced to the 2 erect points
of her ******s and Sam, ignoring the sickening pain that was blossoming in
her still swinging right **** snapped out her right fist full onto the flinty
****** of Julie's left breast. A wet thud as Sam's fist hit firmly, the
stretched out breast meant that there was barely any flesh to sink into, but
neither was there any flesh to protect the sensitive glands so as a small
circle of breast flesh erupted around Sam's glove almost the entire force of
the blow was absorbed by milk ducts and glands being crushed against Julie's

Julie gasped with the pain, but her grimace turned into a grim smile because
she'd found a way through Sam's protective shield.

Sam meanwhile quickly backpedalled as Julie returned instantly to the attack
now trying to swing her fists around the outside of Sam's defence.
'Iieeeeeee', again Sam's right breast was tagged as she accepted a blow here
rather than take one to her left and Sam realised that she couldn't defend
her large pendulous breasts without taking some hits, but with Julie swinging
in huge roundhouses around her guard she was expending even more energy and
her breathing became ever more laboured whilst her attacks became more
desperate for a quick success and unheeding of Sam's potential reply; so even
as Sam cried in agony from yet another blow to the outside of her right
breast Sam was able to easily hit back with 2 short jabs, a left into Julie's
undefended right breast and a right hitting just above Julie's left eye,
crisp firm and sharp the impact of each blow rocked Julie back.

Julie rode these punches, gasping out a short grunt of pain with the breast
punch she had clearly decided that she needn't defend against Sam's jabs she
seemed to have taken the attitude that one good punch to Sam's breasts,
especially the bleeding left, would finish the fight as a contest. And Sam
tended to agree, each movement, each jog or jolt sent sickening pain through
both breasts, her left in particular felt like it had a red hot poker
skewered through it and she could feel the breast swelling which, along with
internal bleeding, was making it heavier and heavier and as blood and
internal fluids were squeezed out in drips from her ****** it felt like a
burning acid was flowing out of her milk ducks which had then run down her
torso to further darken her sweat soaked red knickers. So, when the tiring
Julie attacked again Sam decided that she could no longer play the wait and
retreat game.

Julie strode forwards, her right fist looping around Sam's guard angling in
towards the side of Sam's left breast but rather than block jab and retreat
Sam stepped inside the punch and drove her own right fist hard into Julie's
abdomen; this wasn't a jab, it was a full bloodied punch and all of Sam's
body weight was behind her fist as it thudded into Julie's body punishing her
liver. Julie shuddered under the impact and was knocked back half a step, her
eyes wide with surprise but she still let fly with her own left which, with
the changed angles, she could only direct into Sam's ribs. Sam rode the pain
and now pushed Julie back a step with a left to the face, deliberately aiming
above Julie's right eye, she scored and Julie's head jolted back as Julie
retreated. Suddenly Julie seemed to lose balance and her step back turned
into an off balance lurch across the ring as the debilitating effects of the
blow to her liver made themselves felt.

Sam leapt after her, but she didn't want to down Julie. Instead she flicked
out another jab slicing across the top of Julie head above the eyes and
allowed Julie to clinch. Up close she could see that the skin above each of
Julie's eyes was swelling and abraded another few blows might well break the
skin, but for the moment she was almost having to take all of Julie's weight
as Julie's body had reacted to the liver punch by virtually shutting down.
Sam waltzed Julie around the ring pushing Julie backwards into the corner
post, it was so tempting to drive her knee up into Julie's naked ****, but
instead she broke free of Julie clinch and whipped a right and left across
the tops of Julie's eyes, Julie's head snapping from side to side as if it
had been slapped. In slow motion Julie's guard came up to cover her face but
not before Sam had managed another head snapping left that ground across
Julie's right eye.

Julie now had both fists up guarding her face and it would have been easy for
Sam to have dropped her with a punch to the belly or even lower, but instead
she drove a fierce straight right into Julie's left breast, stepping forwards
and leaning into the punch it was a textbook power punch, striking just under
the up tilted ****** her fist thudded home pile driving the apple sized
breast into the hard sharp bones of Julie's rib cage, a violent swell of
flesh ripped up Julie's chest above the glove and beads of liquid exploded in
arcs away from the impact, glinting in the harsh ring lights like fireflies.
As Julie thudded back hard into the corner post for a moment she seemed
impaled on Sam's glove, her head back, veins and tendons hugely outlined in
her neck as her mouth opened to give vent to a harsh scream of anguish and

Sam stepped back withdrawing her glove and for a brief moment she could see
Julie's flattened distorted breast, strangely white where the glove had
struck before it bobbed back into shape quickly darkening to a cherry red and
visibly swelling. At that moment pure unadulterated hatred speared at Sam
from Julie's narrowed eyes and Sam quickly retreated as Julie lurched out
after her, forcing Julie to charge towards her across the ring then as Julie
flung her right fist at Sam's head the moment Sam had been waiting for had
arrived. Instantly stopping her retreat she drove forwards, dropping down
onto one knee as she did, so she drove her right fist hard, angling down into
Julie's groin striking just at the top of Julie's full bush.

