not for lack of trying
-kicks those dumbasses-


how goes it?

whats new?

whats old?

whats shakin'?

This is what i'm doing this weekend....

Brainerd Jaycees $150,000 Ice Fishing Extravaganza

15000 dollars in prizes
hope i win something

the high on Saturday is 4 freezing degrees! OH MAN!
Expect some pictures if this place ever lets me back in....

Whats new? Ev is almost a year old....making invitations, getting ready for 12 month pics, watching her try to walk, getting over the stomach flu...yep, we had rotovirus in our house... So much fun to puke and poop at the same time..... for days and days.... Ev got it the worst...and was down and out for 9 days. Poor thing, kinda scary for me to see that....

oh well, we are back, better than ever....

Love is in the air? Eh?