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Thread: Blanca

  1. #1
    Inactive Member minnow~'s Avatar
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    Blanc...I think you're sexy too *G*....(but don't tell Rant *L*....he'll think I'm cheating on him) *L*

    *innocent look*

  2. #2
    HB Forum Owner Më£ïñÐa's Avatar
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    Well! i'll be fucked!! so this is wtf! Phant was talking about!!!
    Did you mean Phant?? as in Phantas???
    as in PH not R???
    You might find this a tad interesting:

    (19:21:43) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: Ms..?

    (19:22:04) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: Mz

    (19:22:08) .~*mel says to I wanna be adored: rantness

    (19:22:14) phantas~ : hears arse spoken as if in ZErse..

    (19:22:42) I wanna be adored says to .~*mel: how are ya blondie?

    (19:23:10) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: your cover is blown...and if you w3ait aminute..I have some questions for you

    (19:23:45) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: ask away dear boy

    (19:23:52) phantas~ : No..its my natrive tongue

    (19:24:29) phantas~ : well..I have a fishing question for you

    (19:24:52) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: Golf and fishing are the spawn of satan

    (19:25:15) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: and cricket

    (19:25:27) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: ..if..on your were to encounter a minnow~...what bwould you bait her with?

    (19:25:58) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: I knew a cricket once

    (19:26:11) I wanna be adored says to .~*mel: bait? in wind up?

    (19:26:39) .~*mel says to I wanna be adored: i donno rant..????

    (19:26:41) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: which means I have travelled

    (19:27:10) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: Hmmm just Europe...why?

    (19:27:10) .~*mel says to phantas~: whatcha gettin at ?..hummm??

    (19:27:29) phantas~ : *splashes poster paints around the pool*

    (19:27:51) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: *L*...oh..nothing..

    (19:28:15) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: are you being existentialist on my ass?

    (19:28:17) phantas~ says to .~*mel: I dont know what it means ti;ll muich later

    (19:28:51) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: No..thast wasnbt me *innocent look*

    (19:29:20) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: but I did witnewes it]

    (19:29:23) .~*mel says to phantas~: are you being existentialist on his ass?

    (19:29:45) I wanna be adored : I'm addicted to online journals....I'm a terminal voyeur

    (19:29:48) phantas~ says to .~*mel: *puts my hand on the table*

    (19:30:41) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: ITS A SPELLING THING,,,...i THINK *l*..i HAVE ONLY A TYPING THING

    (19:30:47) .~*mel says to phantas~: turn it over...

    (19:30:51) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: *L*

    (19:30:58) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: So tell me, you love language right?

    (19:31:12) Non Phixion : ground control to major tom

    (19:31:28) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: yes..and all its abuses

    (19:31:33) .~*mel says to Non Phixion: serious Non.......*sits in your pocket

    (19:32:11) .~*mel says to phantas~: .......................duh!

    (19:32:31) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: my personal fave as abuses goes....too to and their there

    (19:32:36) phantas~ says to .~*mel: *S*

    (19:33:24) .~*mel : *L's@myself

    (19:33:28) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: oh..I dont get off on those,...I have much more subtle tastes..*L*,,..they only annoy!

    (19:33:57) .~*mel : duh!

    (19:33:59) phantas~ says to macy: nite *S*...*kisses you passionately*\

    (19:34:16) macy : Stop batteries are dead!!!

    (19:34:27) macy : *chuckle*

    (19:34:42) phantas~ : laughs

    (19:34:59) .~*mel : *snuckers

    (19:35:06) .~*mel : oops

    (19:35:09) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: but brant..I do need to talk to you

    (19:35:13) .~*mel : snickers

    (19:35:23) .~*mel : rant
    (19:35:35) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: about this romance you are having

    (19:35:44) .~*mel : Rant in E Minor

    (19:36:02) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: romance?
    (19:36:09) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: I know you want to be adored..

    (19:36:18) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: yep..

    (19:36:50) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: Tis a song I have in The Stone Roses

    (19:36:53) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: you strikes a chord with me

    (19:37:15) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: minor maybe..................but important to me.