'urggghhhh' a deep groan was forced from Julie as her womanly vitals were
struck! Bulls eye! Sam had deliberately struck above the pubic bone were
nothing could protect the vital area of Julie's uterus and her glove
penetrated deep driven hard by Sam and made worse by Julie's own forward
momentum. Julie's uterus and bladder exploded with the most sickening,
paralysing pain Julie had ever felt, she felt every centimetre of penetration
in increasing waves of gut wrenching agony as Sam's glove invaded her womb,
her body folded forwards around the glove, her arms and head flopping limply
over Sam's head before her body collapsed in a heap at Sam's feet
instinctively curling into a tight unmoving ball.

Sam exultantly screamed out 'thought you were the better women did you? Well
you WONT EVEN BE A WOMEN when I've finished with you'.

Julie's second rushed in as the ref started a count, '1, 2, 3, 4,', and she
tried to help the gently writhing Julie. Forcing Julie's hands away from her
lower belly just long enough to get an ice pack in place she could do
nothing, Julie had to just ride the waves of pain that coursed through her.
'11, 12, 13, 14', slowly Julie started to uncurl herself as the pain slowly
started to subside, but each movement brought the pain back so it was a slow
process of trying to move and then groaning and grimacing as fresh waves of
pain struck. Julie was on her haunches now, her head down almost on her knees
as she clutched both gloves hard against her lower belly, her hair, sweaty
and lanky, hid her face but her soft anguished cries as she moved, rocking
gently forwards and backwards, made it easy to imagine her pain creased

Sam was herself in dreadful pain although the adrenalin that coursed through
her body at her recent success was a help. She knew though that her breasts
could not take much more, if any, punishment. She'd started the fight with
glorious 'd' cup breasts, heavy and pendulous looking much bigger than 'd'
cup on her relatively small frame. But now she had two bruised and *******d
orbs, marked all over with deep purple and black bruising overlaid with red
abrasions where Julie's gloves had ground across the sensitive flesh. The
******s on each breast were painfully erect, twin stubs of blood red tissue
looking like corks about to explode from a bottle. But none of this was what
first drew your eyes towards Sam's breasts, internal swelling had made them
grow so much that she looked like one of the worst excesses of breast
augmentation surgery. Huge orbs that hung down her body, the left even more
than the right, taught flesh struggling to contain their contents, glistening
with sweat and capped by two huge blood red ******s. Then with your horrified
attention drawn you noticed that the flesh was losing its battle to contain
the contents. Blood tinged fluid was leaking out of Sam's left ****** and Sam
could feel the pressure building in sickening waves of pain inside both
swelling breasts, she felt that she could sense her milk sacs filling with
fluid and being forced through her milk ducts towards her ******s an ever
increasing burning heat and fire spreading and spreading through her breasts,
the growing weight tearing at the very ligaments that held her breasts in

Meanwhile the ref was counting as Julie rode her own waves of pain,
'12,13,14,15', but Julie was still hunched over and only slowly straightening
out her body, but trying with all of her might to beat the count, but even
with her second helping her she wasn't going to make it; in fact her second
was urgently whispering 'don't try to get up, take the 60 seconds and a
breast punch'.

'19, 20, Julie, you will continue in 60 seconds after receiving a penalty
breast punch. Note this, the next time a count is missed the penalty will not
be so generous'. With that the ref gestured for the ropes to be prepared for

Within moments of the end of the 60 second period Julie was strung up,
grimacing with pain as her body was forced upright straining her lower belly
as her body was stretched out. Sam surveyed the damage on Julie's body, some
bruising to the face and around both eyes, left eye half closed, some
bruising on her pale breasts the left especially, very little swelling
although in Julie's current pose her small pert breasts were drawn somewhat
flat except for her 2 stiff ******s, plenty of red welts to Julie's belly and
some darker bruising just below the navel and lower, but nowhere was she so
obviously damaged as Sam's own breasts.

Sam was waved forwards and the ref signalled for her to take her punch.
Gathering herself she drew her right fist back and waited for a moment;
Julie's chest was heaving as her breath quickened in anticipation of the
coming blow and Sam wanted to strike at the most perfect time. She struck,
driving her fist into the stiff up-tilted ****** of Julie's left breast,
driving into the firm but sensitive flesh, she felt her glove drive into the
swell of Julie's breast and hit hard against Julie's unyielding ribs, the
full power of her blow transferred into the sensitive gland as Julie was held
firm against the corner post and as those womanly glands were crushed against
sharp bones Julie threw her head back and screamed out in anguish, the
tendons on her neck standing out in sharp relief as her pain filled yell
escaped from her gaping mouth.

Sam's glove withdrew and Julie's apple sized breast bobbed back into place,
already showing some bruising the whole breast quickly started to redden
further, a deepening blotch surrounding the dark bulls eye of the ****** and
now there was a very marked difference between Julie's breasts with Julie's
swollen and bruised left breasts much larger and hanging lower than the
comparatively unmarked right breast.

