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Thread: S.L.I.T. pt 4

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    HB Forum Owner MikeJV's Avatar
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    S.L.I.T. pt 4


    "OH GOD OOOHHH GGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDD..... LEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSLLIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! !!" Leslie takes her mouth off of Jessika's hard twitching clit and looks up, smiling. "You like?" Leslie smirks, *PANT PANT PANT... pant... gulp, pant* "Oh GOD YES!!! But *pant* I think you better stop, at least for now, or I'll never finish the story." "Ok Jess." Jess doesn't say it or show any visible signs of it, but Jessika knows that was the best oral she's EVER recieved in her life, and to get more she'd gladly become Leslie's bitch and give up all her responsibilies. Emma had her heart and soul, but Leslie was now sole owner of her pussy. Jess knew it, but wasn't ready to admit it, even to herself. She just wasn't able to believe that someone could break her sexual defenses so easily... sexual conquest and domination was her specialty, being able to resist any sexual torture or seduction was something she prided herself on.

    "Would you like some water Jess?" "Yes, please Leslie, thankyou." Leslie gets 2 big bottles of water from her fridge, 1 for herself, and returns to the room. After taking a long drink, draining half the bottle, Jess regains her composure and has Leslie join her on the bed. "Now where was I... oh yes, I remember now."


    Since I relocked the door, Emma charged in first. That clit for brains... bless her heart, chose the bigger bitch, Athena. Emma has this little fetish, you could call it, for fighting women bigger than herself. She usually beats'em too, and when she does it sends her into sexual overload, those orgasms are so intense they sometimes knock her out cold. Problem is, she can get so excited during the fight that she'll get careless. And once that giant clit of hers is really hard she can't fight worth a damn. Anyway, Athena had Emma by a foot in hieght and almost 200 lbs in wieght, so naturally she charged in and pounced on the big bitch with a double chop to the sides of her neck when Athena caught her mid air, then sunk her right foot deep into Athena's big pubic mound, dead center. Athena groaned and they fell back onto floor.

    This is when I got to Stacy. I was surprized that she actually threw the first shot. I ducked her right cross, spun with my momentum and came up next to her before she recovered from her miss and knocked her tits first to the floor with a spinning heel kick to the head. Hurt alittle, blonde bitch had a really hard head. I moved quickly to keep control and grabbed her t-shirt. Oh was that a mistake, she rolled onto her back, ripping the t-shirt totally apart, she came right out of it. I followed her rollover like some amateur; I was thinking about Emma and shouldn't of been. I hear, "Nice move bitch, MY TURN!" and before I can even drop her lost shirt, bitch drives her fist up between my spread legs and crushes my big labia flat between my body and her fist. I shrieked in agony and dropped straight down to my knees dropping the shirt and clutching my womanhood with both hands. I can take a hard shot to the head or body no problem, but because of my sexual gifts, as you saw up close Leslie, my pussy is 1 of my few soft spots. But then all women are soft between the legs, we're just harder to land a solid shot on, unlike men.

    As I said, I made a rookie mistake and she nailed me GOOD. I haven't been cunt busted in 3 years, so I'll give her credit, but by no means was 1 shot to my sex gonna put me down at this bitch's mercy. Stacy got back up to her feet, I could hear Emma and Athena wrestling by the wall, and from the sounds Emma was doing fine. Stacy then stepped in front of me. I looked up at her, and my GOD were her tits huge! They were round and bigger than basketballs, and her areola were wider than my open hand! Not to mention her nipples, which were the size of a man's thumb! I had to admit it to myself, she was very impressive. And from the huge bulges in her tight shorts, I hadn't seen everything yet, but I was going to. She grabbed a handfull of my hair with her left and started lifting me up, obviously to crush my face with her big right fist. I didn't wait to get lifted off the floor, I returned her low blow. She shrieked like a 12 year old girl and dropped to her knees in front of me, where I immediately headbutted her in the nose, breaking it and knocking her flat on her back. Now I pounced on the big slut, driving my right knee into her already sore cunt and sinking my claws deep into her spongey round tits, specifically her huge areola. Both got more shrieks from this self-styled queen bitch.

    I looked down into Stacy's eyes, to show her how weak she really was compared to me, but they were glazed over, she was out of it. Then I caught something fall out of the corner of my eye, I looked... it was Emma's panties. I started to smile, I didn't think Athena would go down so easily to my little Emma, then the icey chill ran down my spine as I heard Emma screaming at the top of lungs. Only 1 thing can make Emma scream like that... fear etched on my face I turned my head as fast as I could. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" I screamed as I jumped up off of Stacy. I was right, Athena had Emma stripped nude and pinned on her back with her big left hand. I couldn't see her right, but knew exactly where it was. "LET EMMA GO AND FACE ME YOU OVERGROWN CUNT!!!!!" Athena shifted her position about a foot or so to her right, mainly so I could see what she was doing to my little lover. The big bitch looked at me (about 6' away) with a shit eating grin on her face, she knew she had me, not to mention my poor Emma, at her mercy. "Does this (looks down at her right hand, wrapped tightly around Emma's fully arroused clit, the tip poking out the top past her thumb) belong to you?" I just nodded. "Then I'll give it back to you." I saw her arm tense up, and from her size and build I had no doubts she could do it. "NO, PLEASE... I'm begging you, don't."

