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Thread: Online love

  1. #111
    Inactive Member rotten's Avatar
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    Okay, I apologize in advance and im assuming nobody is really going to read this accept Leo and T cus its gonna be long.

    This is gonna cover everything then im done, this time im sticking to it no matter what lies you put up there.

    What happened with me and my r/t gf happened 3 years ago. But and pay attention to this is was wrong If someone had pointed that out to me at the time I would have agreed, and for that there is no justification. I wouldn't have to make it to you anyway but she and I dealt with it. I was in another country at the time and we had an agreement that since she wasn't happy i was leaving she could date whoever and vice versa. But that doesnt stop feelings from being hurt.

    Leo you'll probably deny this but you cheated on Doug r/t right before you were married, which is why you two had to do counselling. Now the big difference I see in cheating is <bold>children</font>

    Leo both your mom and your brother have asked to take custody of your children do to the online affairs you have as well as the time you spend here instead of there...deny it cry cus i brought it up at this point i dont care. Another huge difference is i haven't "cheated" in 2 years if you call cyberring that. You can say whatever about kerala but she and i both know, and the guessing kept asking and i said "sure we did" finally to shut you up.

    About the children and why i brought that up, You admitted that Doug is going to leave you one reason being he knows you have affairs online. Blame me for him finding out but how do you justify still having them. One right now with that young kid? YOu didnt and wont stop even though you know he will keep the kids you said so yourself. HOw many times did i literally hear him (yahoo) tell you that all he wanted was for you to be a mother to them? See that's what I "attacked" you for being so selfish. But it's your's and their lives in the end, i was trying to help. Not pretending to help now btw.

    Okay Leo from now on i skip your replies because some lie always forces me to come back on

    <font color="#A851FF" size="1">[ March 23, 2002 03:04 PM: Message edited by: rotten ]</font>

  2. #112
    Inactive Member rotten's Avatar
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    Now T

    Either you're lying about Kerala and jen! telling you this stuff or they are lying. I'd like for them or anyone i've supposedly done this with to come on here and say it. Second, ask any women that chat with me on any semi intimiate level if i try to cyber them. You'll still say I did and think it's an insult because it's all you think you have on me.

    I wont get into insulting genie's intelligence, im sure she's a borderline genius but she hasn't insulted me once on the board so i wont go there.

    heidi i know this is immature but T you are butt ugly. I wont even talk about hair but damn! Let me just put it this way, an "ex" of yours told me that you're a great guy but she couldn't get over the looks. Lets leave it at that. As for Jenn being ugly its silly to even fight that seeing as you've never seen her. If you did, you definitly wouldn't have gone there.

    I guess you're rich with your birthday money and allowance from mommy. And the "I could work if i wanted to but am happy being a bum" is classic. Only bums can be happy not doing anything the rest would be suicidal (course you've been there too). If i had a lobotomy I could maybe live your life but you are without a doubt sad, not one accomplishment under your belt. And training? Okay..

    The problem with you advertising her leaving kids with hubby and driving there having sex with you?

    1) she has children which due to leaving hubby before for a cyber man whe has admitted she will most likely lose them.

    This is what you dont see, the other people being hurt but what do you care. Whatever I have done does not compare with a woman giving up her kids for a cyber bum. Plus i admit it was one here will take responsibility.

    So Basically T keep living the life of a cyberstud to women with no alternatives. Getting allowance from mommy and being a basic bum and nobody. It works for you, and in 1.5 years i'll have my masters degree and you'll have your computer and mommy.

    I'm somewhat ashamed I typed so much But this time i will stick to my word and not post again, no matter how many lies you throw out.

    You know what though i can see that if iwere a woman who hated my marriage and felt trapped with kids you might be appealing. AFter all you'll always be their since you dont have a job or life.

    Now I guess since you and leo had phone sex, you have a very special bond and it's touching. But I have no anger or my god jealousy? *LOL* towards you. But I do like shutting down your fried little notions.

    In conclusion you are a loser plain and simple I cant think one one single thing you have that would make anyone jealous. Happiness over genie? T that could only make someone who has nothing happy.

