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Thread: This is revolting

  1. #1
    Emperor Napoleon
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    'Idol' Reject Hung Has Recording Deal
    Mon Mar 8, 3:40 PM ET

    NEW YORK - Who needs "American Idol"? William Hung doesn't ? he already has a recording contract.

    The singer, who became a fan favorite ? but not a judges' favorite ? during open auditions for the Fox series with his spirited version of Ricky Martin (news)'s "She Bangs," has signed a deal with Fuse Music Network and Koch Records.

    His debut album, tentatively titled "The True Idol," is scheduled for release April 6, it was announced Monday. It will contain "She Bangs," along with another Martin hit, "Shake Your Bon Bon," and a cover of Elton John (news)'s "Rocket Man," which Hung sang recently on "The Ellen DeGeneres (news) Show."

    And for those of you hankering for more Hung, the disc will include a 40-minute DVD with behind-the-scenes footage from his studio recording sessions and fan questions and answers.

    "He may not be the next American Idol, but he is definitely a star and inspiration to everyone who sings in the shower," said Marc Juris, president of Fuse, which will exclusively air his "She Bangs" video.

    Koch Records general manager Alan Grunblatt was even more effusive: "He is the new Elvis!"

    Hung, a 21-year-old Hong Kong native and civil engineering student at the University of California, Berkeley, has inspired fan clubs and Web sites that sing his praises.

    Meanwhile, back at "American Idol," eight of the 12 finalists have been chosen. The remaining four will be announced this week when "wild card" singers ? those who didn't get enough votes the first time ? come back for a second chance.


    Not only is this show an enabler of artificial stardom (Kelly who?) it is now givng a vehicle to individuals who have absolutely no talent whatsoever. OK so his rendition was funny. So he gets a record deal? Why not make a xxx video starring Janet Reno and John Kerry? or a lecture series on morality by Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden? or politeness by Leona Helmsley? Putting this guy up on a pedestal and giving him a record contract is an insult to anyone who has ever worked hard to make a career in music. What is this country coming to?????!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Inactive Member jdf's Avatar
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    while I'm not a huge advocate of these shows, either...I can't help but ask, What is so revolting about this? Are the judges on Idol the only ones whose opinion matters? Apparently, some one found this kid entertaining enough to spend the cash to back him, and people have the choice whether to buy the album, or not.

  3. #3
    Emperor Napoleon
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    Did you see (or hear) how he butchered Ricky Martin's song? That happens to be one of my favorite songs. And for the manager at that record label to compare him to Elvis. That's just plain SICK. I bet the same people who will be stupid enough to buy his album are the same people who make fun of Ricky Martin and have nothing better to say than wonder if he's gay or not....

  4. #4
    Inactive Member jdf's Avatar
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    Can't say I've kept up with ANY aspect of Idol.

    I for one won't be buying his CD, if no other reason than I rarely ever even buy CD's. I just think there are other things to be outraged about before someone whose music I don't like, signing a record label.

    just my $0.02

  5. #5
    Emperor Napoleon
    Guest Emperor Napoleon's Avatar


    It's all about society rewarding people with no talent while struggling artists in many cases never get recognition. It's like deriding the talent of VanGogh and giving an award to some scawl on a sidewalk with a $2 million prize. It's galling.

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