Sam was hustled away by the ref even as Julie's keening wail was still
echoing around the ring, but in moments Julie's bound were released and the
ref waved box on. Julie had instinctively moved to cradle her breast and had
no gaurd as Sam took one quick pace forwards and sunk her right fist into
Julie's un-tensed belly just below the navel.

'Oompff' Julie gagged out all of her air and folded over Sam's glove. Bent
forwards she staggered backwards and would have fallen had she not reversed
into the corner. Sam's chance for payback! Julie had dropped her guard to
prevent any more blows to her belly, but bent forwards she presented her
small dangling ***** to Sam who did her best to help Julie back upright.
Thud, she powered a left uppercut into the underside of Julie's right ****
which hit solidly at the junction of breast and torso whipping the apple
sized **** up into her upper chest so that wet slap followed thud as the
flattened and stretched out **** slapped into Julie's upper chest. Fluidly,
Sam's right was already on its way, this a straight power drive into the top
flank of Julie's left breast, another solid hit which, with the angle of
Julie's bent over body, made the blow worse for Julie as her **** was
squashed and dragged down her body, straining at the ligaments that held the
**** in place and tearing at the flesh as it was stretched out flat before
finally allowing Sam's glove to grind across the flattened **** leaving a
burning red streak across the breast.

'Arghhhhh' cried Julie with what breath she had left and her guard rose as,
still bent forwards, she now tried to protect her breasts and keep her belly
as far out of reach as possible. Sam though simply aimed higher, with barely
any pause she whipped in another one two to Julie's face, first a left
crashed high into Julie's right cheek snapping her head around and then as
Julie started to twist her head back Sam drove her right fist across Julie's
forehead hitting just above the left eye it jerked Julie's violently to one
side and she staggered a step or two along the ropes only vaguely aware of
what was going on.

Sam didn't want to drop Julie just yet so she waited as Julie awkwardly
twisted to face her. Bingo! Her last right had opened a cut above Julie's
left eye so that the left side of her face was a mass of blood red trickles,
but more importantly she was now blind on that side. Sam faked a left towards
Julie's face making Julie jerk her rudimentary guard up allowing Sam to snap
a right into the underside of Julie's left breast flattening it totally
against Julie's body. Julie rose up with the blow, standing more upright now
she cried out with pain but instantly tried to reply in kind. Sam stepped
back, surprised at the quickness of Julie's blow, she had to accept a
stinging jab to her swollen right ****, but her quick twist and movement away
from Julie was almost as painful as her painfully swollen breasts were swung
across her body, deep seated sickening pain tore at the heart of each breast
so her cry of pain was truly anguished.

Sam stepped back a pace as Julie came of the ropes after her, awkwardly and
stiff legged, but reasonably upright and snaking out a long right which
glanced of Sam's guard. As Sam blocked the punch she faded away to Julie's
left and sent a right hook low into the ribs on Julie's left side. Julie
never saw it and as the punch thudded home she lost balance and instinctively
her left leg stepped back to stop her from falling. Sam instantly saw the
wide vee of Julie large bush open up in front of her and snapped her left out
towards Julie's exposed sex.

Julie desperately twisted away but Sam's downwards blow still struck a
glancing blow to Julie's mound before thudding solidly into the inside of
Julie's upper right thigh. Julie screamed in pain and anger and Sam had to
quickly snap her head away from a desperate left from Julie who suddenly
found that her right leg wouldn't support her and she stumbled away before
sinking down to her knees propping herself up with her gloves.

Instantly, as the ref counted, Julie's second was in the ring wiping the
blood away from Julie's left eye and doing her best to stop the bleeding.
Feverishly she worked away but quickly she realised that with Julie's eye
swollen shut it didn't really matter so instead she worked on her upper thigh
and whispering short, sharp instructions until with the count at 17 she
hauled Julie up and left the ring.

The moment the ref waved box on Sam stepped forwards and drove her right fist
into Julie's navel. With an oompf Julie sagged over Sam's fist and tried to
drive her right into Sam's exposed ribs, but with feeble power this blow just
slapped against Sam's side and she tried to turn it into a clinch. Sam pushed
her off and waded in with short sharp upward blows into Julie's hunched over
body driving Julie backwards across the ring, each fierce blow sent
shockwaves through Julie's body as left followed right followed left into her
upper belly, crisps smacks followed by ever more anguished gasps as more and
more breath was knocked out of Julie's body. Then as Julie started to hunch
over more her pert breasts, hanging like apples in front of Sam, became too
tempting a target and shifting her aim slightly she drove a series of lefts
and right up into Julie's soft targets, a pair of left and a rights tore into
the base of each breast whipping each breast in turn up Julie's body like
miniature speed balls to the accompaniment of girlish gasps of pain, then as
Julie backed into the corner Sam drove full into each breast, hitting full on
the ****** and driving the breasts flat into Julie's body, 4 more blows each
blow driving Julie more upright against the corner post even as her legs
started to sag and give way.

