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Thread: Generational Family Mixed Match -Pt.3

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    Inactive Member Steve03's Avatar
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    Generational Family Mixed Match - Pt3

    Crystal Hooper vs. Sam Jacob

    BY: C

    Send comments to: [email protected]

    As Amber brings her prize into the Family Dressing Room; Crystal prepares
    to add Mark?s Dad to the Hooper Family collection . Crystal ignores Mark while her
    mother and mother-in- law are making Mark understand the full extent of his predicament. Crystal is wearing Sheer Silk Hot Pink with Black Trim Bra & Thong Set; Hot Pink with Black Trim Pads and Black Patent Knee High Boots for her Bout. She covers this sensual outfit with a White Lace Poncho. Crystal checks herself out in the Full Length Mirror in her Dressing Room. She has never lost an individual Match since helping found the Family Wrestling League. She has defended her ?AAA? Championship 17 times since winning the Tournament 18 months ago. Crystal?s martial arts combined with her grappling skills have left a long line of defeated and humiliated male and female foes. They have shown a reluctance to challenge her to a re-match. She has defeated and humiliated Sam Jacob twice during this time period. She has - by design - left a deep emotional scar on Sam! Crystal is very confident controlling Sam and muses over possible torments and humiliations she can inflict in their up coming Bout. The bell rings over the intercom summoning her to the Fight Room.

    Sam ponders his upcoming Bout alone in a corner while his father shows Brian new pain and pleasure ?games? he can play with Sue. Sue is being worked into a ?clit fit? entertaining both males while Sam considers various strategies. Sam adjusts his shaved
    cock which is the result of their last encounter. He is wearing a Florescent Green Thong which emphasizes his thick cock. He wears matching pads. He completes the look with Black Knee High Black Patent Boots. He has been completely dominated from the beginning bell in their past Matches. He has been forced to: masturbate and eat his own cum; urinate on himself; receive a ?golden shower?; punished on the ?Frame?; spanked until weeping and receive a 10? dildo up to ass to orgasm to the delight and entertainment of Club Members. He dissuades these thoughts knowing that going down this road will only lead to defeat. Sam refocuses on what he needs to do to win as the bell rings heralding his Bout.

    Jason uses the 3 bell system. The 1st Bell tells everyone the Bout is at hand. The 2nd Bell summons Sam Jacob with the 3rd Bell calling Crystal Hooper to the Fight Room.
    The 2nd Bell Rings and Sam Jacob enters the Fight Room. His friends and strangers pat him on the back as well as groping him in route to the Ring. Sam enters the Ring waves at Sylvia and retreats to His Corner preoccupied with the coming battle. Jason rings the 3rd Bell . Crystal Hooper enters the Fight Room extremely confident and ready to inflict
    punishment to her hapless foe. She enters the Ring looks with distain at Sam. He quickly looks away which only reinforces Crystal?s belief that he does not belong in the same Ring as her. She kisses Sylvia and heads to Her Corner. Jason says,? In the Blue Corner at: 5? 11?; 170 pounds with a 7? package ? EVERYONE GIVE YOUR LOVE TO SAM JACOB!? Everyone stands and applauds not for Sam but the violence that will soon ensues and in their minds the courage for Sam to be the sacrificial lamb. Jason continues,? Sam?s opponent is the First and Current Individual ?AAA? Champion as well as Captain of the Family Champion. She is; 5'4"; 115 lbs.; 35-23-35 .Crystal has said that she is so certain of victory that she will give Sam a Title Shot IF he wins. She hopes this will help him grow a cock and give her an adequate workout. Everyone welcome ?Crystal Hooper! ?Sylvia calls both combatants to the center of the Ring. She reviews the rules and consequences for the Bout. Crystal stares at Sam?s eyes but Sam does not return her gaze. Sylvia asks for questions and sends them back to their corners to wait for the bell. Crystal glares at Sam ready to humiliate Sam for a THIRD time. Jason allows the tension to build before finally - he rings the bell!