    She looked at me, the anger starting to show. "You break into my friend's house, bust her pussy, smash her nose... and you want MERCY?" She gives Emma's clit a HARD squeeze and twist, making poor Emma convulse in agony, tears pouring from her eyes. "This little dyke has a huge fuckin' bush... *smiles* mabye I oughtta trim it for her." She moved her left down and grabbed a BIG handfull of Emma's thick blonde thatch. "STACY! ....STACY! ...Wake her up or your little dyke here loses her other best friend." I knew I could take her out with a single kick, but she could still hurt or even maim Emma, I had no choice. "Ok, I'll wake her up. But I'm WARNING YOU BITCH... you so much as rub her clit too hard and you and your bitch friend will die the most horrible deaths imaginable, UNDERSTAND ME?!" As tough as Athena was, I could see in her eyes she knew I could do it, her confidence was visibily shaken a few seconds. "Ok, You don't hurt Stacy and I won't hurt her." I turned away from her and woke Stacy up with a pressure point I knew. I'd rather slap her awake, but I didn't trust that big bitch pinning Emma to not hurt her for doing it.

    When Stacy woke my hands were ready to snap her neck, she froze, not sure what to do. "Move 1 finger against me and you're dead. We have a little problem, get up." Stacy stood up carefully, never taking her eyes off me. "Go ahead and talk bitch, I know you want to." I eased up on Stacy enough for her to talk, but she knew I still had her. "Athena, help me please." I tightened my grip again. "Ok tits, here's the deal... (I thought a moment, then smiled. As a pro I wouldn't normally do this, but I just couldn't pass up this oppotunity) You tie up Emma with those 2 pricks over there, then the 3 of us will strip down completely and I'll fight you both at once. (Athena smiled, Stacy did too as best she could) We fight to the death, if I lose, Emma is yours to do with as you want, assuming 1 of you is still alive that is. (I had to smile at that) You 2 sluts have the tits for a real catfight?" Athena looked at Stacy a moment, but before Athena answered me, I knew what she was gonna say from Stacy's body language. "We accept dyke!" Stacy had agreed and given Athena the 'ok' sign.

    I couldn't believe they'd accepted my challenge, inside... I was jumping around like a little girl at Christmas. This was gonna be fun. I watched carefully as Athena tied up Emma with the leftover rope, sat her on the floor between their men and then tied her to their chairs. Emma looked at me, her eyes cleared up from crying, and gave me a subtle look I knew very well. I returned her subtle look with my own, she gave a subtle nod back. She understood what I wanted, as I knew she would.

    I stripped first, showing them my firm D cup tits and the wild, thick, long black bush that covered my entire mound and the few inches surrounding it. My very large thick lips I kept smooth, and currently closed tight like a 3 lb clam. I saw them notice how big my lips were, their jealousy was obvious. I smiled at them knowingly, then nodded. Athena stripped first, ripping her shirt off and tossing it aside. They were suppossed the shred, that's why Stacy got out of hers so fast, I should of known. Altho her areola were only about half the size of Stacy's, about 4" across with olive-size nipples, her breasts are bigger than Stacy's by 6 or 8 cups! Stacy I figured was a JJ or even JJJ cup, which made Athena's juggs truely immense, if only they were on the right side... what a waste. Looking down, I saw Athena's very impressive brown bush. It was almost as big as mine, but hers was trimmed and groomed, neatly, but still quite thick, on her wide, fat mound. Her equally impressive lips, like mine, were kept smooth. Altho hers were big mainly because the rest of her is. Unlike me tho, hers were swollen and open, obviously ready for her man's big cock, ick, I'm glad I interupted them.

    Stacy ripped her shorts off and tossed'em aside, just like Athena, her brown bush was very impressive and trimmed the same way. Her lips were bigger than Athena's but still small compared to mine. I noticed that hers were alittle red tho, from my earlier punch. I smiled as I realized just how sensitive and easily damaged they were... that's why she went down from 1 shot, her big pussy is too sensitive. That's great during sex, but a major weakness in a fight. And one I was going to fully exploit. I took a deep breath as I moved to the conter of the room, waving them in to come get me, the scent of their wet pussies was unmistakable. They were getting hot, but was it because of their fun with guys earlier, thinking about hurting me in the catfight we're about to have, or... (I stop for a second) no, that couldn't be it. We get center room, them circling me. At my first opening, I lunge at Stacy and plant a right toe kick dead center on her protruding clit, dropping her with a shriek, then I turn to my right, still balanced on my left foot, and sink my foot to the ankle in Athena's giant left tit, centered on her nipple. She just grunts and grabs my shin with her left hand. My eyes pop open as my error hits me. I scream out as I look down and see her right hand, open in a big claw, racing forward between my wide spread legs. "OH GOD NOOO, my li... AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!"

    to be continued

    <font color="#a62a2a" size="1">[ July 25, 2004 08:04 PM: Message edited by: MikeJV ]</font>

    <font color="#a62a2a" size="1">[ July 25, 2004 08:09 PM: Message edited by: MikeJV ]</font>

  2. #2
    Inactive Member Jessikafights's Avatar
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    WOW!!! ... only two against me ... they don't stand a chance!!! ... OOPSS!! AAAAHHH!!! NO!!! [img]eek.gif[/img]

    GRRR!! [img]graemlins/grrr.gif[/img] ... Gonna make those bitches pay! [img]wink.gif[/img]

    Things are certainly HEATING up ... STEAMINGLY great writing!

    Jessie & Emma

  3. #3
    Inactive Member i_am_ddd's Avatar
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    Good story, Mikejv. It's quite entertaining. Keep up the good work.


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