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Thread: What do you think?

  1. #1
    Inactive Member Kyle R's Avatar
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    Anarchy, I think this is always a good topic to talk about. Its great to see what people have to say about it.
    I am neutral in this aspect of thinking. At least at the moment. Most everyone sees anarchism as a worthless way to think. But do they ever really learn what true anarchists are striving for? Im trying to learn as much as I can on this way of thinking. It interests me very much and I always like to see what people have to say about it...

  2. #2
    Inactive Member soulfilms's Avatar
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    i like their passion.

    dubious as to their success.

    i'd like to think myself an anarchist of the subtler shades, but i doubt very much i'd fit into the conventional definition of an anarchist.

  3. #3
    HB Forum Owner SHATOUSHKA's Avatar
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    i think the smallest number is 2.

    thats a personal pun.
    only in that most people tend to view
    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVERYTHING in terms of extremes.

    enough of that, on to your Q...
    (or will i?)

    out of chaos, comes order
    out of order, game over

    i'm curious as to what you mean in the
    definition of what 'true anarchists are
    striving for'.

    personally, i think that the term 'anarchy'
    is a pipe dream. a certain 'hope' like all
    others in times of rebellion.
    i don't want to suggest that anarchy is
    necessarily negative. in many cases, i find
    that freedom(s) impose restrictions.
    ok, i lie.

    freedom(s) always impose restrictions.

    i realize that i just uttered an absolute.
    but i cannot seem to find the opposing argument.

    even if the (social) convention was anarchy,
    it is still convention.... which imposes
    further anarchy.

    i'm interested in hearing more of what
    you have to say, kyle (if you come back).

  4. #4
    Inactive Member Kyle R's Avatar
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    Well in the definition of "what true anarchists are striving for"...
    I was refurring to the people that give it no thought and shut down this way of thinking for the reason of that it is not the most popular way of thinking.
    (and I assume there isnt anyone like that in here, I can tell that you are not one of those kinds of people)
    In the "true anarchist" part I was trying to maybe get the certain mind set out of *the kid that walks around with a red A on his coat, then later in the day beats somebody up.* Someone that is true to what they stand for, and living his life in this belief.
    As in for the "striving for" part, I was refuring to the freedom that they strive for. And all that comes with freedom.

    When you said 'out of chaos, comes order
    out of order, game over' are saying that the world would die off in a sence? Because if you think of it as how we live now, which would be most likely classified as order. Then next will be game over? The world started out as chaos, then now order, then if anarchy came to play it would be game over. I apologize If I put words in your mouth. I am trying to understand what you mean by this, and if thats what you meant.

    What do you mean by freedoms oppose restrictions?
    Some examples... not saying you are wrong, just a curious mind.

    "even if the (social) convention was anarchy,
    it is still convention.... which imposes
    further anarchy." ...
    Are you saying that anarchy is some kind of order because it is a way of thinking by a group or gathering of people?

    I am trying to learn at this point, more or less discus than debate. I may sound very unsure of my self at this point, that is because I am. I am trying to keep an open mind, and hopefully come to a conclussion on what I belive. Thats why Im trying to see what people have to say about it.

  5. #5
    HB Forum Owner SHATOUSHKA's Avatar
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    hmmm.... i'm not even sure how to begin my post.

    <font color=#FF0000>Someone that is true to what they stand for, and living his life in this belief.</font>

    it seems to me that you may be searching for the
    loss of hypocrisy in people. that is, you want to
    find a person passionate enough to withstand any
    and all outside social pressure/obligation in order
    to maintain their passion (whatever that may be).

    i agree. i'd like to find ONE person with a
    conviction passionate enough to keep that belief.

    <font color=#FF0000>When you said 'out of chaos, comes order
    out of order, game over' are saying that the world
    would die off in a sence?</font>

    what i meant by that is, once order has been
    established, nothing else shall become chaos
    through the hands of man. even if the world were
    completely destroyed due to mankind, order remains. ask nature.

    <font color=#FF000>The world started out as chaos, then now order</font>

    hmmm. i think that you have a common misconception.
    i don't think you are wrong, merely echoing what
    you have been taught to say.
    there was never any chaos. before man was nature.
    i don't mean nature as in that which grows in
    the backyard. i'm referring to natural law.
    because most people view 'nature' as that which
    gives life, i'm referring to that which generates
    around the other.

