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Thread: Financial Understanding

  1. #1
    Inactive Member Buzz620's Avatar
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    **Please realize that when any player was chosen for a team they were individually figured into the budget. We are a non profit organization and try very hard to keep all the fees as low as possible.

    When a player decides to leave the program without paying the full amount it can dramatically affect the budget. This holds true for solo travelers to Las Vegas as well. When the recent financial statements for Las Vegas were handed out the fee was calculated per traveler.

    We have had some recent unexpected departures from the program. At this time, despite what parents were told at the parent meeting and players were told at tryouts and practices, this all seems to stem from playing time issues....and after just one weekend of play! This can have a direct impact on other players and their families...not to mention the utter chaos it can cause to the budget. Therefore, as a reminder...there are NO refunds under any circumstances. And all departing players must hand back in their uniforms within the next week.

    We will NOT raise any fees for the teams or single travelers to Las Vegas. The program will cover the unfortunate departure of these players, however, in the future team fees may be due up front.

    At this point we will just all work, together, very hard and sell a lot of raffle tickets and gatorade! I am determined that we will be fine...and we will.

    At this point I know that it is somewhat frustrating to those involved in the tryout process that some great great kids and their families were let that would have been thrilled to have been here. We just need to remind everyone that we are committed to YOU and we expect the same in return.

    --Lynne Horn
    CDBA Asst. Director

    <font color="#a62a2a" size="1">[ April 29, 2004 07:00 AM: Message edited by: Buzz620 ]</font>

  2. #2
    Inactive Member Stacy Ampey's Avatar
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    Red face

    Thank you for posting that message. As parents we need to understand that it is our responsibility when we allow our son to make the commitment to Camp Darryl, we are making a commitment to pay the fee to play. This is true even if we, the parent or our son decides to back out of the commitment to being part of the team. The schedule is already in place and many tournaments have already been paid for. If the parent refuses to pay the team fee committed to, it teaches our children that commitment means nothing. It also puts additional stress on those of us parents who have to budget to allow our son's to play. If the program is forced to pick up the fee, it removes funds allocated for the teams benefit into an area it should not have to.
    Those of you who know me, I speak my mind when it comes to doing the right thing. If you originally committed to the team, pay the fee so the rest of the boy's don't have to suffer simply because it is the right thing to do. Darryl is more than generous with giving families time to pay the fee risking this exact thing happening. We vote that next year, all fee's are to paid before our son's are allowed to play.

    Respectfully Sumitted,
    The Ampey's

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