As Julie fell Sam quickly stepped back as first Julie pitched down to her
knees, and then fell forwards onto all fours her breasts hanging down
swinging gently as Julie tried to heave some breath into her lungs. The ref
started a count but as Julie's second rushed in to help he interrupted his
count to say, 'if Julie fails this count she will immediately receive 3
penalty breast blows and the fight will continue with no break'. This was
acknowledged with a grim nod and Julie's second went to work furiously at
Julie's eyes, both eyes were half closed and with the cut above the left this
eye in particular was blind. At 15 seconds Julie slowly started to rise,
keeping a glove on the floor she rose to her haunches until the 18 seconds
was reached, then Julie was hauled her to her feet and her second left the

The ref waved box on and Sam waited as Julie wearily approached with an odd
guard, her left raised high to protect her face and her right low to protect
her belly. This left Julie's right **** exposed and Sam took one quick pace
forwards and drove her left fist powerfully into the centre of the ****
squashing it flat and knocking a cursing Julie back half a pace.
Moments Later Julie did more than curse, she yelled in pain as Sam followed
up immediately with a right; as Sam withdrew her left fist she advanced with
a jink to her left allowing her to hammer her right fist into Julie's still
bouncing right ****, harder than the preceding left it skewered into the
breast, a devastating punch, Sam had tried a technique she'd only toyed with
occasionally against a punch bag and that was to rotate her fist as the punch
was delivered and she got it perfectly, she felt the impact as her glove
struck and she could see the breast distort and bulge around her glove as it
screwed deep into the gland, the ring of bulging flesh around the glove
twisting and stretching as Sam's glove tore the breast around in a quarter

The force of the blow twisted Julie's body around and the pain made her yell
out in anguish and bring her right fist up to prevent another such strike.
But in turning she now faced Sam with a very high guard so Sam dropped low
and drove her left at Julie's right ovary, striking just above and to the
right of Julie's bush a ripple of flesh burst around Sam's glove as it sank
into unprotected flesh and Julie immediately crashed to the canvass, falling
backwards with her mouth agape she thudded bum first onto the canvass with a
huge jolt that snapped her head down and made her ***** fly violently down
her chest; *****, both *****, Sam was pleased to see were now bruised and

Julie's second was busy once more and the ref once again repeated his earlier
warning about penalty breast blows if Julie didn't beat the count. Earlier in
the fight Julie would perhaps have taken the breast blows for the extra rest,
but after that last blow that was to be avoided so at 18 seconds she was once
again upright, albeit a little hunched over.

Sam waited, poised, and the moment the ref waved box on she jabbed into Julie
face re-opening the wound above Julie's left eye. Julie backed off but Sam
followed jabbing again and again at Julie's face and with Julie hunched
forwards she was leaning into each and every one of Sam's quick crisp blows.
Julie's guard gradually crept up as she knew she couldn't afford to be
blinded but this allowed Sam to target Julie's breasts once again and she
powered with a right and a left, not jabs but hard driven straight drives
into the centre of each orb, each blow making Julie cry out in pain and
prompting her to finally attempt a fight back.

Sam blocked a left aimed at her **** and then slipped underneath a right
aimed head high before sending her own right low into Julie's body. Thud,
Sam's blow sank into Julie's womanly vitals. Sam had aimed well but struck
with carefully judged force just at the top of Julie's bush aiming to punish
her already punished uterus but without, Sam hoped, the force necessary to
down her. 'Urghhhhh' cried Julie and staggered back, her left glove clutched
to her lower belly and forced to bend forwards to relieve the sickening pain.
Sam quickly pounced, a left at Julie's right eye jerked her blood streaked
head up and then a straight right tore into Julie's dangling left ****.

Julie turned away, reeling across the ring, and Sam struck again this time
into the outside of Julie's right leg, aiming for a dead leg the blow
succeeded as the leg partly gave way pitching Julie sideways into the ropes.
With Julie partly turned away Sam struck at Julie's kidneys, a wicked right
handed punch into Julie's lower back and side sending her sprawling along the
ropes to collide heavily back first into the corner.

Barely standing Julie now looked a sorry site, wicked bruising well below her
navel showed how her uterus and ovaries, such tender areas, had been so
viciously targeted, her breasts too were now bruised and swollen and as for
her face, well this was a bloody mask with blood dripping from the cut above
her eye and in twin streams from her nose. But Julie, far from feeling
defeated still clung to the knowledge that one good blow to Sam's grossly
swollen and bleeding left **** could turn the fight back in her favour.

Sam also was aware that she was perhaps only one blow away from disaster so
she was determined to even up the damage to her breasts as soon as she could.
Sam feinted a left to Julie lower belly causing her to drop her guard and
instantly Sam crushed Julie's left **** with a powerful straight right. Julie
cried out and brought her guard back up so Sam again sent a quick left angled
down to Julie's right ovary, speed and accuracy above power the blow struck
full onto the heavy bruising that marked the target area just above and to
the right of Julie's bush.

