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Thread: ban the cya ban the cya... and I chose to land here.

  1. #1
    Guest TastinGood's Avatar


    i dont like this shit being posted on this board. if you have a problem with blazey, there are other ways that you can contact her. i dont consider the acropolis to be one of them. wanna make your thoughts public? some adspace from Stephen and blare your message out as a hot pink flashing banner...but dont start shit on this board.

    in case you havent noticed, i have deleted all replies to this thread. you said what you thought should be stated and we'll just leave it at that. anything further can be taken up via PM with whoever you have a problem with and if that includes me well then my PM box has plenty of room for new messages.

    i barged in on your clubs riding board and started shit that didnt belong there.

    this shit doesnt belong here.

    maybe if you hadnt acted so irrationally before you would have your own damn board to post on without any fear of having it censored or shut down.

  2. #2
    Inactive Member 1FINH's Avatar
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    Well after being successful banned and booted from DEMON's place (Thanks BLAZEY ... nice to see you still can speak your mind but not let others)

    Anyhow ..... on with the story

    Glad to seem some took it upon themselves to speak for me as I left.

    Nope..didnt to me either..maybe we were wrong about him..i didnt think he'd ever treat his friends like this..ah well..
    <font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC, Tahoma">Well, I consider everyone a friend and even drop them lines in email and on their boards and in yahoo. If you were considered a friend then you prolly got one of these or even continued to talk to me after I left. You want to know the real reason I left then ask. I will tell you, I have nothing to hide. Maybe I was having a bad month or maybe I didnt think admin was helping me. I that a reason to slam me as I left?

    Ahhh now onto the big topic...

    Well..I think that a free message board is just that free..we get what we pay this case I am very satisifed with HB for what I need it for..I cant fault him for going elsewhere if you have problems..The remark about no help from admin..well..i disagree..once again HE needed to remember this is FREE..Steven cannot make it what everyone wants it to be due to costs that we as posters dont help him out no need to say the admin give little to no help..thats where i took offense..there has not been one thing i have asked for with HB I didnt get(within reason of course)..HB has made lots of progress since i came here several years ago..and they are continually making changes as best as they can..So if CYA wasnt happy and he left..fine..good luck where ever he goes..and with him being a "programmer"..then he will know the best way to settle to make your own site and that way he can have no complaints.. He can make it how he other gripe was the fact he removed his name..i guess i took it as childish sorry but thats how i felt..he could have came back and posted from time to time..but no..he chose to remove himself from us..the people that thought he was one cool guy..we all enjoyed his comments..his pictures..we felt like he was part of our HB family..i reckon not.. ..some of us didnt know him at all but from here..and he will be missed..he should feel pretty good..looks like he has a demon cheerleader in his corner..
    <font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC, Tahoma">A park is free to visit but I would want to visit one if it was filled with trash or seeing people pissing on the grass as I tried to take my kids to the swings. So free in your mind is hey we should all be lucky to have such a place. Well, I am glad Steven made this place, I am glad they gave my club a home for 3/4 of a year. But we didnt use it to just post and say hi we used it as a schedule to keep track of rides and events and post important daily items. So when HB goes down or we get random people posting crap on their board I dont just hear it from 1 person I get screamed at by over 100+ people at once. So, not having a board of our own I was happy Steven gave us a free place here. But we needed something more private and some thing I had more control over. I leard my PHP software and now use it for my board. So yes I did do what you wished I should "mae my own site and have no complaints" Well, I did an now I dont. I dont get random posters, I know when and if and how long my site will be down. Do I blame steven for this NO I was offering suggestions and ideas on how to improve what he had. nothing more nothing less. But thanks for defending a guy I wasnt slamming.

    As for not getting help in admin area... I had to personally ask Shatzy to do what Concord wouldnt. He surfed my site and even got a pm from me but wouldnt deleat the board. Shatzy did but who took posted it was done days later?? And when I asked for it to be removed who posts a smart ass remark? HMMM on admin no less and they let it fly there. They have been letting his shit fly around here like he runs the place. I dont care what he says on his own boards or boards of others but to say Superbikes Suck on the admin board an it to remain there was just another straw on my back. Maybe he was kidding and maybe he wasnt. I dont care either way. All I am saying is ADMIN is no place for his Tom Foolery. GROW UP.

