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Thread: Parking lot catfight

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    Inactive Member maskedwriter's Avatar
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    Here is another story that I wrote at the request of a guy on another board. It involves two girls he knew.

    Parking Lot Catfight : Yasmine vs Alena
    The Masked Writer

    Alena never liked Yasmine very much in the first place, since the time when they were going at the same college. Yasmine has a big breast which she flaunts at every occasion and steals other girls boyfriend. Alena, not so well endowed, was always a bit jealous and she doesn't think much of that kind of behavior anyway. Yasmine didn't like her very much either. Since Alena lost some money and came to the conclusion that Yasmine stole it, things got even worse. And that habit Yasmine has, to blow smoke in people?s face, including hers, just makes Alena's blood boil.

    So, it was bound that, one day, just one minor incident could start mayhem. It happened that night, in that nightclub where they both hang around. Those who knew them felt the tension when they both met in the door of the ladie's room.

    As voluptuous, dark-haired Yasmine was entering the room, petite, blond, Alena was coming out. The door opened towards the inside. Yasmine and Alena were startled when they saw each other, they locked eyes and Yasmine put all her weight on the door, literally shoving Alena against the wall. She then came in as if nothing had happened. Furious, Alena kicked the bigger girl in the butt.

    -Hey! Who d'you think you are? She shouted.
    The kick had surprised Yasmine but not really hurt her. She turned and faced Alena.

    -I'm the girl who's gonna kick your ass if you don't get out of here real quick !

    Alena's eyes widened in disbelief.
    -You are gonna kick my ass? With what army of fat cows like you?

    -Fat! Me?

    And Yasmine slapped Alena in the face. The smaller blond litteraly jumped at Yasmine and, in a second, they were at each other's hair. Another girl, who happened to be in the restroom and had witnessed the scene, ran out and alerted the nightclub's bouncer. The big guy came in, pulled the two girls apart and showed them the way out.

    So now, they are facing each other in the parking lot. There are a few people looking at the scene from a distance, mostly guys and girls from the same college, who just came out of the nightclub when the word got around that Alena and Yasmine were going to settle their scores.

    Yasmine and Alena met under a light post, in an empty parking space, just between a pick-up truck and a sport scar. There is a light post that shed its white, moon-like, light, on the place so that the spectators can see everything and both girls see each other.

    The two girls are standing almost nose to nose, measuring each other up. Alena, at 24, is 5'2 and weighs about 105 pounds. Having been a gymnast as a teen, her body is very firm and muscle-toned. Her tight jeans, cut-off very short just under her firm little ass, allows everybody to see her muscular, bronzed legs. A red shirt, cut-off to show her firm and sun-tanned below, is held with spaghetti straps. So we can see her shoulders and arms. She wears no bra and doesn't need one as her small breast is very firm. A cascade of blond hair flows down to her back.

    Yasmine, dark-skinned with shoulder length curly black hair, at 21, is about 5'4 and is much bigger, weighing a good 140 pounds, than her opponent. She has a voluptuous 36D breast, on which her cleavage draws a lot of attention in spite of the fact that it is sagging a bit. She wears a very short black cotton dress that leaves her rather soft shoulders, arms and back exposed, as well as her legs that, though not as muscular as Alena's are the most athletic part of her body. The tight dress also lets see that she has a few love handles around the waist.
    Alena is definitely the more athletic of the two and everybody knows she doesn't smoke, contrary to Yasmine. Yasmine best asset is her considerable size and especially weight advantage. She could be stronger but that remains to be seen.

    Yasmine makes a step forward, looking Alena in the eyes. Her huge, soft breast touches Alena's small, firm one.

    -C?mon! Show me what you've got! She says. Then she pushes forward with ther breast, trying to use her superior stature to desequilibrate her opponent. Not giving an inch, Alena tries to push her back with her hands. Then both girls engage in a furious shoving match, both trying to make the other step back.

    Yasmine's weight gives her a definite edge at that game and she is slowly forcing Alena to back off. The smaller girl decides to try another tactic and, with a swift step, moves on the side as Yasmine is putting all her weight forward.

    The bigger girl loses her balance, makes a step forward, staggers and recover. When she turns around to face Alena again, the former gymnast slaps her in the face with the back of her right hand. Yasmine's head is tossed about, her black hairs waving around. Alena's hands is printed in red on her cheek. Yasmine slaps Alena who tries to duck the blow and get hit on the side of the head, her long, blond hair being jerked around.

    The fight then turns into a confuse, but furious slapping match, with hairs flying and hands making smacks. With her greater reach, Yasmine gets some blows to the head of Alena while the smaller girls hands hits mostly on Yasmine's arms and shoulders, though they make a louder noise.

    Suddenly, Yasmine grabs a handful of Alena's blond hair and pulls. With a scream expressing both rage and pain, Alena, in turn, grabs Yasmine's black locks.

    Yasmine use her superior height and reach and try to apply a headlock on her smaller opponent, but the more agile former gymnast literally slips under her opponent's soft arms and throws a vicious punch into her well-padded ribs, and then, another one into the lower back.
    Yasmine scream and the pain makes her let go Alena's gold hair. Alena then tackles Yasmine from behind, hitting her right into the lower back with her right shoulder. The bigger girl is brutally pushed forward and goes head first into the door of that pick-up truck. Her head hits the metal with a loud noise. She is obviously dizzy because she staggers a moment on her feet. Alena then kicks her in the buttocks with a quick, sharp, move from one of her muscular legs. Yasmine's head hit the metal again and her knees give way. She falls on her back side, holding her head with both her hands.

