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Thread: A good AA List of required by a high Lvl Raiding Guild

  1. #1
    Inactive Member JMB555's Avatar
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    Required AA: 437
    General: Innate Run Speed 3, 3 AA in any other skill.
    Archetype: Ambidexterity, Natural Durability 3. Combat Agility 3, Combat Stability 3, Combat Fury 1.
    Class: Instrument Mastery 3, Jamfest 3, Singing Mastery 3, Extended Notes 3, Physical Enhancement.
    PoP Adv: Planar Power 5.
    PoP Ability: Lightning Reflexes 5, Innate Defense 5, Harmonious Attack 5, Ayonae's Tutelage 3, Boastful Bellow, Fading Memories, Sionachie's Crescendo 3.
    God: Swift Journey 2.
    OoW: Mnemonic Retention 3, Dance of Blades 3, Shield of Notes 3, Defensive Instincts 5, Reflexive Mastery 5, Discordant Defiance 5, Chaotic Potential 5.
    DoDH: Improved Harmonious Attack 5, Selos Enduring Cadence 3, Precognition 5, Thick Skin 5, Song of Stone 3.

    Reccommended AA: Mental Clarity 3.

    Required Equipment: Song Modifier (Refined Ore of Harmonies, Epic 1.0, Abalone Tribal Mask, etc.), Song Enhancer (Voice of the Serpent or Shadowsong Cloak), 2.8+ Percusion Modifier (Thunderous Drums of Karana, etc.), 2.8+ String Modifier (Vampiric Lute, etc.).

    Recommended Equipment: None at the moment.


    Required AA: 251
    General: Innate Run Speed 3, 3 AA in any other skill.
    Archetype: Spellcasting Reinforcement 3, Natural Durability 3, Combat Fury 3, Combat Stability 3, Combat Agility 3.
    Class: Mass Group Buff, Mend Companion, Ambidexterity, Physical Enhancement, Pet Discipline, Paragon of Spirit.
    Pop Adv: Planar Power 5, Beastial Fury 5, Lightning Reflexes 5.
    GoD: Pet Affinity.
    OoW: Perfection of Spirit, Replenish Companion, Reflexive Mastery.
    DoDH: Advanced Bestial Fury 5, Precognition.

    Recommended AA: Fury of the Ages, Lightning Reflexes, Innate Defense, Bestial Frenzy, Weapon Affinity, Warders Alacrity, Mystical Attuning, Reflexive Mastery, Defensive Instincts, Chaotic Potential.

    Required Equipment: None

    Reccommended Equipment: None.


    Required AA: 338
    General: Run Speed 3, 3 AA in any other skill.
    Archetype: Combat Fury3, Natural Durability3, Combat Stability3, Combat Agility3
    Class: Throwing Mastery3, Flurry3, Physical Enhancement
    Pop: Planar Power3, Planar Durability
    Pop Adv: Ferocity, Punishing Blade, Raging Flurry, Fury of the Ages, Lightning Reflexes and Innate Defense.
    Gates: Echoing Cries, Weapon Affinity, Untamed Rage.
    Omens: Crazed Onslaught, Veterans Wrath, Mystical Attuning,
    DoDH: Cry of Battle, Wicked Blade, Relentless Assault

    Recommended AA:

    Required Equipment:

    Recommended Equipment:


    Required AA: 110
    General: Innate Run Speed 3, 3 AA in any other skill.
    Archetype: Healing Adept 3, Spell casting Mastery 3, Healing Gift 3.
    Class: Celstial Regeneration, Mass Group Buff.
    PoP Adv: Innate Enlightenment 5.
    PoP Ability: Radiant Cure 3, Divine Arbitration 3, Unfailing Divinity 3, Celstial Renewal 2.
    GoD: None at this time.
    OoW: Mneumonic Retention.