Julie groaned in anguish and bent forwards dropping her guard to protect her
lower belly, even though the blow was barely half power it had sent waves of
sickening pain through her but from Sam's point of view it had cleared the
way for her to pound Julie's once pert breasts that now swung in front of her
swollen and dangling as Julie leaned over due to the hurt to her ovary. Sam
rained a succession of punches in on Julie, left followed right angled up
into Julie's swelling apples each blow making Julie cry out in increasing
anguish but the fear of another low blow stopped her from raising her guard
so she stood, barely, taking blow after blow which crushing each breast in
turn slowly forcing Julie into a more upright pose, her body jerked more
upright with each shuddering blow so that at first Sam's blows were hitting
flush on the ****** driving the breast flat into Julie's body but as she was
forced upright Sam angled her blows into the underside of each ****
stretching them in turn up Julie's body tearing at the ligaments and glands

Sam was tiring, such was the effort she was putting into each blow, but
whilst the speed of the blows gradually subsided the power and accuracy, if
anything was increasing as Sam made extra effort to make her increasing
dominance count. Another brutal left angled up into the underside of Julie's
tortured right ****, hitting just below the ****** the breast was squashed
and stretched up flat and then as the breast popped back into shape Sam's
right slammed down into the top flank of the same breast tearing into the
abused flesh straining and stretching the once pert **** down Julie's sweat
and blood stained body.

Julie wailed an anguished 'nooooooarghhhhh' as this blow struck and twisted
her right side away to try and avoid more punishment, Sam though showed no
mercy and whipped a left high into Julie's face aiming at the cut above
Julie's left eye before plunging a right fist low into Julie's side and back.
Julie cried out and arched her back away from Sam's blow, forced to twist
fully away from Sam she now fell forwards into the ropes near the corner,
instinctively flinging her arms over the top rope to prevent herself falling,
this turned into Julie's greatest mistake of the fight.

Sam paused for a moment, eager to take a breather, as Julie clung weakly to
the ropes held up as much by the coarse ring rope cutting into the undersides
of her ***** as by her arms which she'd flung across the ropes. As the wicked
effects of Sam's kidney punch made themselves ever more felt Julie sagged
lower and lower as the ring rope stretched and gave beneath her weight and as
her legs scrabbled for purchase they splayed further and further apart
revealing the thick tangled mass of her bush. It was too tempting! Sam had
plenty of time to compose herself and gather all of her strength before she
drove her right fist between Julie's splayed out legs, angling her blow up
slightly she struck full in the centre of Julie's bush the punch landing with
a hard loud thud as it crushed and ground Julie's sex against hard pubic

'aieyeeeeee' screeched Julie as her body shuddered at the impact. Those
watching from ringside saw how devastating a blow this was, her body lifted
towards them as Sam's red glove appeared between her legs and a dreadful
scream was dragged from a face that quickly crumpled then froze into a mask
of shock and terrible pain.

Sam thrilled as she struck Julie's sex, despite all of her own dreadful hurts
she felt a huge surge of sexual feeling course through her as her glove
struck and sunk into the flesh of Julie's soft mound before thudding home
against pubic bone, seeing Julie helplessly driven up against the ropes
seemingly impaled on her gloved right fist, the shudder of her body and the
scream made her own sex swell and throb with growing arousal that only
increased as Julie's limp body bounced back down onto the ropes, held
helpless for a moment as the ropes dug into the undersides of her breasts
making them bulge grotesquely before Julie's dead weight forced the course
ropes to drag across her bruised breasts and she dropped, ashen faced, to the

Julie's second rushed in as Julie writhed in agony on the ring floor, her
glove clutched fiercely between her legs as she tried to ease the pain in her
sex. Sam had no pity, just an overwhelming desire to make Julie suffer, to
make Julie pay for stealing her boyfriend and to make her pay for the
dreadful damage she'd inflicted on her now hugely bloated breasts, which
still had blood pulsing in burning agony through her turgid left ******.

Meanwhile, as Julie's second worked, the ref counted pausing only to
announce, 'If Julie fails to make the 20 count I will award a penalty breast
blow'. Then the count continued from 13 with Julie lying on her side, curled
in a foetal position her glove holding an ice pack tightly against her sex
whilst her second talked earnestly into her ear, cajoling, encouraging,
berating, doing anything to get her fighter back onto her feet and extend the
fight and even possibly win it if she could land just one clean punch to
Sam's bleeding left breast.

But, for Julie, the 20 seconds came up far too soon and the ref announced
'One penalty breast blow awarded against Julie, the count will continue and I
shall award two more penalty blow if Julie is not ready to commence in the
next 20 seconds'. Even as this was being announced ropes had dropped into
position over Julie's corner and the efforts made by Julie's second had
reached a crescendo of frantic activity, Julie was cajoled and helped onto
her knees, squatting back onto her haunches but almost bent double with her
head resting on her arms on the ring floor. Slowly though her second eased
Julie more into an all fours position and as she did so Julie's once pert
breasts swung free hanging down in an exaggerated pear shape, covered in red
and purple bruising they'd swollen a lot due to Sam's recent successes.