    Crystal charges Sam and locks up in a Collar and Elbow. Despite their difference in size; Crystal pushes Sam around the Ring until he is trapped against a turnbuckle. His head is forced over the top rope revealing his throat. She delivers a chop across his throat
    while simultaneously a powerful knee to Sam?s package. He begins to slump in the corner only to be caught by her feminine, taunt body. She slams another knee that finds its mark and delivers a knife-hand to his throat. The combination knocks him through the ropes. He falls six feet to the padded floor. The impact knocks all the air from his body. He lies: gasping for air; dazed and staring blankly at the overhead lights. She casually slides under the bottom rope to continue her assault on her hapless opponent. As Sam lies defenseless; she bends down; kisses Sam?s forehead and delivers a vicious Full Body Stomping. Each stomp elicits loud cries of pain. Everyone in the Fight Room is mesmerized at Crystal?s fury. Her shark-like approach has an intoxicating erotic effect upon the spectators. Crystal?s feet work their magic and leave cuts as their calling cards. Sam?s face becomes a bloody mess with Sam knocked senseless from the jackhammer blows. Blood flows from: his broken nose; cuts on both lips; cuts under both eyes and cuts on his cheeks. Crystal grabs Sam?s right arm; straddles it and quickly sits down dislocating his arm and sending ?white hot? pain throughout his body. Sam?s cries and screams fill the room. Spectator?s eyes fill with an erotic, savage lust at the sight of Crystal dominating Sam. He kicks the floor in a vain attempt to exorcize the pain. Crystal picks Sam up by the hair and slams his forehead on the Ring Apron several times. Blood stains the mat where Sam?s forehead makes constant contact for several minutes. This Bout is following the same pattern as Crystal?s previous 8 Matches. Spectators on the first row are sprayed with Sam?s blood as Crystal vigorously rubs Sam?s forehead on the Ring Apron opening up the wound wider releasing an even greater flow of blood. Sam falls to the floor ? unconscious - an even greater bloody mess than before. She drags her 39 year old opponent to a friend on the first row; slaps the bloody slab of meat across her friend?s knees on his back for easy access to his limp cock and ask Monica to ?milk? Sam! One of Crystal?s twists to this Bout is to involve the audience. Monica milks Sam to orgasm. The unconscious Sam shoots his cum high into the air. It lands on his stomach. With Crystal?s encouragement; Monica picks up the cum and rubs it on Sam?s mouth and face. This draws applause from the Club Members surrounding Monica. His hard cock arouses and encourages several in the Fight Room to become in various forms of sex. Monica licks blood off Sam?s face before surrendering him back to Crystal. She takes the semi-conscious Sam and Body Slams him to the floor. He arches his back from the impact as pain shoots up and down his spine. Crystal decides to show off. She spits on Sam to express her disdain; climbs the stairs to the Ring Apron; climbs the corner post; balances herself on the top turnbuckle and executes a Giant Frog Splash! She launches herself from 14? and experiences a VERY unpleasant surprise. Through sheer instincts ? at the last moment ? Sam raises his knees. A loud crack is heard throughout the silent Fight Room as two of Crystal?s ribs break upon impact across Sam?s knees. All the air is knocked from the impact and the intense pain. Crystal bounces off Sam?s knees and lands facedown. She immediately curls up in an effective attempt to relieve the pain. Crystal has forgotten the Bout and is focused ONLY on the pain that permeates her body. She coughs up blood. San?s knees are in flames from the encounter. He too curls up and moans from the beating he has received. Both wrestlers are unable to capitalize on their advantage. Sam is weakened from blood loss and the pummeling he has received since the opening bell. Crystal had been in total control until she got a little too arrogant. Blood trickles out the corner of her mouth as she forces herself to her knees. The smug self-confident look is wiped from her face. Crystal attempts to raise Sam to his feet. She drops him back to the floor due to his weight and her ribs! Crystal decides to strip him on the floor. As blood continues to run from her mouth and her broken ribs cut into her internal body; she removes an unconscious Sam?s boots; pads and finally ? his thong. Sam?s cock stands at attention as the air from the central air unit hits it. Everyone knows that both wrestlers are injured and are ripe for the pickings. It is now a question of who wants it more ? simply put ? WILL! The still unconscious Sam breathes shallowly from his mouth. The blood from the cuts on his face and his broken nose dry. His balls are purple and swollen. His cock is bleeding from the scratches caused from the forced ?milking?. both knees are swelling; his neck is discolored and swelling. Sam?s right shoulder is swollen, purple and dislocated deeming his right arm useless. Crystal drags Sam to Ringside by his damaged arm. She uses the Ring and pushes the unresisting Sam into the Ring. Crystal has to rest from the effort; slumps to the floor; using the Ring forces herself to her feet; slides into the Ring and crawls toward her victim. Sam begins to stir indicated by low moaning emitting from Sam?s swollen, bleeding mouth. By Crystal?s growing weakness; her internal bleeding is having its effect. She reaches Sam; crawls onto his back through his legs splayed in a spread-eagle fashion; her blood drips onto his back;
    wraps her right arm around his throat and pulls back applying an effective choke. Crystal jams three fingers of her left hand into Sam?s open and defenseless ass. She applies the Anal Claw while mercilessly choking Sam. His body is on fire and cannot escape the Champion?s expertly applied holds. Sam slaps at Crystal?s arm with his left hand. Spittle mixes with blood and runs down both sides of his mouth. Sylvia is on her knees as she asks Sam if he submits. Sam cries,? I GIVE UP! ? I GIVE UP! ? MAKE HER TAKE HER FINGERS OUT OF MY ASS ? PLEASE! SHE?S TEARING ME APART! Crystal removes her bloody fingers and raises them to the crowd. Blood runs from his damaged ass as his legs twitch. Several spectators reach orgasm at the sight of an injured strong-willed Crystal straddling her defeated foe dripping her blood onto his carcass with her claw hand raised high accepting the accolades from the crowd. Crystal collapses to her knees. Dr. Braden enters the Ring; looks at them both and immediately signals attendants to bring stretchers. Both wrestlers are secured upon stretchers; taken up the aisle and loaded into the ambulance. He asks Dr. Waite to accompany them to the Emergency Room. Jason says,? In 19 minutes and 51 seconds; the winner of 3rd Bout is Crystal Hooper. There will be a 1 Hour Intermission to clean up the mess at Ringside and in the

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    HB Forum Owner MikeJV's Avatar
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    Only surprize was the counter to the splash, but still a great match.


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