    (19:37:30) .~*mel : phant is an adoring type of fellow

    (19:37:36) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: i I just cant have this any more

    (19:37:54) .~*mel : did i say that right??

    (19:38:00) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: relax and enjoy your hair

    (19:38:30) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: I ndont care about dream *L*...I am only concerned her with minnow~!

    (19:38:46) .~*mel : *LMAO*Rant

    (19:38:57) phantas~ : HAIR IS NOTHING

    (19:39:08) phantas~ : *l*

    (19:39:21) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: who is minnow?

    (19:39:28) .~*mel : yer losin it phant

    (19:39:44) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: ..your apparent ignorance does not compute

    (19:40:05) .~*mel : phant he does not know minnow

    (19:40:21) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: You have a crush on someone called minnow? me out her Sherlock

    (19:40:22) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: I know you told her you are an arist and all thatn stuff.

    (19:40:25) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: here

    (19:40:54) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: *L*..the problem rhyme

    (19:41:10) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: when?..was I drunk? often happens

    (19:41:15) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: with phant!

    (19:41:17) .~*mel : *L*

    (19:41:43) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: I know..(and we do adore you)

    (19:41:58) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: are you on crack?

    (19:42:00) .~*mel : na auh! your Phantas ...he's Rant in E minor

    (19:42:01) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: (its a sign 0of greatness I am sure)

    (19:42:23) phantas~ : *l*

    (19:42:44) .~*mel : i adore Rant very muches

    (19:42:54) .~*mel : so there....duh!

    (19:43:07) .~*mel : *L's @ myself

    (19:43:15) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: SO..i WANT YOU TO BE A MAN...STOP REPLYING TO HER ON THE BOard when you know people have mistaken you fot phaNT,,\

    (19:43:24) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: *lol*

    (19:43:25) I wanna be adored says to .~*mel: How's the new comp?

    (19:43:49) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (19:43:54) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: Are you taking the piss you dick?.....are you mad?

    (19:44:04) .~*mel throws a beach ball and bounces it off the head of phantas~: 50Xs....he dont hafta

    (19:44:24) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: get a grip of yourself man

    (19:44:36) .~*mel : *L*

    (19:44:42) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: YES...DEFINITELY..AND GLAD TO SEE THAT YOU SEE IT MY WAY

    (19:45:17) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: You strange and curious boy

    (19:45:25) phantas~ says to .~*mel: he dont hafta whgat?..he shoor dooooooooo

    (19:45:42) .~*mel says to phantas~: pfffffffftt

    (19:45:53) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: oh call me boy?..*L*

    (19:46:02) .~*mel : great word or sound...ppfffffft

    (19:46:12) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: huh?..*S*

    (19:46:38) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: Have a beer and a fart are backed up there

    (19:46:53) phantas~ says to .~*mel: I never before heard you utter it

    (19:47:33) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: its the wind that comes mindfully nfrom the steppes...........*W*

    (19:48:08) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: You are breaking your own rule and fucking up the language ....tut tut

    (19:48:34) .~*mel says to phantas~: Thats it!!......your strange veeeeery strange

    (19:49:41) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: OK..tjhats it!..*breakinhg up the language*

    (19:50:01) .~*mel says to I wanna be adored: .........*tugs your shirt.....

    (19:50:36) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: ahhhhhh you live with her?

    (19:50:54) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: yes...duuuuuuuuuuuuh

    (19:50:59) I wanna be adored says to .~*mel: hey blonde stuff....come to England for a holiday?

    (19:51:35) .~*mel says to I wanna be adored: *packing bags..they got a bus that goes there??......g*

    (19:51:50) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: I'm behind on pool gossip...forgive moi

    (19:51:55) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: dont know much huh?

    (19:52:09) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: I'm thick as fuck pal

    (19:52:22) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: nwasnt was on mels board

    (19:52:45) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: you've lost me...which thread?

    (19:52:49) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: but people here read..and beliegve *LOL*

    (19:53:02) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: damned if I recall

    (19:53:05) .~*mel says to phantas~: *tugs your shirt.........why dont you just spit it out....what are you try'n to say??

