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Thread: Icons of a sun god

  1. #1
    HB Forum Owner Myra's Avatar
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    Yanno..... I cant say as I ever drove my house... Nor would I wanna. Cuz would be nasty when its time to use the facilities... *shudders* would be poop all over the interstate!!! But would be great for sleepovers wouldnt it? How many times you been over to stay with freinds and forget your toothbrush ? Or forget your underwear. not that I ever forget underwear, mum always says wear clean underwear in case you get in an accident but that is besides the point. Poop on the interstate = bad
    Clean underwear= good
    forgetting stuff at a sleepover= bad
    driving houses=bad
    my point was what?????

    Hold fast to whats important and never let it go!

  2. #2
    Senior Hostboard Member Hannibal's Avatar
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    The other day I was walking down the road, thumb out, waiting for someone to give me a ride. Next thing I know I was running threw a cornfield from a semi-truck driver gone mad! He'd pulled over to give me a ride, then got out his gun!! I was in fear for my life.
    At any rate, I walked home later that day after hiding for hours.
    Once I got home, I took out the keys to my house, and when I stuck them in the door to unlock it, and turned it, my house started up. So thinking this was strange but oddly cool, I drove my house around the block. On my way around the block, a cop stopped me. I said "is there a problem officer?" he says "yes, you were speeding", in return I said "i'm sorry officer it won't happen again." and proceeded to drive my house onto the interstate, where I parked it on the median. Then I went outside, and yelled at everyone to get the hell off of my driveway.
    So.. I rested easy that night knowing I was at home, and had easy quick access to my hostboard.

    As miserable as life may be I hold it pretty precious...

    If I lose the light of the sun, I will write by candlelight, moonlight, no light. If I lose paper and ink, I wil write in blood on forgotten walls. I will write always, I will capture nights all over the world and bring them to you.

  3. #3
    HB Forum Owner The Lady Belle's Avatar
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    I remember one day seeing a house drive by me while I was sitting in the gutter frying pissants with a magnifying was a beautiful house..all decked out with gingham curtains and there ever was a porch swing gently to and froing on the front verandah..there was geraniums in window boxes and a wind chime on the eave of the attic window...really damn sure pretty..and glancing up into the bright light of the sun I could see the whispy trail of smoke coming from the chimney and the smell of home baked bread and choc chip cookies..and as the kithen window passed me I could see a hot apple pie cooling on the sill..oh gee it was so homey and lovely..I sat there thinking to myself that I had a house just like that..same gingham curtains..same apple pie cooling on the sill..same porch swing..and suddenly it dawned on me that that house drving by was my very own house going right past my eyes and I was shocked to see the state of the peeling paint on the under side of the porch..I made a mental note to myself to get out there and fix that quick smart because I love a beautiful house..yes indeedy..but as my thoughts slowly and sluggishly jumbled and bumbled their way around my sun strucked head..I realised that my house wasnt the one moving but it was myself personally that was moving but I could not remember using the lower facitities of my bent over my crossed legs to see a small army of pissants oh heave hoing my little white butt across my lawn..right through my damn prize winning dahlias..destroying the big pink blooms without any regard to their fragile beauty..carrying my person to their nest..pulling me into that tiny opening of their hell called home..I looked up to see the sun winkle off a dew drop on a blade of grass overlooking the pit of despair and that Im sad to say was the last sight I ever saw of my home because when I crushed those pesky pissants under my mighty foot and exploded out of their huge ant farm..I vowed then and there never to smoke unfiltered smokes from strangers never ever again..I hop skipped and jumped my way inside for a nice cooling glass of lemonade and I threw last nights scraps to the old guy I keep chained to the basement door..he was a lucky find because I found him in the alley and I thought to myself as I stuffed him into my handbag that it was a damned shame someone throwing out a perfectly good garbage dispencer like that and he's been working fine ever since..well I did have to train him not to pee on the rug by rubbing his nose into it and he's so happy to see me when I come home in the morning after working my arse off on the local street corner selling unfiltered cigarettes to strangers that he waves his feeble little hands..gee..I think I might buy him a new collar next Bank feeling all happy and glad and at peace with the world I go outside once again to sit in the gutter and fry pissants with my magnifying glass..smoking an unfiltered cigarette that a stranger gave me... biggrin

    Sounds of laughter..
    Shades of love...
    Death Defying

  4. #4
    HB Forum Owner Myra's Avatar
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    I ate a candy from a stranger once......

    Hold fast to whats important and never let it go!

  5. #5
    Inactive Member juliet smiles's Avatar
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    was it good? did you like it? did you get in trouble??? what happened?

    Embrace Life ~ Live~Laugh~Love

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