<center> Sexy Sadie how did you know
The world was waiting just for you
Sexy Sadie how did you know

Sexy Sadie you'll get yours yet
However big you think you are
Sexy Sadie you'll get yours yet
We gave you everything we owned just to sit at your table
Just a smile would lighten everything
Sexy Sadie she's the latest and the greatest of them all

She made a fool of everyone
However big you think you are.

The Beatles - Sexy Sadie</center>

Like her namesake, Estella Havisham was a cruel girl well versed in the art of projecting the decaying image of privilege and heartbreak. She moved through the social scene like a fishtailing car without breaks. Anyone who didn't move out of her way was easily pressed to submission and left with little more than the scratched black of tread as their story. Giving all the pretty-faced playboy's a run for their money, she was everyone from the cheap ink-print of the daily rag's to the overprocessed, underfed society Queen's golden girl. A social starlet, she was not content to climb the rungs. Instead, a mountaineer, she broke past the hierarchy to make a new space for herself above and beyond.


The real question wasn't who she really was, but just what exactly she had planned as her next big move.</center>