    (19:53:22) phantas~ says to .~*mel: huh?..*L*

    (19:53:37) .~*mel says to phantas~: .....doh!

    (19:53:44) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: its been a while

    (19:53:47) I wanna be adored says to .~*mel: What's this guy on about Mel?

    (19:53:56) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: since anyone called me ..pal *L*

    (19:54:04) .~*mel says to I wanna be adored: i wish i knew......

    (19:54:20) phantas~ : I wish he knew

    (19:54:26) phantas~ : *L*

    (19:54:27) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: Look get to your point....

    (19:54:50) .~*mel says to phantas~: the point is.........?

    (19:55:36) .~*mel says to I wanna be adored: maaaaaaybe he dont have 1 ...and its all gone up there..??

    (19:55:54) .~*mel says to I wanna be adored: or lost it..

    (19:55:56) I wanna be adored says to .~*mel: Maybe you are right

    (19:56:29) .~*mel : whats up with ya phant??

    (19:56:44) .~*mel : spill the beans

    (19:56:50) phantas~ says to .~*mel: it is made is made

    (19:56:52) .~*mel : cough it up

    (19:57:10) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: Ok you say people are confused between us.......this is news to me....and frankly I don't give two shits...relax, it's a bloody one has a tumour in their ass

    (19:57:12) .~*mel : spit it out

    (19:57:36) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: one is less concerned then eithert of us

    (19:57:46) .~*mel : thats a bunch of hooowie phant

    (19:58:07) phantas~ says to .~*mel: what is?

    (19:58:42) .~*mel : what you are saying to Rant is a bunch of BS

    (19:59:05) phantas~ PRIVATELY whispers to .~*mel: damnit..I can tell wjhat is rwal if otherse cant here...I know what minnow is doing...her every breath nearly...................

    (19:59:29) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: You are a obscure man...are you fully aware of this?

    (19:59:37) phantas~ says to .~*mel:

    (19:59:50) .~*mel : wrong

    (19:59:51) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: absolutely

    (20:00:52) .~*mel : tsk tsk phants.....

    (20:00:57) phantas~ says to .~*mel: I dont know what you are talking about

    (20:01:11) .~*mel : welp...then explain yourself

    (20:01:24) phantas~ says to .~*mel: no need to

    (20:01:52) phantas~ says to .~*mel: I did to rant..your posts must e out of synch

    (20:01:58) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: ok...minnow is your chick.....and I'm not interested ok?

    (20:02:02) .~*mel : then we will both ..Rant and I continue to think you are nutz

    (20:02:42) .~*mel : Rant does NOT know Minnow

    (20:02:54) .~*mel : at all

    (20:02:54) Horny(m)ale says to .~*mel: wanna play?

    (20:03:05) .~*mel : no thanks horny

    (20:03:07) I wanna be adored : I'm going for a are twisting my melon

    (20:03:22) phantas~ : YOUR MELON IS A GOURD

    (20:03:29) phantas~ : *l*

    (20:03:30) .~*mel : have a good 1 Rant..*hugs good...k

    (20:03:36) Sam(M) : Hiya Phant

    (20:03:44) .~*mel : Samual!!

    (20:04:05) phantas~ : Jeezus ..Sam...some people cyber too much

    (20:04:10) Horny(m)ale says to .~*mel: dont be fussy im not

    (20:04:16) .~*mel : Phant WTF is the matter with you??.......calm down will ya....k

    (20:04:41) Sam(M) : And Mel, you shouild have went for horny male, he was good. COurse I didn't tell him I was a guy when I went for him *G*

    (20:04:50) phantas~ says to .~*mel: there nis nothing the matter with me mel..he completely misunderstood me from point one..*L*

    (20:05:01) .~*mel : oh!shit!

    (20:05:34) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: minnow is your g/f?......she had oral with me in private room 4 last night....joke

    (20:05:37) .~*mel : Phant!!......did you not make yourself clear??...NO!! you did not...!!!