    Now i'll go home now to my cold girlfriend *LOL* to not be touched etc. Think that doesnt matter because saying it doesnt make it true. However everything i said is true and you cant deny any of it.

    If you do i'll skip your posts anyway cus i am done.

  3. #113
    Inactive Member *Leo the Lioness*'s Avatar
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    What happened with me and my r/t gf happened 3 years ago. But and pay attention to this is was wrong

    oh, so if someone raped me 3 years ago, which is also WRONG, would that mean it would be less wrong cuz time passed? *LOL*....the past is the past, right? shit, she may have forgiven you, but - and i'll say this YET again *sigh* - i brought it up cuz your backyard wasn't clean, and yet you go after other people about doing the same thing you did, kids or no kids.....although, i'll say this YET again *sigh*, i never had any intention of "actually" don't think cyberring is cheating? fine, then it works for me, too, since i haven't actually FUCKED anyone i met online *G

    Leo you'll probably deny this but you cheated on Doug r/t right before you were married, which is why you two had to do counselling. Now the big difference I see in cheating is children

    *LMFAO*!! you're damn straight i'm gonna deny this, you puny little shit, cuz it's fucking FALSE!

    HAHAHAHA!! i dont believe how much you fuck up!!

    true, we went to counselling before we were married, but it wasn't because i CHEATED on him, you poor, demented, bumbling was because from then we were already having some relationship problems, you utter moron

    which is what i've been trying to drill into that feeble mind of yours:


    you fucking idiot

    so now that i've spilled that little tidbit of personal information about myself, if anyone wants to question me as to why i got married and had kids with him, you're invited to kiss my ass, cuz that's where i draw the line......if you have half an iota of sense, you might figure out just what drove me to having online "affairs", but fuckit, i really don't give a rip who's judging me at this point

    Leo both your mom and your brother have asked to take custody of your children do to the online affairs you have as well as the time you spend here instead of there...deny it cry cus i brought it up at this point i dont care. Another huge difference is i haven't "cheated" in 2 years if you call cyberring that. You can say whatever about kerala but she and i both know, and the guessing kept asking and i said "sure we did" finally to shut you up.

    i really don't give a fuck what you and Kerala did, but again, you just admitted to bald-faced lying, so thank you very much for proving my point about how you LIE your ASS OFF!!!!!!

    as for my mom and brother wanting to take custody of my kids and all that <u>bullshit</u> you just fucking spouted, the only time my brother suggested that my middle daughter (and ONLY her) come stay with him for a while was because i was having a very tough pregnancy (bedrest, remember?), and then an even tougher Post Partum/recovery was extremely difficult for me to function normally (like get everyone dressed and out of the house to run errands or even go to the fucking park!), so he offered to take her for a while........everyone around me knew and saw what bad shape i was in and they were blaming the computer for my problems, simply because they saw that that was all i was doing for a while.....

    well NEWS FLASH!

    that's all i COULD DO FOR A WHILE


    fuckin A, i can't believe i'm sitting here having to explain all this shit about my fucking personal life!

    goddammit, i shouldn't have to do it, like heidi husband, my mother, my brother AND my fucking kids are none of your fucking business.......get that through your thick skull and fuck off

    i'm only writing this because you're such a shithead freaking know-nothing GOSSIP, and once again you spread the wrong information around, and i'll be godDAMNED if i'm gonna let this shit lie.......and you count on this every time, dont you? you fucking thrive on it, in fact, i can see you sitting there with your tiny little dick in your hand, fogging up the screen, stroking to the fact that you got me to reveal more about myself on this board than i wanted to, because i called you out on the fact that you're just as bad, if not worse, than the people you criticize

    you fucking juvenile little punk

    About the children and why i brought that up, You admitted that Doug is going to leave you one reason being he knows you have affairs online. Blame me for him finding out but how do you justify still having them. One right now with that young kid? YOu didnt and wont stop even though you know he will keep the kids you said so yourself. HOw many times did i literally hear him (yahoo) tell you that all he wanted was for you to be a mother to them? See that's what I "attacked" you for being so selfish. But it's your's and their lives in the end, i was trying to help. Not pretending to help now btw.

