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Thread: teething

  1. #1
    Guest CanadianGirl's Avatar


    My baby at 6 months and 1 day got his bottom tooth and just recently (couple of days ago) he got his top front tooth and his eye tooth...I cant believe how fast his teeth are growing in [img]eek.gif[/img]

    baby teeth chart

    <center><img src=></center>

  2. #2
    Guest CanadianGirl's Avatar


    Not "JUST" Baby Teeth

    A smile is a baby's way of reaching out to people. Even toothless, a baby's smile has the power to make people feel good. Something that precious needs care and attention right from day one.

    Sometimes that care is overlooked during a child's early years. The idea that "they're only baby teeth" leaves an impression that they are unimportant. But not so. Baby teeth need as much attention as permanent teeth.

    Consider that:

    Baby teeth remain in a child's mouth until about age 10 or 12,
    Baby teeth help a child eat and speak,
    Cavities in baby teeth can cause pain and discomfort for a child,
    A baby tooth that is lost too early can cause crooked adult teeth,
    Extensive dental treatment on a young child can be expensive and upsetting, leaving a child anxious about future dental visits. Treatment may also have to be done in a hospital under general anaesthetic. This poses a health risk,
    A child feels good and proud of a healthy smile.

    <u>Know your child's teeth</u>

    Dental care starts at home. In fact, during those important first years, few children ever see a dentist. Checkups at home can help spot problems early and they are easy to do. The first step is to know when to expect teeth to appear. The diagram below shows when "baby" teeth appear and when they are lost.

    Most parents are well aware of when the front teeth come in, but many lose track when it comes to the molars in the back. Molar care is very important because of the grooves and cracks that easily trap small pieces of food. Children will need help with reminders of proper molar care.

    It is worth taking a few minutes regularly to inspect your child's teeth. You may notice a white spot, a dark area or even a hole in a tooth. These could be early signs of a problem and should be checked by a dentist.

    <u>Teething remedies</u>

    There are a number of remedies available when teething makes a baby fretful. Chewing or biting usually provides relief. Try offering unsalted breadsticks or *******s to your infant. Approved commercial teething rings are also useful.

    Avoid giving teething biscuits or cookies to your baby. They contain sugar and can cause tooth decay.

    Don't use teething gels or ointments unless your doctor or dentist agrees. These medications can be harmful to your baby's health if they are applied too often.

    <u>Pacifiers / Thumb sucking</u>

    The need to **** is natural for an infant. A pacifier may satisfy this need. Use of a pacifier is fine after six weeks of age, if breastfeeding is going well.

    NEVER dip the pacifier in sugar, honey or a sweetener. It can lead to tooth decay.

    Thumb sucking is no concern before the age of four years. Sucking offers your child comfort and it is a natural need.

    <u>Cleaning toddlers teeth</u>

    Teeth need to be cleaned regularly no matter how young the child. In the beginning, a piece of gauze or a clean face cloth can be used to simply wipe the teeth clean. As the child grows, it becomes much easier to use a soft, infant-sized toothbrush. This is particularly important once molars have come in.

    It is difficult for young children to clean their teeth properly. Parents will need to help until they feel confident that the child can clean all the hard to reach areas, such as the top and bottom molars at the back of the mouth. Follow this link for additional toothbrushing instructions. Young children should be encouraged to practice brushing their own teeth, too! It is best if they use only a very small amount (match head size) of toothpaste on the toothbrush. Children should be taught to spit out, not swallow, the toothpaste.

    Young children learn best by imitation. Brushing together can become part of the daily routine. Habits set early, when a child is eager to copy, are easier to maintain. Here are a few tips to get things off to a good start.

    Make toothbrushing time fun.
    If bedtime is not the best time to gain your child's cooperation, pick another time. A thorough cleaning once a day is recommended.
    If your child does not like your toothpaste, try another brand. As long as the toothpaste contains fluoride, it is fine.

  3. #3
    Guest CanadianGirl's Avatar


    I took a peek into Tanners mouth once again, cuz i wanna see his teeth and i noticed another top front tooth pulling in...HOLY hes gonna have a full mouth before he is a year old

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