    (20:06:10) .~*mel : *L* we're all f'kn nutz

    (20:06:14) phantas~ PRIVATELY whispers to .~*mel: I was merely telling him (laughingly) tghqat some people on the board and from the room had the mistAKEN IMPRESSSWION THAT HE WAS HAVING A CYBERAFFAIR5 WITJH MINNOW3..i KNOW3 HE IS NOT..BLOODY HELL...ALL HER GOT WAS DEFENSIVE..)\

    (20:06:27) phantas~ says to .~*mel: YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (20:06:56) phantas~ says to .~*mel: THIS IS RIDICULOUS

    (20:07:05) phantas~ : oops

    (20:07:23) .~*mel : well Phant...your beating a damn bush....what did you expect........anyways you got what you expected......right??

    (20:07:33) phantas~ says to .~*mel: ..wrong

    (20:07:37) .~*mel : saaaaaaay what?

    (20:07:54) .~*mel : YES you did..

    (20:08:12) phantas~ : nope

    (20:08:23) I wanna be adored : Is Minnow hot? it worth thinking about?

    (20:08:25) phantas~ : you must have too much cyber time

    (20:08:46) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: aw shut up already *L*

    (20:09:04) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: You got me thinking now...

    (20:09:15) .~*mel : *LMAO* Rant

    (20:09:18) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: if..

    (20:09:43) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: She seems nice...I'll say hi next time I see the name

    (20:11:32) .~*mel : all i can say next time phant.....speak english

    (20:11:48) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: Dude, you have been ultra weird...what the hell do you expect...I have no fucking idea what you are going on about

    (20:12:20) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: *L*.....if you say so

    (20:12:47) .~*mel : and he just did say so

    (20:12:53) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: ..ya klnow..I didnt do this

    (20:12:57) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: So tell me about you?

    (20:13:04) phantas~ says to .~*mel: no mel..

    (20:13:15) phantas~ says to .~*mel: its not so

    (20:13:17) .~*mel : yes you did ...

    (20:13:32) phantas~ says to .~*mel: he said it now...but he didnt do it...this is silly

    (20:14:03) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: what?...WE HAVE TALKED BEFORE

    (20:14:12) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: when?

    (20:14:14) .~*mel : every bit of this misunderstanding because you did not make yourself was beatin bushes..n stuff

    (20:14:46) .~*mel : *L's @ self

    (20:14:57) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: a few monthys ago..when you were still here

    (20:15:11) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: and we talked about?

    (20:15:31) .~*mel : brb.....*gotta get wet......brb

    (20:15:33) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: Forgive me...short term memory loss and all

    (20:15:40) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: several things...painting...................for a few *S*

    (20:16:25) phantas~ says to brian: bbI dont agree with you..its about meaning..

    (20:16:43) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: yeah?....I do like that kinda stuff

    (20:16:45) phantas~ says to brian: damn..thios wont go to mel...give it to her please *S*

    (20:16:59) brian : Leaves...

    (20:17:09) phantas~ says to brian: chicken!

    (20:17:15) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: Rest assured I'm not after your minnow

    (20:17:21) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: ..????????????

    (20:17:51) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: I have told you a dozen time not to be so fucking stupid

    (20:18:21) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: I dont care if you were damnit..I am whwere she is and I completely missed the point..

    (20:18:29) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: again!!!!!!!!

    (20:18:31) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: raw nerve?

    (20:18:42) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: smile

    (20:19:01) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: it must e yours..cos it aint mine

    (20:19:37) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: I thoughtn you were clever but are just a conceited fuckwit

    (20:19:57) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: you win a set of garden furniture

    (20:20:09) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: who cant tell his arse from his elbow!

    (20:20:35) .~*mel PRIVATELY whispers to phantas~: HOLY SHIT!!...what the fuck is wrong with your ass???...knock that shit off!!! i want to know if you wanted to get ahold of arcanes...i might see her tonight???............YOU are fuckin NOT right......

    (20:20:46) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: blood pressure check?

    (20:20:58) .~*mel says to phantas~: dont talk to him that way.......

    (20:21:11) phantas~ says to .~*mel: crap lady..and if she wants to be in touch she has my emails

    (20:21:43) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: ..................stoned?

