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Thread: Excerpt from Allie's Journal - 02/25/05

  1. #1
    Inactive Member Lyssandra's Avatar
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    I, along with the others I am traveling with finally were able to return to the dwarves with the wyvern stinger as we'd promised. The return trip was slow due to Thalyias and Gralla weakened from the effects of the wyvern venom.

    We were again welcomed as heroes by our new friends, and treated to another night of hospitality. The priest healed everyone who was still injured and the two poisoned companions were cured overnight. The next morning before we set out to resume our trek to Talagon city, the dwarves gave us all ample provisions, and a map.

    Several hours passed in relative calm until our road led us to Wellmet where we were able to resupply and rest. I gave my companions a quick tour of my hometown, and told the story of the other group of adventurers that came to Wellmet several years ago on the trail of the wizard Emberlake's disappearance, which in turn inspired me to train to become an adventurer myself. (For full details: look at the Yahoo group for CF adventure #4 posts: Fire in the Swamp.)

    After leaving Welmet, we traveled for several more hours until heavy smoke was seen ahead. We rose closer to investigate. A town was on fire, badly. Before approaching too closely most of us, except Thaylias, left the horses and my riding dog in Lirinor's care and approached on foot. The townspeople were in panic and several were injured. As we drew closer still we found the source of the trouble: the town was under attack and being ransacked by a large number of giants. Well compared to me, they were giants, though actually I think they were ogres, but never got a chance to get a good look before they attacked.

    The first wave against us were lightly armored though tough. I managed to kill one who was threatening Gralla by sneaking up on it before more joined the fray. For awhile there it was touch and go as for every one that the party took down, two others came to take its place, and then as the tide of battle began to turn in our favor the giants were reinforced by archers. Thaylias rode his horse to the largest of the them, whom we presume to be the leader and tried to engage him in one on one combat. Thaylias was nearly killed without doing much to the leader in return. His horse was killed with a single stroke of the leader's bastard sword.

    I, perhaps foolishly, ran toward one of the archers after the melee fighters were downed and tried to attack. I was nearly killed before Gralla was able to revive me while Kel distracted the archer. Needless to say, we did win though the battle was long. After the fighting was over, we were approached by a baroness whom I recognized by name and reputation as being a good friend of us demihumans and an advocate for us among her fellow humans. She offered us the use of her home in which to rest, heal and dine though Kel almost refused the baroness' hospitality; that is was already sunset was the convincing point for those of us who wanted to rest. We gathered what was deemed valuable from the bodies and returned to Lirinor, took our mounts and went with the baroness.

  2. #2
    Inactive Member Lyssandra's Avatar
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    OOC remarks about the above post:

    Further info on Welmet can be gotten at the Yahoo group. The adventure was #4, way back when the very first party were 2nd level. [img]smile.gif[/img]

    I've forgotten the name of the burned town and the baroness. AIM does not have the searchable history feature of ICQ.

    Also the DM promised a loot report was forthcoming since we didn't actually have time to loot before the session ended.

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