    And when I posted that I was having issues with flood control I was told that it has always been there. OK SO BE IT... but for the WHOLE time I have been here it has never been an issue. Then I deleat a board and it is there. Out of no where. I am told MODS are excluded. OK well I thought I was a mod since I had 3 boards. But no one got that connection either all they could say was PITY YOU or oh too bad you have to wait a min to post. Or oh sucks to be you .. I can do it. If we are not to go to the admin area to fix problems then WTF is it there for? Whichs gets me back to my original beef. I had a problem with admin not supporting or looking or at least accknowldging my issues. I dont expect them to jump up and fix it in mins. Just humor me and say we will look into it. But no you had to come here and stand up for them and rip me a new one on a topic you know nothing about. You're not ADMIN and I wasnt addressing you. And I thought of you as a friend until you stabbed me in the back because I chose to leave. Well BOO FUCKIN WHO as God put it. If you was such a great friend that would have missed me so much then maybe you would have pmed me or imed me when I left to ask what was wrong but ya didnt. You chose to instead rip me here after I was gone. That doesnt make HB a better place, doesnt fix all those reasons I chose to leave in the first place. Just makes you look like an ass in front of all your friends as they stood by and said they would miss me and you basically say GOOD GLAD YOUR GONE. Well Blazey sit and spin is all I can say .. when I have something to say I will address you personally. Until then STFU.

    As for Steven.... here are my views and problems.

    Hostboard. It is a great collection of people and has allowed me to make some great friends. Many of which I will keep forever. I am glad you made it and I am greatful for all the support you provide... outside of that,

    Admin area. You created or have an admin area in which to post comments or problems. I posted mine. 3 as a matter of fact. 2 were ignored outside of Shatzy doing them for me as I personally pmed her. I say Ignored as I know Concord was in there and saw my requests. I then even saw him on my boards that I asked to be deleated. He did nothing but browse and leave. I know you are buzy people and I know what it take to delete a board. A few key strokes and poof it is gone.

    I also was miffed that when I posted stuff on admin that more then admin could actually post in there. Maybe if they actually posted helping ideas or suggestions and acted professionally in there maybe I wouldnt have gotten pissed. You say you have no control over smart ass posters except to ban them on your person board. Well I dont' manage ADMIN AREA so out of my hands.

    Flood Control. You stated it has always been there as did concord. But then I was also told mods area excluded. The more questions I posed or answers in trying to help you figure out what happened the more I felt it was a situation of no one actually listening to the problem. It was more of a ... WOW SUCKS TO BE YOU then it was a hmmm so it was not there before but is now. does this happen on every board every time.. You know TROUBLE SHOOTING not the WHOA PITY ADMIN AS THEY HAVE SOOOO MUCH TO DO as Blazey points out. I never gave a time line for my problem to be fixed. Just addressed and not ignored. If you are that swamped then I suggest as Pete said and get others to help out in that area. You have a lot of programmer or pc savey people here that could help you.

    and one last point...

    No sense beating a dead horse..thanks for all the all made some very valid points..but i think this topic is taking a turn for the worse..and I for one dont think its a good idea to let that happen..Im in no mood to babysit my board..or have to ask anyone to refrain from i will just lock this thread.again..thanks to all who posted..your an exceptional group of glad that you are all a part of HB AND a part of my HB family!
    <font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC, Tahoma">It only took a turn for the worse when you started slamming me after I left Blazey. Only then did people get nasty and turn away from the true subject at hand.. "could my problems be fixed"

    But I do so love how when the topic gets out of hand and you feel attacked it becomes a CLOSED SUBJECT. [img]graemlins/thumbs_up.gif[/img] Nice sensoring. But hey this is your board right.

    feel free to Ban me now as I have said my peace.... and maybe you , Father Dave, GOD, The Dark ANGEL can go have "look at me as I have nothing valuable to add to the conversation" party.

    Oh an if anyone hadn't noticed or is confused. IM BACK


    ***cause this post to be deleted from here and I will post it on every single HB board here. You said you piece now Im sayin mine!

    <font color="#000000" size="1">[ January 03, 2004 12:36 AM: Message edited by: 1FINH ]</font>

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