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Thread: Maureen vs. Dee; Dee's side of the story...from Cavalier

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    Senior Hostboard Member mrcavalier52's Avatar
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    Maureen vs. Dee; Dee's side of the story...from Cavalier

    Cavalier Magazine Online

    "I think what your readers find so interesting about my fights with Maureen is the dirty tactics we use! We don't just tug on each other's hair the way most girls do when they fight. Any girl knows how to really hurt another girl. It's no secret that the tits and vagina should be the primary targets?"

    Hello Cavalier! This is Dee, Maureen's arch rival. I recently read Maureen's account of one of our fights in your magazine. I also understand that she has written several other letters to you describing a few of our previous encounters. Well, I guess it's about time your readers heard my version of my rivalry with Maureen (the Cunt Mauler). "
    Let me' start by saying that I have always had a physical attraction for Maureen's husband. The first time I laid eyes on him I just knew I had to have him no matter what it took. I'm the type of girl who goes after what I want, and I wanted his cock between my legs more than anything! My pussy would get dripping wet just thinking about fucking him.
    The first fight between Maureen and I took place about two years ago in Maureen's apartment. I had gone there to borrow some sugar when Maureen wasn't home. Her husband answered the door and one hard hug led to another. The next thing you know, I was sucking on his dick when Maureen barges in and pulls me off him by my long auburn colored hair: We started to fight and tear each other's clothes off, much to the delight of her husband who ejaculated as we fought. That fight ended with Maureen tearing away at my vagina and her husband eventually pulled her away from me.
    Maureen cursed me out and warned me never to go near her husband again. I told her to go to hell, and that I had every intention of making it with her man.
    Our second battle took place in Maureen's bedroom. We locked horns as she again caught me in a compromising situation with her husband. It was a quick struggle in which I made the mistake of thinking I had finished her off with a thunderous kick to Maureen's cunt. She passed out momentarily, but managed to regain her senses till we were finally separated by her husband who suggested he make love to both of us at the same time. I know Maureen hated the idea as much as I did, but I suppose we figured we'd rather share him than not have him at all. We reluctantly took turns fucking and sucking him. More than a few times during the lovemaking, Maureen and I got into a shoving match. It was plain to see (and feel) that our male partner was turned on by our fighting over him.
    For the next few months, Maureen and I steered clear of each other (although, I still continued to see her husband on the side). It was during this time that I again tangled with Maureen. This third encounter happened at a yard party of a mutual friend. Maureen turned the tables on me by sitting on the hard-on of the guy I came to the party with. It was one bitch of a fight! We beat and humiliated each other in front of all the people there, I really did some damage to Maureen in this fight. I practically left her vagina bald from all the cunt hair I pulled from her. I also left Maureen's tits bruised and scratched.

    The people in the crowd were shocked that two girls could fight the way we did. After a while they began to cheer me on because I'm a bit shorter than Maureen and because she actually started it by coming on to my boyfriend. All the cheering made me fight even harder and I became obsessed with inflicting as much pain as I could on Maureen's womanhood. I remember yanking on Maureen's cunt lips and gouging her clitoris with my nails. She tried to retaliate, but never really had me in trouble in that fight. This cunt fight was finally broken up by my boyfriend and Maureen's husband.
    I think what your readers find so interesting about my fights with Maureen is the dirty tactics we use! We don't just tug on each other's hair the way most girls do when they fight. Any girl knows how to really hurt another girl. It's no secret that the tits and vagina should be the primary targets in a fight between two girls. A girl's tits are really tender and very vulnerable. The cunt is even more sensitive but a little more difficult to attack for obvious reasons.
    In the catfights I've had with Maureen, I spent very little time pulling Maureen's hair. I usually went right for Maureen's tits first, then I would concentrate my energy on damaging her pubic mound. Maureen has a pretty hairy bush, so it's been easy for me to get her by the pussy fur. My cunt hair is shorter and not as dense, making it more difficult for Maureen to grasp the short hairs between my legs. Maureen's tits are also a little larger than mine giving me more of a target than she has when she goes for my tits. My titties seem to be more sensitive than Maureen's because whenever she would grab me by my tits, I couldn't stand the pain and I would wind up having to relinquish my hold on her breasts.
    Maureen really took advantage of my tender boobs in the last battle we had! This fight took place in a bar that I was at with Maureen's husband. She had followed the two of us there and attacked me from behind as I sat on a barstool making out with her man. I feel that this was by far the most vicious of the fights we have had. I think we would have killed each other if they let us. This fight was also probably the sexiest since we both wore skirts and there was a lot of leg action. The bar filled with catcalls and whistles as Maureen and I tore into each other. I was really surprised by the other women in the crowd. They egged us on and shouted for us to tear the other's tits off. I guess it's because it's not very often they get to see two women go at it.
    I remember one point in that fight where Maureen had a hold of my titties and was squeezing them with all her might. I had tears in my eyes as I tried desperately to pry Maureen's hands from my tits. I grabbed Maureen by her tits and pulled them unmercifully, but somehow she was able to withstand the pain. It wasn't until I landed a solid knuckle punch to Maureen's delicate cunt that she finally let my tits go. What a fight! They had to tear us apart again.
    Just to keep you up to date, Maureen's husband has since moved in with me, and we are madly in love. From what I understand Maureen is one pissed-off bitch, and she is out to get even with me for stealing her man! Well, I just want to say that I feel confident I can take anything the so-called "cunt mauler" has to dish out. I'm capable of inflicting a little cunt mauling myself. So she better be ready for me, because I plan to make our next fight the last. It will be a catfight to the finish with no "holes" barred.
    My ultimate goal is to rip Maureen's vagina to shreds in front of her husband, and then force her to watch as I suck his cock and balls as he eats my beautiful tight cunt. I don't think it will be long before Maureen and I get our claws into each other, and I look forward to kicking her cunt in for good.

    Dee, "the Cunt Kicker."

    Cavalier Magazine Online

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    Inactive Member ab6727's Avatar
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    Re: Maureen vs. Dee; Dee's side of the story...from Cavalier

    nice story.:mooning:
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