Desperate to avoid further penalty blows, Julie's second gestured to the ring
attendants to lower the ropes to the ring floor. Quickly Julie's wrists were
made fast to the ropes and with the count just reaching 10 the ropes, aided
by Julie's second, started to haul Julie to her feet. Julie was a dead
weight. As the ropes started to tighten her arms slipped off the ring floor
and it took all of her seconds strength to stop her from falling forwards and
perhaps dislocating her shoulder. Even so her arms stretched out painfully
behind her head until she was pulled up onto her haunches. Then, Julie's face
twisted in agony as her body was pulled upright and her tender belly muscles
and groin were stretched as she was forced to uncurl her body. Just as it
seemed that Julie would be forced onto her tiptoes the ref gestured for the
ropes to be slackened off a little and for Julie's legs to be spread and tied
down, then the ropes were tightened and Julie was forced into a severe X and
held firmly against the corner post.

As Julie's legs were forced apart and she was drawn up tight Sam thrilled at
the site of Julie's sex. Julie's ***** had swollen up and, gaping open, it
was sticking out through her thick dark minge, an angry red gash looking as
if Julie was in the throes of immense sexual stimulation, made even more
believable by her thrown back head, gaping mouth and panting breath. But it
wasn't waves of ecstasy, it was waves of pure agony as Sam could well imagine
as her gaze swept up Julie's body, the heavy bruising above her thick minge,
the bruising to her belly and her breasts which now did not draw flat against
her body in her stretched out pose, instead Julie now had two swollen,
bruised and blood streaked orbs raised high waiting for Sam to strike and
then finally Julie's face, etched in agony, lips swollen, nose bleeding, left
eye almost closed and bleeding from the eyebrow with the right only a little
better off. Sam saw all this but she still wasn't satisfied, her own breasts
were so dreadfully damaged that she swore she would take vengeance before
finishing Julie of.

Julie in turn was fighting waves of pain and willing her body to recover
enough from the blow to her sex so that she could have a chance to fight back
against Sam. Sam's bloated dreadfully damaged breasts with blood trickling
from the left ****** were a target that Julie knew still gave her a chance.
But first she had to take Sam's blow and then fight back and at the moment
she doubted that she could stand once the ropes were released such was the
waves of agony from her sex and lower belly. She needed Sam to take her time.

But that wasn't about to happen! The moment the ref beckoned to Sam to take
her punch Sam struck driving her right fist as hard as she could into the
centre of Julie's bruised left breast corkscrewing her fist as it struck.
Julie was unprepared for such pain as the twisting fist struck, crushing the
milk ducts and glands and at the same time twisting and grinding the
sensitive tissue against Julie hard rib cage.

Julie screamed and then, as the ropes released she crumpled into an untidy

Julie's second was stopped from entering the ring as the ref announced Julie
has 5 seconds to regain her feet and continue, otherwise I will award more
than the 2 extra breast blows that her second tried to avoid by stringing her
up too early. 3, 4, 5'. Then as Julie had only managed to push herself onto
her knees the ref beckoned her second in to help and then continued his
announcement 'the ropes will be moved into the corner opposite, Julie must
make her own way to the new position, if she does so before the end of this
20 second count I shall award just 3 blows against her, but I shall add a
further penalty blow for each extra 10 second, or part delay, 9, 10, 11' the
count continued as Julie's second frantically worked to get her to her feet.

At 15 seconds Julie was on her feet clinging onto the ring ropes hunched over
her tender belly. Tentatively she started to hobble across the ring, her
jellied legs at first seeming about to give way but with each step she seemed
firmer, although still hunched over, and with the count at 19 she finally
reached the corner with the waiting ropes and was quickly strung up ready for
Sam to strike again

Usually the convention was too strike alternate breasts but as this was a
'new penalty award' Sam was fully aware that she could strike the left breast
of Julie again in the first of her three blows. And as this breast was
slightly more swollen and bruised than the left she needed little time or
thought before driving and twisting her fist hard into the perky flinty hard
****** of Julie's left breast just had she'd done less than minute before.
And with even more intense feeling Julie again screamed out in agony as her
precious gland was invaded by Sam's glove but before Julie's scream had
finished Sam had struck an equally hard twisting straight drive into the
bruised flesh of Julie's right orb. Even swollen as they now were Julie's
pert breasts did not have the flesh or body to protect their internal glands
against the force of Sam's punches so although Sam didn't realise it, her
punches were hurting Julie much more than she realised. Only the shear number
of punches landed by Julie against Sam's large breasts had made the damage
and sick pain that Sam was feeling in them so intense but now Sam had vowed
to repay Julie for her breasts blows so she quickly lined up her third and
last blow to Julie's left breast before letting fly with vicious venom. This
time she drove up into the underside of Julie's breast, the glove ripping
into the flesh beneath the ******, driving the flesh up Sam did her utmost to
tear the breast away from Julie's torso stretching flesh and ligaments to
their utmost before the glove ground across the breast like an old fashioned
mangle squeezing wet clothes dry. Somehow Sam saw the punch in slow motion,
first a growing mound of flesh above her glove with the ****** slowly
pointing upwards before the tip of the breast started to bulge as the glove
drove up, the ****** bursting out in the centre of a darkening mass of
tortured **** flesh before it pointed up vertically and Sam's glove ground
across leaving an impossibly stretched out and flattened **** visible beneath
the ascending glove.