    (20:21:50) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: ya got a hair trigger there

    (20:22:10) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: cos I know you are not this dumb

    (20:22:32) .~*mel says to phantas~: FUCK YOU.....he does NOT know her!!.....cant you understand english???

    (20:22:51) phantas~ says to .~*mel: you are being really stupid..

    (20:22:54) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: oh come on..hug me and lets have an ale and an arm wrestle?

    (20:22:58) phantas~ says to .~*mel: you are being really stupid..

    (20:22:59) phantas~ says to .~*mel: you are being really stupid..

    (20:23:12) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: Now now..don't be nasty to Mel

    (20:23:44) phantas~ says to .~*mel: I kniow that

    (20:23:52) .~*mel says to phantas~: NO!! YOU ARE...Totally dont know what your saying ...or to whome you are saying it.........he dosnt know fucking minnow

    (20:24:07) phantas~ says to .~*mel: yes he does damnit..

    (20:24:23) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: Are you calling me a liar?

    (20:24:28) .~*mel says to phantas~: NO he does NOT

    (20:24:35) phantas~ says to .~*mel: but you are misunderstanding wwhat I said to him

    (20:24:50) .~*mel says to phantas~: fuck off phant!!.......

    (20:24:57) phantas~ says to .~*mel: yes..he knows her..but not in the biblical sense

    (20:25:33) .~*mel says to phantas~: then shut up

    (20:25:35) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: if you deny knowing her rant..I am calling you a huge fucking liar!!!!!!!!

    (20:25:42) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: listen..I have no idea who minnow is unless it's her new name you half witted knob end

    (20:26:07) phantas~ : LIAR...or so stoned there is no differe4nce

    (20:26:07) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: I see her name on Mel's board

    (20:26:34) I wanna be adored says to .~*mel: Mel? this guy a prick?

    (20:26:39) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: are fucked in the head...go paint!

    (20:26:52) phantas~ : Who is this Mel person?

    (20:27:11) .~*mel says to phantas~: you are sooo OFF..

    (20:27:33) phantas~ says to .~*mel: No...your fucking boyfriend is!!!!!!!!!!

    (20:27:36) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: You are quite ill

    (20:27:44) .~*mel says to phantas~: YOU need to leave him alone...understand??

    (20:27:59) phantas~ says to .~*mel: No mel...dont understand...tell me

    (20:28:13) phantas~ says to .~*mel: He is ranting

    (20:28:31) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: You sad scare me slightly

    (20:28:37) phantas~ says to .~*mel: and raving..I made myself very clear to him and I am sure he posted you..

    (20:28:38) .~*mel says to phantas~: Rant does not know shut the hell need to say NO MORE

    (20:29:03) phantas~ says to .~*mel: mel..he does damned fool...

    (20:29:14) .~*mel says to phantas~: sorry....dude!! your wrong again

    (20:29:15) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: I'm gonna make a point of getting to know Minnow

    (20:29:19) phantas~ says to .~*mel: if he denies it that is beacuse he is stopned

    (20:30:00) phantas~ says to .~*mel: I know for a fact they have conversed have he and I ..though he doesnt recall that either...s*surprised he remembers you&*

    (20:30:31) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: you are a fuckhead sir

    (20:30:33) .~*mel says to phantas~: you are too weird

    (20:30:38) Rant In E-Minor : enters

    (20:30:53) .~*mel says to phantas~: you are bein an asshole phant

    (20:30:54) phantas~ says to .~*mel: ..oh yeah..swure I am

    (20:31:21) Rant In E Minor : enters

    (20:31:29) phantas~ says to .~*mel: I am not...all I have spoken is the truth

    (20:31:35) Rant In E Minor says to phantas~: behave man

    (20:32:00) phantas~ says to .~*mel: and if he doesnt remember..get him checked out

    (20:32:27) phantas~ says to Rant In E Minor: *lloks sideways at you*

    (20:33:28) phantas~ : iof words are always needed...(you did such a poor job the last time)

    (20:33:35) Rant In E Minor says to phantas~: you weird fucker....lie down in a darkened room

    (20:34:15) phantas~ says to Rant In E Minor: it is you..and there is a time and meaning sequence between this apparition and th last one?