    Recomended AA: Spell Casting Reinforcement Mastery, Mental Clarity 3, Planar Power 5, Purify Soul, Spell Casting Subtelty 3, Lightening Reflexes 5, Mystical Attuning 5, Discordant Defiance 5, Healing Boon 3.

    Required Equipment: Spell [img]biggrin.gif[/img] ivine Intervention, Spell:Remove Greater Curse, Spell: Blessing of Devotion, Spell: Symbol of Balikor, Spell: Conviction, Spell: Ward of Valiance Focus: Extended Range V or equivalent.

    Recommended Equipment:


    Required AA: 150
    General: Innate Run Speed 3, 3 AA in any other skill.
    Archetype: Healing Adept 3, Healing Gift 3, Spell Casting Mastery 3.
    Class: Mass Group Buff.
    PoP Adv: None at this time.
    PoP Ability: Advanced Healing Gift 3, Advanced Healing Adept 3, Radiant Cure 3, Spirit of the Wood 3.
    GoD: Spell Casting Subtlety 3.
    OOW: Healing Adept Mastery 3, Healing Gift Mastery 3

    Recommended AA: Natural Durability 3, Spell Casting Fury 3, Combat Agility 3, Mental Clarity 3, Innate Camoflague, Exodus, Planar Power 5, Planer Enlightenment 5, Fury of Magic 3, Lightning Reflexes 5, Quickend Curing 3, Secondary Forte, Fury of Magic Mastery 3, Swift Journey 2, Resplendant Cure 3, Destructive Fury 3, Call of the Wild, Expansive Mind 5, Chaotic Potential 5, Discordant Defiance 5, Spirit of the Grove 3, Gift of Mana.

    Required Equipment: Spell:Greater Remove Curse, Spell [img]tongue.gif[/img] ureblood.

    Recommended Equipment: None.


    Required AA?s: 316
    General: Innate Run Speed 3, 3 AA in any other skill.
    Archetype: Spell Casting Subtlety 3, Spell Casting Mastery 3, Spell Casting Reinforcement 3, Combat Agility 3, Mental Clarity 3, Natural Durability 3, Channeling Focus 3.
    Class: Mass Group Buff, Spell Reinforcement Mastery, Gather Mana.
    PoP Adv: Innate Enlightenment 5.
    PoP Ability: Eldritch Rune 3, Lightning Reflexes 5, Total Dimination 3.
    GoD: Swift Journey 2.
    OoW: Reflexive Mastery 5, Stasis 1, Mind over Matter 1, Mnemonic Retention, Mystical Atoning 2.
    DoDH: Rune of Shadows 5, Precognition 5, Deep Sleep 5, Gift of Mana 5.

    Recommended AA: Spell Casting Fury 3, Quick Buff 5, Planar Power 5, Doppelganger, Fury of Magic 3, Enhanced Forgetfulness (at least three ranks), Quick Mass Group Buff 3, Fury of Magic Mastery 3, Destructive Fury 3.

    Required Equipment: None.

    Recommended Equipment: None.

    Magicians - UNDER REVISION

    Required AA: 193
    General: Innate Run Speed 3, Innate Metabolism 3
    Archetype: Spell Casting Subelty 3, Spell Casting Mastery 3, Spell Casting Fury 3, Natural Durability 3.
    Class: Pet Discipline, Quick Summoning 3, Mend Companion
    PoP Adv: Planar Power 5, Innate Enlightenment 5.
    PoP Ability: Host of Elements 3, Fury of Magic 3.
    GoD: Fury of Magic Mastery 3, Pet Affinty, Elemental Alacrity 5.
    OoW: None as this time.

    Recommended AA: TBD

    Required Equipment: None at this time.

    Recommended Equipment: None at this time.