    Alena, not even breathing hard, says with a smug smile:

    -Thought you were gonna kick my ass? Go on a diet and make some exercise before you think of it again...

    And the blonde girl simply turns her back onYasmine, walking towards the street, obviously thinking this is over.

    But the dark-haired girl is not that dizzy and she already recovered. With surprising agility, she gets back on her feet and dashes towards Alena, attacking her from behind. She surprises her opponent completely.

    Yasmine grabs Alena's goldilocks with both hands and pulls with all her strength. Alena screams as Yasmine literally slings her around. Yasmine holds enough of Alena's long hair that the smaller girl can't reach far enough to take a hold of her opponent. Yasmine slings her around and into the sport scar?s side. Alena's back hit the metal real hard and the former gymnast squirms in pain.

    Yasmine still hasn't let go her opponent's hair. She pulls her down and forces her to the ground. Alena scorches her knees and legs as she hits the asphalt surface of the parking lot. Yasmine jumps on her and pin her down, trying to smother her with her ample breast.
    Surprised at first by the sneak attack, Alena finds herself lying on her back, her skin rubbing against the rough asphalt, with her much bigger opponent all over her. Her face disappears between Jasmine?s big soft boobs and very little air is available in that situation. Yasmine tries to grab Alena's arms in order to pin her down for good.

    But the young and fit ex-gymnast still has reserves of energy. She starts fighting her way out from under her opponent's body with a series of punches in the ribs and knees in the inside of Yasmine's thigh. She manages to take a hold on a handful of Yasmine's black hair and pull her up. The dark girl's breast leaves Alena's face for a second and the smaller girl takes a deep breath. Then she throw a left fist into Yasmine's waist, just under the rib cage, knocking the air out of the big girl's lungs. Alena's superior shape is beginning to pay off as she muscles her way out, pushing Yasmine away from her. She folds her legs up and sticks both her feet into Yasmine's belly. With a spring-like move, using all the power in her muscular legs, she kicks into Yasmine's midsection, catapulting the bigger girl off her.

    Yasmine lands on her back with a loud "ooof!".

    With cat-like agility, Alena gets back on her feet. The spaghettis of her top are broken and the piece of cloth has slipped down her waist, showing her small but firm breast. Her back is full of scratches from the contact with the asphalt but she doesn't seem to care. She closes her fist and shouts at Yasmine, still lying down:
    -C'mon, you fat cow! Show me somethin' !

    Yasmine takes a deep breath and start getting back on her feet. Her rather flabby arms and her back are also full of scratches and so are her legs. Her sweat-soaked dress has been rolled up her thighs and everybody can see her black panties. She breathes hard as she stands up., her big breast going up and down, tits pointing through the thin fabric of her dress. Drops of sweat are rolling down her face and her neck into her cleavage.

    Some prudence has made its way into the mind of both opponents. They close their fists and stay at a distance from each other. Then Yasmine throw a right and misses Alena's head by a few inches. Alena replies in kind with a left but she is out of reach and her fist hits the air at least six inches off Yasmine's face. Then they start trading punches. Alena ducks under Yasmine's arms and begin to pound at her opponent's soft belly. Hurt, Yasmine doubles over and back off and then, goes for Alena's hair again and tries a headlock. The quicker blonde slips under the dark-haired girl's arms and passes behind her. Then she grabs Yasmine's right leg and pulls it up. Tipped off, Yasmine falls down with a scream and her right knee hits the asphalt with a sharp noise. The girl yells in pain and folds like a pretzel, holding her knee with both hands.

    Alena , showing no mercy, snatches Yasmine's left arm and cruelly twist it behind her back. Holding the big girl in a vicious chicken wing, she uses her other hand to grab her opponent's black hair and slam violently her head, face first, on the rough, hard, surface of the parking lot. She does it three times. Yasmena's body becomes limp and she stops resisting. Her soft flesh is agitated with spasms as she cries.

    Alena then let go her victim's hand and hair. She grabs the knot that holds the top of Yasmine's dress and tears it off. She then turns her vanquished opponent on her back and strips her of her black dress, showing her big, soft, breast flattened by their own weight, going up and down with every inspiration. Her wounded knee is already swelling and becoming blue.

    -Please... Don't hurt me anymore... Yasmine squirms.
    -Shut up! Looser! Alena says, slapping the dark-haired girl in the face. She finishes pulling her dress off, leaving her naked, except for a pair of black panties.

    Alena then puts her own top back in place. She looks down at Yasmine and says:
    -This is nothing like what you are gonna get if you ever so much as look at me, again!

    The winner of the fight then turns her back on her victim and walks away, scorched, bruised and triumphant, while the looser stays behind lying, almost naked, exhausted, her body aching from a million bruises and scratches, crying in pain and shame.

    The end

  2. #2
    HB Forum Owner MikeJV's Avatar
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    Nice story, quite enjoyable. Thanks again.


  3. #3
    Junior Hostboard Member haengebusen's Avatar
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    Re: Parking lot catfight

    as I already noticed before: girls with sagging breasts will lose catfights, because they can't stand the punches to the body.

  4. #4
    Senior Hostboard Member tr0tz's Avatar
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    Re: Parking lot catfight

    Hey Haengebusen,

    interested in german language stories about this topic?

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