    you have NEVER "helped" disguise it as "help", but all it is is digging for more information to attempt to use against me when it suits you, (like now and many times before), and because you're just a nosey-ass motherfucker in general

    and if you gave a crap about any of my kids, you wouldn't be trying to coerce me to show you my tits and strip on hypocritical SCUM

    he never threatened to leave me, bitch.....if anyone was going to leave it would be me, and not because i'm "more in the wrong", but because my income wouldn't even come close to his.....also because my children are enrolled in schools here, and we own this fucking house, so they shouldn't be lugged to, what, an apartment? with me?? use whatever little brain you have, for once

    you NEVER heard jack shit on my yahoo.......what you heard was him teasing me, as he fucking always does, as he always HAS, alright?? you think you know how my household is and how my marriage is but you don't.....

    you know <u>nothing</u>, you see that word? *grabs you by the back of the neck and shoves your nose against it*

    <font size=7>NOTHING</font>

    *KICK* don't you come within 50 feet of me if we ever meet up.....

    just for the record, i'm not in any relationships with anybody else, another fact that you're STILL unaware of, but that still doesn't stop you from broadcasting false news

    Okay Leo from now on i skip your replies because some lie always forces me to come back on

    you got even that backwards, you's more like the truth is what compells you to read every word i now....i knew you wouldn't be able to resist, you spineless piece of shit

    do yourself a huge favor; shut the fuck up, don't ever address me again, and don't ever mention my name or anything about me to anyone else again, either

    how Jenn can even stand you is beyond me

    <font color="#A851FF" size="1">[ March 23, 2002 06:20 PM: Message edited by: *Leo the Lioness* ]</font>

  4. #114
    HB Forum Owner Më£ïñÐa's Avatar
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    and on this note [img]graemlins/music.gif[/img] i think i'll lock it...
    any objections.....say sumthin.....k

    <font color="#A851FF" size="1">[ March 23, 2002 07:54 PM: Message edited by: M?????a ]</font>

  5. #115
    Inactive Member *Leo the Lioness*'s Avatar
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    *smack upside the head*

    excuse me, dickhead, but there is a difference between fooling around and having a wanted to know who else i expressed my "undying love" for, and i fucking answered you, not that you even deserve an answer, only what i choose to grant you

    there's also a big difference between you and me; i don't NEED to lie, but apparently you do, since you're always resorting to it when your back's up against the wall, not to mention how you run wild with inaccuracies like they're the word of God

    and don't you dare insult my, and anyone else's, intelligence by claiming you didn't start this, because you did, and i am sick of repeating myself, so i won't even point out how's enough for me that you did and everyone knows you did.....just because you deny something, doesn't mean it isn't the truth

    oh and i know what i know about you and Kerala.....remember that little guessing game you played with me about it?.....once again, when were you telling the truth?......oh please, run along, little're just a festering boil on the ass of life, you truly are

  6. #116
    Inactive Member heidi!'s Avatar
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    Ok...People calling each other "ugly" is just stupid...its elementary school and my guess is if you have to resort to calling someone ugly your running out of insults..*L*
    T...I dont care what you do in your life either, but I will say this..You insulting Jen is wrong...she dont come here..she cant defend herself and its not fair to insult her...Im telling ya if you ever insulted my r/t person, or anyone for that matter I would make rotten look like an angel...Genie if she wants can come here and defend herself, she's a part of the whole cyber world scene, she openly talks about things therefore its not the same...Jen dont openly talk about things...We dont know her and she isnt here.
    No matter if a persons real time relationship sucks or is great..When that person isnt a part of this bullshit, their name should stay out of it..That goes for Leo's husband as well...Its wrong to bring their names into this because they have no idea what this fight is about...and Im sure couldnt care less.
    I guess this isnt goin to stop..So unless my name is brought around again I wont bother posting about it..I think its a waste of energy at this point..same things are being said over and over again...
    Im not picking on anyone but I firmly believe if you put things out there expect to have it thrown in your face...Happens all the time here...I have a few skeletons in my closet too...and this is the reason I keep my bones to myself.. [img]eek.gif[/img]

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