    Required AA: 247
    General: Innate Run Speed 3, Innate Regeneration 3, First Aid 3.
    Archetype: Combat Agility 3, Combat Stability 3, Natural Duribility 3.
    Class: Ambidexterity, Physical Enhancement, Critical Mend 3, Dragon Punch, Purify Body, Rapid Feign 3.
    PoP Adv: Planar Power 5
    PoP Ability: Ferocity 3, Innate Defense 5, Lightning Reflexes 5, Mending of the Tranquil 3.
    GoD: Swift Journey 2, Sinister Strikes, Stonewall 5, Rapid Strikes 5.
    OoW: Imitate Death

    Recommended AA: Combat Fury, Ingenuity, Technique of Master Wu, Fury of the Ages, Weapon Affinity, Reflexive Mastery, Defensive Instincts, Chaotic Potential, Veteran's Wrath.

    Required Equipment: 200+ range pulling item

    Recommended Equipment: None at this time.


    Required AA: 175
    General: Innate Run Speed 3, Innate Regeneration 3.
    Archetype: Spell Casting Mastery 3, Spell Casting Fury 3, Channeling Focus 3, Combat Agility 3, Natural Durability 3.
    Class: Pet Discipline, Life Burn.
    PoP Adv: Planar Power 5, Innate Enlightenment 5.
    PoP Ability: Lightening Reflexes 5, Fury of Magic 3, Wake the Dead, Theft of Life 3.
    GoD: Critical Affliction 3.
    OoW: None at this time.

    Reccomended AA: Advanced Theft of Life 2, Persistant Casting 3, Secondary Forte, Swift Journey 2, Death's Fury 5, Chaotic Potential 5, Improved Critical Affliction 3, Death Peace.

    Required Equipment: None at this time.

    Recommended Equipment: None at this time.


    Required AA: 325
    General: Innate Run Speed 3, 3 AA in any other skill.
    Archetype: Natural Durability 3, Combat Agility 3, Combat Stability 3, Healing Adept 3, Healing Gift 3, Fear Resistance 3.
    Class: Improved Lay Hands. Physical Enhancement, Fearless.
    PoP Adv: Planar Power 5, Planar Durability 3.
    PoP Ability: Healing Gift 3, Healing Adept 3, Hand of Piety 3, Lightning Reflexes 5, Innate Defense 5, Fervent Blessing 3.
    GoD: Radiant Cure, Pious Supplication 3, Hastened Piety 3.
    Omens: Hand of Devotion 3, Healing Gift Mastery 3,Healing Adept Mastery 3, Reflexive Mastery 5, Defensive Instincts 5.

    Recommended AA: Mental Clarity, Body and Mind Rejuvination, Divine Stun line, Shield Block 3, Rapid Strikes 5, Spell Casting Reinforcement line, Steadfast Will, Radiant Cure 3, Mnemonic Retention.

    Required Equipment: Spell:Remove Greater Curse.

    Recommended Equipment: None at this time.


    Required AA: 354
    General: Innate Run Speed 3, 3 AA from any other skill.
    Archetype: Spell Casting Fury 3, Spell Casting Reinforcement 3, Natural Durablility 3, Healing Adept 3, Healing Gift 3, Combat Fury 3.
    Class: Ambidexterity, Mass Group Buff, Archery Mastery 3, Endless Quiver.
    PoP Adv: Planar Power 5.
    PoP Ability: Ferocity 3, Guardian of the Forest 3, Fury of the Ages 3, dvanced Healing Adept, Advanced Healing Gift.
    GoD: Weapon Afinity 5, Precision of the Pathfider 3, Sinister Strikes.
    Omens: Fury of Magic 3, Healing Adept Mastery 3, Healing Gift Mastery 3, Guardian of the Glade 3, Auspice of the Hunter 3, Scout's Efficiency 3, Veteran's Wrath 3.

    Recommended AA: None at this time.

    Required Equipment: None at this time.

    Recommended Equipment: None at this time.