Julie screamed and shook in torment, if anything this last blow had hurt more
than the earlier blow to her ****, that blow had frozen her body and she'd
had to fight tremendous pain as her sex was struck but in some ways her body
had shut down around that pain source whereas her body was very much alive
and 'switched on' to the sickening blows to her breasts, blows that felt like
millions of tiny knifes were tearing away at the sensitive inner glands and
that in the centre of these millions of knifes a red hot dagger was spearing
deep inside of her. Her vision had narrowed to a red shaky band as she fought
against this sickening assault, but what remained of her vision had narrowed
to focus solely on Sam's own dreadfully damaged and bloody left breast.

The ref waved Sam back as the ropes were released from Julie's arms and legs
and Julie stumbled and all but fell, just managing to cling onto the top rope
while she regained some poor semblance of balance. The ref waited a moment
until Julie stood unaided, just, and then he waved box on.

Sam strode forwards eager to finish Julie of totally as Julie remained static
in the corner, hunched over her hurt lower belly and sex organs her breasts
hung down, no longer firm and pert they had swollen several cup sizes and now
presented very tempting targets to Sam who wanted to even up the damage to
her own breasts. She drove a straight right into the top flank of Julie's
left breast, battering Julie's weak guard aside Sam's fist tore into the
delicate flesh driving it down Julie's body. 'Arghhhhh' Julie screamed and
then again and again as Sam, unhurried drove her fists into each breast in
turn, first a succession of straight drives into the tops of Julie's hanging
breasts, 1, 2, 5, 6 blows, each dragging ever more anguished cries from Julie
who just stood there trying to defend until finally she managed to block a
couple of Sam's punches.

Sam then tried to go underneath, she sent her right fist up into the centre
of Julie's hanging left breast, so hard that Julie's entire torso shook with
the impact as her breast was driven in flat to her chest. Then as Sam
repeated the blow with her left fist driving up into Julie's right breast
Julie somehow managed to force herself upright and just twist enough so that
Sam's fist just caught the tip of her breast a stinging flick as Sam's fist
sailed uncontrolled up past Julie's head.

For Sam time now stood still. Sickened she knew what was about to happen and
it did. Her bloodied and grossly swollen left breast was flinging itself up
following her driving left fist and was perfectly presented for Julie to
strike her first punch for many minutes. And, strike she did. Maybe not as
powerfully as earlier in the fight, but perfectly timed and certainly not a
weak punch her right fist drove into the underside of Sam's flying breast
with everything that Julie had left to give. Sam screamed out a most pitiful
wail as Julie's fist dug deep into her tortured ****, flesh ballooned up on
top as Julie's fist drove in from below until the momentum of the blow
started to fling the whole squashed **** upwards with dozens of tiny jets of
blood spraying powerfully in all directions from Sam's huge swollen raw
****** and unending stream that flew in all directions, arcing high up into
the air as Sam's ****** was driven almost vertical.

Sam's face blanched and her eyes rolled back as for a moment the 2 fighters
stayed locked together by Julie's impaling fist. But then Sam's legs gave way
and she dropped to her knees, forcing Julie's fist even deeper into her
breast and sending a yet more powerful stream of blood through her ******
until it flopped past Julie's fist. For a moment Sam had fainted, she came to
with her head buried into Julie's midriff and her arms circled about Julie's
waist in an instinctive act of self preservation. Julie was trying to get an
angle in for an effective punch and Sam, through a fog of white noise in her
head and flashing lights in her eyes could feel Julie's fists pounding
against her back and neck trying to get an angle around her clenching arms to
strike the outsides of her breasts.

Sam allowed herself to sink lower, down onto her haunches to make it harder
for Julie to strike and then self preservation turned into desperate attack.
With blood still streaming from her ****** in a continuous stream and on the
verge of passing out from pain Sam knew she couldn't afford to take a count
and suffer a penalty breast punch she struck. Releasing her hold on Julie she
made just enough space to drive her right fist into Julie's thick bush, right
into the red gash of her *****, swollen from her earlier punch. It connected
with a solid, wet sounding thud overlaid with a shriek from Julie who was
suddenly a dead weight on her shoulders.

Sam, on her haunches, had Julie partly collapsed on top of her and was
holding her up whilst Julie was desperate to get away to prevent further
punishment. For a moment the two of them wriggled squirmed and twisted
together. Julie had clamped her legs together to stop Sam striking her sex
again but in trying to squirm free she'd got herself tangled up in the ropes,
her arms and head were stuck between the middle and top ropes and as Sam,
with immense effort managed to drive herself back onto her knees it meant
that Julie was completely trapped and held firm against the ropes.

