Having dispatched the manticores, we continued up the path, discovering the remains of the dwarven expedition on the way, until we spied an old stronghold, just about where the X on the map would be. The approach included a stone bridge, which immediately me me think about being attacked from above and below by a passel of wyverns. I clutched my scroll of Fly tightly in my hand, with the hopes I would be able to read it should I by cast off.

The crossing was uneventful. Shanti decided to go back and check the dwarves' bodies for clues, which seemed to point to death by manticore. A tunnel provided our most likely option, since climbing insanely high cliff faces didn't seem likely. I considered flying up invisibly to investigate, but I didn't think the spell would last me long enough.

About a half-mile in I spotted the tell-tale signs of a secret door - I don't know if it caught my eye, or some other sense, but elves just tend to notice that sort of thing. It led to a staircase the brought us up to a fascinating series of large chambers, and no clue as to how to ascend to the top where we surmised the wyverns were. We retreated and continued up the tunnel.

The journey was arduous, and I was not the only one that needed to rest and eat. When we continued, we were kindly greeted by the creatures we sought, three of them barreling towards us, ready to dine upon our flesh.

Gralla and I were quickest to react. I had already fortified myself with my arcane armor, and so even as she called upon her god for assistance, I let loose a powerful lightning bolt on one of the approaching lizards. The battle began in earnest, with the wyverns having the most luck with their venomous tails. Thaylias quickly showed evidence of their effects, but fought on heroically. Kel and Gralla likewise took the fight directly to the monsters, with tiny Allie darting hither and to, looking to deliver maximum damage. I stayed out of harm's way so I might continue to launch lightning - it was no accident I had prepared that spell thrice this day! Shanti . . . acted as she does. I cannot tell what crosses her mind, but often it results in death for our enemies. Generally her activities in combat are not likely to draw the eye from other action.

When the last was killed, I was near spent of strong spellcraft and Gralla had also been poisoned. It was too late for her neutralizing scrolls to work, so we found a place to rest, meditate and pray. Gralla may be able to restore them in the morning, else we will ask the dwarves for such supplication. We also now have the stinger and venom sac which was requested.