    Required AA: 309
    General: Innate Run Speed 3, 3 AA in any other skill.
    Archetype: Natural Durability 3, Combat Agility 3, Combat Stability 3, Combat Fury 3.
    Class: Ambidexterity, Escape, Physical Enhancement.
    PoP Adv: Planar Power.
    PoP Ability: Lightning Reflexes 5, Ferocity 5, Shroud of Stealth, Fury of the Ages, Hastey Exit.
    GoD: Swift Journey 2, Sinister Strikes, Triple Backstab 3.
    OoW: Veterans Wrath 3, Precision 3, Mystical Attuning 5, Reflexive Mastery 5, Flurry of Knives 3.
    DoDH: Precognition 5, Thick Skin 5,

    Recommended AA: Chaotic Stab, Innate Defense 5, Hasted Stealth, Weapon Affinity 5, Seized Opportunity 5, Improved Hastey Exit 2, Chaotic Potential 5, Discordant Defiance 5, Defensive Instincts 5, Forced Opening 3, Precise Strikes 3, Enhanced Aggression 5, Relentless Assault 3.

    Required Equipment: None at this time.

    Recommended Equipment: None at this time.


    Required AA: 389
    General: Innate Run Speed 3, Innate Regeneration 3.
    Archetype: Spell Casting Fury 3, Combat Agility 3, Combat Stability 3, Fear Resist 3.
    Class: Fearless, Phsyical Enhancement, Improved Harm Touch, Leech Touch.
    PoP Adv: Planar Power 5, Planar Durability 3.
    PoP Ability: Lightning Reflexes 5, Innate Defense 5, Theft of Life 3, Consumption of Soul 3.
    GoD: Swift Journey 2, Adv Theft of Life 2, Improved Consumption of Soul 2.
    OoW: Reflexive Mastery 5, Defensive Instincts 5, Mnemonic Retention, Soul Thief 3, Death Peace, Touch of the Cursed 3.
    DoDH: Thick Skin 5, Precognition 5, Channeling Mastery 5, Willful Death 5, Knight's Expertise 3, Swiftblade 3, Prolonged Mortality 5.

    Recommended AA: Speed of the Knight, Soul Abrasion, Reflexive Mastery, Defensive Instincts, Veteran's Wrath, Shield Block, Origin, Cloak of Shadows, .

    Required Equipment: None at this time.

    Recommended Equipment: None at this time.


    Required AA: 610
    General: Innate Run Speed 3, Innate Metabolism 3 OR Innate Regeneration 3.
    Archetype: Mental Clarity 3, Natural Durability 3, Combat Agility 3, Combat Stability 3, Channeling Focus 3, Spell Casting Mastery 3, Healing Gift 3, Healing Adept 3, Spell Casting Reinforcement 3.
    Class: Cannibalize 5, Mass Group Buff, Spell Casting Reinforcement Mastery, Quick Buff 3.
    PoP Adv: Planar Power 5, Innate Enlightenment 5.
    PoP Abilities: Lightning Reflexes 5, Innate Defense 5, Radiant Cure 3, Advanced Healing Gift 3, Advanced Healing Adept 3.
    GoD: Swift Journey 2, Spell Casting Subtlety 3, Persistant Casting 3, Quickened Curing 3.
    OoW: Spiritual Channeling, Call of the Wild, Ancestral Aid 3, Resplendent Cure 3, Chaotic Potential 5, Discordant Defiance 5, Healing Adept Mastery 3, Healing Gift Mastery 3, Healing Boon 3, Mystical Attuning 5, Reflexive Mastery 5, Defensive Instincts 5, Mnemonic Retention.
    DoDH: Gift of Mana 3, Precognition 5, Thick Skin 5.

    Recommended AA: Virulent Paralysis 3, Critical Affliction 3, Call of the Ancients 5, Boon of the Ancients 3, Spell Casting Fury 3, Fury of Magic 3, Fury of Magic Mastery 3, Ancestral Guard 3, Abundant Healing 5, Secondary Forte, Critical Affliction 3, Destructive Fury 3, Improved Critical Affliction 3, Expansive Mind 5.