    <font color=#FF0000>What do you mean by freedoms oppose restrictions?</font>

    no no, i said freedoms IMPOSE restrictions.
    think about it like this:

    you have a certain 'freedom' when you shop.
    that is, you have the freedom to choose between
    store A and store B. also, you have the choice
    between product A and product B.
    however, within that delusion, you knowingly
    accept the fact that this choice is all that you
    have. that, in itself, is a restriction, in that
    you cannot be free to choose something that isn't
    on the shelves. in a sense, the store owner(s)
    allow you the selection... and therefore, offer
    a restriction based on their regulation.

    another example of this idea:

    you have a certain freedom to choose from a
    buffet, but only from what the buffet offers.
    if you should choose veal from which the buffet
    offers only beef, then that freedom is restricted.

    this idea of 'freedom' applies to television,
    clothing, presidential candidates.... you name it.

    if i were to get more involved in 'freedom(s)
    imposing restrictions' with something less
    we could refer to the constant contradictions
    within 'freedom of speech'. you are free to
    say what you will, but restricted in the context
    and mannerisms of that statement.

    on a deeper (more philosophical) side, even if
    you were absolutely free to say anything you
    willed, you would still be bound to the statement
    itself... not only that, but you are limited to
    that which your brain can conjure.

    i hope this is clear. =)

    <font color=#FF0000>Are you saying that anarchy is some kind
    of order because it is a way of thinking by a
    group or gathering of people?</font>

    hmmm, no.
    what i am saying is similar to what i said earlier
    in this post. you can not have true chaos.
    even if we were to return to animalisms, the
    closest form of true anarchy, there would still
    be order in the sense that nature demands order.

    now don't get me wrong, if humans went back
    to true animalism, i'd be a happy person.
    i would like to have the freedom from conventional
    morality and social constructs.... if it were
    possible. but unfortunately, semantics prevents
    me from reaching my true goal of this post.

    <font color=#FF0000>I am trying to learn at this point,
    more or less discus than debate. I may sound
    very unsure of my self at this point, that is
    because I am. I am trying to keep an open mind,
    and hopefully come to a conclussion on what I
    belive. Thats why Im trying to see what people
    have to say about it.</font>

    i think you ask good questions. i also hope to
    hear more of your personal views. i am interested
    in what you see.
    i understand being in flux between idea and idea.
    however, as charles peirce persuades, one should never
    settle on any given idea. when this happens,
    stagnation occurs.
    what this world needs is a single person going
    against the stream. there will always be this
    ONE, this is why we have diversity.
    it is also a reason why there is an order.

    i cannot stress enough why more and more people
    should read neitzsche's GENEALOGY OF MORALS.

    let me know what you are thinking, kyle.
    your discussion(s) are welcome.

  6. #6
    Inactive Member Kyle R's Avatar
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    I am going to take you up on reading 'GENEALOGY OF MORALS'.

    I like what you had to say on freedoms imposing restrictions. I have never thought about it that way. I tried thinking of a way that you could get out of that restriction, but then found no way. I thought maybe, If you decided to go to another store to get another product. You would also still have restricions of the stores. I like what you had to say on that.

    So would you say that animalism would be a way of anarchy, only with the order of nature? And that you would enjoy returning to animalism because you belive that is as close as you could come in life ,living with what freedoms we could have? Because you said that anarchy is a pipe dream, and animalism once was in place yet we could never return to that way of living because of our advances in our way of life. That is if you call them advances. Correct me if wrong.

    So what do you belive that could be done with this world?

  7. #7
    HB Forum Owner SHATOUSHKA's Avatar
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    i agree with you in a certain respect, kyle.

    when the word 'anarchy' is mentioned, john q. public
    usually invisions man against man in a world
    of recklessness. that man is usually seen sitting
    on the deck of his handmade log cabin in the woods
    surrounded by marijuana groves, stock-pile bean
    cans, holding a rifle with a confederate flag
    waving blissfully in the wind.

    hahaha, ok. maybe no one else invisions this.

    i think that many people see anarchy as something
    close to mutany on a ship. i feel for the public.
    they are so brainwashed in cliche.

    <font color=#FF0000>So would you say that animalism would
    be a way of anarchy, only with the order of nature?
    And that you would enjoy returning to animalism because
    you belive that is as close as you could come in life,
    living with what freedoms we could have?</font>

    yeah, something like that.
    there is no morality in animalism. there is no
    compassion for a starving litter of wolf pups.

    in returning to animalism, there would be no more
    morality, which, in turn, causes over-population
    (due to right to life), which, in turn, exploits
    natural resources, which, in turn, causes greed,
    which, in turn, causes war, which, in turn, causes
    further distruction of the world balance, which,
    in turn, creates more morality.

    and the beat goes on...

    in animalism, if you were born defective, you died.
    if you were not clever enough to hunt, you died.
    if you are able to survive, you mated.

    it is completely fair.

    <font color=#FF0000>So what do you belive that could be done with this world?</font>

    there is no hope for this existence.
    socialism is, by far, more appealing than capitalism.
    it comes close to a bridge between the gaps
    of human and animal.

  8. #8
    Guest TastinGood's Avatar


    Are you from Kansas City, Kyle?

  9. #9
    Inactive Member Kyle R's Avatar
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    yup, why you ask?

  10. #10
    Guest TastinGood's Avatar


    Just wondering.

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