Sam's head and shoulders, bowed under Julie's weight, were lodged in Julie's
ribs just below her breasts. As she pushed up harder to try and free herself
and rise up from her knees she slipped away a little from Julie. Quickly she
dropped down enough to stop sliding as suddenly she had room to strike. From
the odd angle her head was in she had a close up view of Julie's navel, her
bruised and *******d lower belly and her mass of **** hair. She struck. With
Julie's legs closed she aimed to strike at Julie's uterus and she had just
the space she needed to hit with a short powerful jab. Thud, her glove struck
home and Sam could see the indent it made into Julie's flesh, the ripple of
flesh that rushed away from her glove as it sunk into Julie's body and the
spasm that wracked her as her body reacted to the blow along with a guttural
gasp of forcibly expelled air. Then again and then a third time Sam drew back
her right fist and plunged it the short distance into Julie's uterus,
striking just at the top of Julie's mass of thick curls.

Weak gasps of pain accompanied by pleas to 'stop, ohhhhhhhhh '. Please stop'
would normally have softened Sam's heart, indeed normally Sam would never
have contemplated hurting anyone, but she couldn't get out of her head the
sight of her lover and her best friend together, nor could she forget the
glee with which her ex friend had been striking her during this fight so
instead she plunged her fist again, even harder into Sam's uterus, determined
to destroy her sexually for a very long time whilst she still had the
strength to hold her up. Julie grunted out an almost sexual gasp as her body
convulsed around Sam's glove and her legs started to part revealing her
*****, swollen from Sam's earlier strike.

Tempting as it was to strike Julie's sex Sam resisted and instead she now
beat a tattoo aimed at destroying Julie's ovaries. Striking in turn she
delivered a series of short arm jabs either side of and just slightly above
Julie's minge and after just a few of these brutal blows Julie's cries
degenerated into meaningless sobs and weaker and weaker gasps as each
punishing blow sunk into her womanly vitals.

Julie was still conscious but her reactions to Sam's blows were getting
weaker and weaker as Sam pounded at Julie's ovaries and her entire lower
belly was a mass of dark angry bruising. Sam paused for a moment, she was
nearly out of steam and she still had one more target to strike. Gazing down
at Julie's *******d body she could clearly see Julie's swollen ***** peeking
out of the Julie's mass of **** hair as Julie, now totally spent, had allowed
her legs to slide wide apart. Sam shifted Julie's weight above her allowing
herself more space for her last blows and struck viciously, driving her fist
up hard into the centre of Julie's sex. Julie shuddered again, groaning
piteously as Sam's fist struck with a dull wet thud, crushing Julie's *****
and **** hard against pubic bone. Sam withdrew her fist and instantly Julie's
***** swelled out, her sex wide open as if waiting for a lover to drive deep
inside of her. Instead Sam's fist struck again, driving Julie's lips wide
apart and crushing them once again against hard pubic bone. With this blow
Julie stiffened again but then almost immediately fell limp and Sam knew that
she was now unconscious.

With a final effort Sam heaved Julie up once more and then slipped aside
allowing the limp Julie to crash down onto the ropes. Briefly she teetered on
the verge of slipping outside the ring, held up by the middle ring rope, but
the rope sagged under her weight before bouncing back propelling Julie back
into the ring to crash down onto her back in the ring.

Sam also was on the ring floor gasping for breath as she tried to recover
from her exertions, the blood which still jetted from her damaged left breast
was burning agony and the pain, loss of blood added to her exhaustion was
threatening to make her pass out but as soon as the ref announced that the
fight was over Sam's second rushed into the ring and helped Sam to her feet.
It was the last thing Sam wanted to do but as Jane was hauling her up she
told Sam, 'you must stand unaided for the ref to announce you the winner' so
Sam gritted her teeth and, leaning back against the corner post she managed
to remain standing as Jane released her. The ref immediately raised her hand
and announced 'Sam has won this Justice fight, Julie and her new Boyfriend
will be accountable for all medical expenses, furthermore they will pay Sam
the sum of 20,000 credits'. There was a gasp at this last as that was a huge
award, and, if it couldn't be paid then Julie and Sam's ex would be
immediately indentured to work for the state in any number of demeaning jobs
until the debt was paid. But for Sam this was all a blur, she barely
registered anything and she certainly didn't register the ***** of a needle
as she was injected with nanites. The nanites quickly started their work of
repairing the damage to Sam, they would work away for weeks inside of her
body but their first task was to relieve the pain and Sam did now suddenly
start to feel better but immensely weary, and it would take some time before
the blood would stop coursing from her breast

Slowly she was eased to a chair in the corner and she gazed once again at
Julie, still unconscious as she was worked on by her second. Julie would
regain consciousness for brief moments but the pain was so bad that each time
she was brought around she would faint again. Eventually she too was given an
injection of nanites but these, although designed to heal and prevent death
from a serious injury were not too fussed about pain relief, in this case
they gave just enough to allow Julie to come groaning back to consciousness.
She was just aware enough though and Sam stumbled across the ring to stand
above her, glaring down at Julie's barely focusing right eye. She said
nothing she just stared as blood streamed from her breast onto Julie's torso
and then she walked off leaving Julie's prone body in the ring.

Constructive criticism or comment welcome at [email protected]