    Required Equipment: Spell:Greater Remove Curse, Spell:Blood of Nadox.

    Recommended Equipment: None at this time.


    Required AA: 326
    General: 6 AA in any skills.
    Archetype: Natural Durability 3, Combat Agility 3, Combat Stability 3.
    Class: AE Taunt, Physical Enhancement, Ambidexterity.
    PoP Adv: Planar Power 5. Planar Durability.
    Pop Ability: Innate Defense 5, Lightning Reflexes 5, Stelwart Endurance.
    GoD: Sturdiness, Weappon Affinity 5.
    OoW: Reflexive Mastery 5, Defensive Instincts 5, Slippery Attacks 5.
    DoDH: Precognition 5, Thick Skin 5, Prolonged Mortality 5, Dauntless Preserverence, Call of Challenge

    Recommended AA: None at this time.

    Required Equipment: One aggro weapon as good or better than a Blade of War. 11,500 unbuffed hitpoints, 1850 unbuffed AC.

    Recommended Equipment: Epic 1.5, any other item with a hate modifier.


    Required AA: 338
    General: Innate Run Speed 3, 3 AA in any other skill.
    Archetype: Spell Casting Mastery 3, Spell Casting Fury 3, Spell Casting Subtlety 3, Mental Clarity 3.
    Class: Quick Damage 3, Improved Familiar, Spell Casting Fury Mastery 3,
    PoP Adv: Planar Power 5, Innate Enlightenment 5.
    PoP Ability: Harvest of Druzzil, Allegiant Familiar, Fury of Magic Mastery 3.
    GoD: Advanced Fury of Magic Mastery 2, Frenzied Devastation 3.
    OoW: Mind Crash 3, Destructive Fury 3, Prolonged Devastation 3, Devoted Familiar.
    DoDH: Gift of Mana 3, Silent Casting 5, Master of Fury 3, Hastened Mind Crash 5

    Recommended AA: Channeling Focus 3, Exodus, Call of Xuzl 3, Swift Journey 2, Wrath of Xuzl 2, Expansive Mind 5.

    Required Equipment: Mana Preservation, Spell Haste Focus, General Damage or 3/3 Specific Damage Focii.

    Recommended Equipment: None at this time.

  2. #2
    Inactive Member arawn's Avatar
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    its funny how they want untamed rage on the berserkers but not cascading rage eh...

    its ok if you dont know a darn of what i am talking, i understand myself ... at least i think i do ... it has something to do with mac and cheese?!

    <font color="#a62a2a" size="1">[ December 05, 2005 03:18 AM: Message edited by: Kerrirfuryaxe ]</font>

  3. #3
    Inactive Member Mymy42's Avatar
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    Lol that's interesting..I never realized high end guilds recruited based on AA stuff..

    And I know what you're talking about Kerr! (ok so that's a lie =P) ... but you can't have my Mac and cheese.

  4. #4
    Inactive Member arawn's Avatar
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    *eats Kayeotic's mac and cheese" .... and what high end guild is that? =P wpn affinity to a zerker would be harmful unless they prohibit chaotic strike wpns lol

  5. #5
    Inactive Member southbudking1's Avatar
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    Most High End Guilds do base most stuff on aa's like there aa's can been seen here

  6. #6
    Inactive Member arawn's Avatar
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    yup that is high end guild stuff alright ...

    <font color="#a62a2a" size="1">[ December 08, 2005 09:57 AM: Message edited by: Kerrirfuryaxe ]</font>

  7. #7
    Inactive Member Gnomency's Avatar
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    Why does everyone seem to have this strange feeling that necros are related to wizards and thus should be crit nuke fiends anyways. The single best necro AA ever (Death Peace) is recommended and yet scf and fom are required? If I wanted to nuke I'd wtd a freaking wizard that died because they crit too much...

    On another note I'm wondering why they even bother with bezerkers. I mean its not like anyone actually plays one of those pieces of carp.

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