    (20:34:58) Rant In E Minor says to phantas~: listen...minnow or any other small fish..relax already and take the pickle out of your arse

    (20:36:16) phantas~ says to Rant In E Minor: you are revealed as a stupid fuck...she wasnt claiming anything about you..but your ego had to claim she was...fuck you...you8 are nothing...a dabbler..

    (20:37:02) Rant In E Minor says to phantas~: nice turn of there a point anywhere here?

    (20:37:44) phantas~ says to Rant In E Minor: onkly to tell you to fuck are revealed as a shallow piece of shit

    (20:38:01) Rant In E Minor says to phantas~: easy tiger..rar!

    (20:38:20) phantas~ says to scarlett: and ..I had thought you interesting..but..we all make mistakes

    (20:38:24) .~*mel says to phantas~: (19:24:29) phantas~ : well..I have a fishing question for you......19:25:27) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: ..if..on your were to encounter a minnow~...what bwould you bait her with?.......(19:26:11) I wanna be adored says to .~*mel: bait? in wind up?(19:26:41) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: which means I have travelled(19:27:10) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: Hmmm just Europe...why?(19:27:10) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: Hmmm just Europe...why?(19:35:35) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: about this romance you are having19:36:02) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: romance?(19:36:18) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: yep.(19:36:50) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: Tis a song I have in The Stone Roses(19:36:53) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: you strikes a chord with me(19:37:36) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: i I just cant have this any more19:38:30) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: I ndont care about dream *L*...I am only concerned her with minnow~!(19:39:21) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: who is minnow?(19:39:44) phantas~ says to I wanna be adored: ..your apparent ignorance does not compute(19:40:21) I wanna be adored says to phantas~: You have a crush on someone called minnow? me out here Sherloc19:40:05) .~*mel : phant he does not know minnow...k.

    (20:38:39) phantas~ says to scarlett: sorry...Ranting *S*

    (20:38:57) Rant In E Minor : Now I know why I love Mel so much.....

    (20:39:25) Rant In E Minor : she's a bloody diamond in a sea of shit

    (20:39:59) phantas~ : *LOL*..I told you that it was a misunderstanding by others..l.and that I know still persist?

    (20:40:10) phantas~ : you are fucked in the head

    (20:40:31) Rant In E Minor says to phantas~: Have a wank or a coffee or go watch banal TV...

    (20:40:41) phantas~ says to Rant In E Minor: youi are playing off key

    (20:41:19) phantas~ says to Rant In E Minor: I dont need to,,,perhaps mits bedybyes time for you tonight?..toom much dope?

    (20:44:56) .~*mel says to phantas~: i think you might have ...but it surly wasnt worth remembering

    (20:45:19) Rant In E Minor says to .~*mel: why do you hang here still Mel?

    (20:45:34) phantas~ says to .~*mel: ..DAMN...and he said I was lying..he didnt know either of us!

    (20:46:31) .~*mel says to Rant In E Minor: because everyone incredibly crazy........with no exceptions..


    (20:46:53) Rant In E Minor says to .~*mel: true

    (20:46:54) phantas~ says to .~*mel: NOT SO.......

    (20:47:26) .~*mel says to phantas~: you need help......geritol?..maybe?

    (20:47:34) phantas~ PRIVATELY whispers to .~*mel: he co0mpletely took it up the wrong waY..i DONT KNOW WHY.............

    (20:48:00) phantas~ says to .~*mel: OH SHUT UP...LOVE MUST BE BLINHD AFTER ALL..*l*

    (20:48:38) .~*mel says to phantas~: because made no senSe.............believe it or not...NO SENSE......or sence.....chooseE

    (20:49:04) phantas~ says to .~*mel: *S*...well..he read the didnt make NO sense..

    (20:49:40) phantas~ says to .~*mel: he chose to pteretnd it made no sense..and that he doent know either of us..believe that if you like

    (20:49:55) .~*mel says to phantas~: you were fucking babbling...goin nowhere.......or going places ONLY known to you..

    (20:50:11) phantas~ says to .~*mel: *S*...and he?

