The following was posted by Thaylias and moved here to start a more appropriate thread and avoid confusion:

After securing the barracks the companions attempted to extract information from the bound ogre but to no avail. Next they cautiously approached the manorhouse. Allie determined the way clear and all entered. Shortly after the five adventurers encountered the garrison's new 'Captain' and a host of guards. The ogre's captain remained seated during the battle due to a stern look from Shanti that made him rather weak in the knees. Kel, Allie, Oakshade, and Thaylias did their usual tactics, killing all the guards.
It was agreed to search the premises to make sure no other 'guests' were present within the manorhouse and garrison.

~~Standing in the foray inside the manorhouse Thaylias sheaths his bastard sword then leans his shield against the wall. He wipes the sweat from his forehead then turns to Allie.~~
~~The Halfling suggests that the horses be retrieved from the cave and brought back to the garrison.~~ "I would wish this too Allie," Thaylias says as he leans back on the wall resting. "But I do not think it wise that we all go to bring back the horses." "We have managed to take the garrison and for now we hold it. Right now that gives us an edge."
The human knight removes his leather gloves from his hands, stretching his fingers momentarily. "It does pain me that I have no contact with my beloved horse..." "Retrieving the mounts will be quite risky. I would suggest that if we choose to do this now that only a few of us go do this while at least two stay here."
"Allie, I know you can make yourself unseen and get to the cave with no troubles but you will need help in bringing all the mounts back. Two strong bodies will need to be here ready to lift the timber securing the garrison gate when the others return."

"Let us make one more search throughout the manor house and garrison before we decide on our course," he turns to look around the foray. "I am still not convinced that there are no other enemies within the garrison walls, hopefully I am wrong though." Kneeling down, the human grabs his shield then stands back up. "Maybe we can find another way to exit the garrison, at least more discreet than the main gate."

((ooc; Instead of rambling on I'll stop here and hope to get some replys on what we would all like to do Friday. Do we wish to get the horses now or not? If so, who will go and who will stay? Plus I mentioned to DM that Thay wanted to attempt another more detailed search of the grounds.. mainly to make sure we are alone and to look for any other means to leave the garrison without having to open the main gate at this time. All I can say at this time is that Thaylias can barely find his own belongings.. So someone with a more cunning eye would perhaps have better luck. ')