    (20:50:29) phantas~ : I am so delighted

    (20:50:34) .~*mel says to phantas~: we were trying to figure out wtf you were on..

    (20:51:01) phantas~ says to .~*mel: you were too busy posting each other to make sense of my posts to him

    (20:51:21) phantas~ says to .~*mel: spend enough time here and on the board to know

    (20:51:31) Rant In E Minor : right, I'm off to post on boards

    (20:51:46) phantas~ says to Rant In E Minor: rave on *S*

    (20:52:08) phantas~ : really stupid...cyberfucked!!!!!!!!!

    (20:53:04) phantas~ says to .~*mel: he was so defensive..he must feel really guilty about somet6hing (else) but why shpould that be my problem?

    20:57:35) phantas~ PRIVATELY whispers to .~*mel: and you are really stupid if you think I have or had any doubts about minnow~..thats breally silly!

    20:58:05) phantas~ says to .~*mel: I* bow to your extraterrestrail wisdom

    (20:58:16) .~*mel says to phantas~: phant! shut!up!.....k

    (20:58:35) phantas~ says to .~*mel: when you do..k?

    (20:58:51) dafunks says to phantas~: Well, we certainly ain't bowing to you're spelling capabilities

    (20:59:12) .~*mel says to phantas~: i'm only doubting your sanity hun

    (20:59:43) phantas~ says to dafunks: *L*..thsnk you for your sanity..but..its my6 btyping ncaspsbilities..the speeeling is intact b&*S*

    (21:00:30) phantas~ says to .~*mel: I know...and t6hat is offensive.. are blinkere4d

    21:21:10) ~Deb~ PRIVATELY whispers to .~*mel: that the real phan?

    (21:26:53) .~*mel says to phantas~: werent making sence.....and accusations.....then you came off of another planet...........which is fine....but dont talk to people that dont know wtf your talking about....the way you did..........

    21:22:22) phantas~ PRIVATELY whispers to .~*mel: you know..I ma really sory that it has come to this......and you know..I was kidding him at first..if Rant haqdnt been so fucking defensive3 thiws wouldnt hqave happe4ned....and for sure..

    (21:23:27) ~Deb~ says to .~*mel: Sorry..I watched earlier.....and it just doesn't seem like the phan I know.......


    ...k....And i thought that same exact thing when ~Deb~ did...
    I said i hope to God! it really wasnt him...
    Because my high expectations of him were shot to hell..
    So i asked Phant to please go take a nap..
    seems like he needed some rest or something...
    I just went to the porch for awhile ..*sigh

    Then today i see Minnows post here...
    i'm wondering if.....i dont know really...
    *L*...i hafta go!...see ya...s*
    <font size =1><font color=black>

    [This message has been edited by M?????a (edited August 06, 2001).]

  3. #3
    Inactive Member CrazySam's Avatar
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    Hmmmm, that can't be phant, or I would be extremely surprised. And is that me? DOn't remember sayin that stuff? Eother I was way tired, or I have been hacked?

  4. #4
    HB Forum Owner Më£ïñÐa's Avatar
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    i thought it was a bit funny in places.... god! almost 2 hours of it???..*L*

    *L* and Sam, your always like that sometimes worse...*LMAO*

    *L* i didnt know phant drinks..
    then its all clearly understandable...
    See, my idea of him was all wrong then...
    But now that i've read it over a few times....
    I got his point, in a chatroom you dont have time to catch the point, expecially if you fuckin dont talk right.. wink
    if a person asks wtf! then explain it again..
    and quit fuckin around!!...damn!!
    <font size =1><font color=black>

    [This message has been edited by M?????a (edited August 06, 2001).]

  5. #5
    HB Forum Owner Më£ïñÐa's Avatar
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    Phant? was you drinkin??
    I'm gonna keep bootin this up till..
    ya say sumthin...k... smile

  6. #6
    Inactive Member Blanca's Avatar
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    Mel...this was a big misunderstanding..minnow was joking .....someone mistaking was harrassing minnow thinking she was with rant..confusingit with it was a joke.....but minnow ...dont wanna talk about it no more I dont we hoping the thread will die

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