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Thread: see ya later....

  1. #131
    Inactive Member *Leo the Lioness*'s Avatar
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    so? you never acknowledged your very real affair with him biggrin.....but spare me cuz i really dont give a sheeeeit!

    and who the fuck are you to demand that i answer to anything at all? ......what i do is MY business, get it? i keep saying it so that maybe you might be able to get it one of those times......*L woman, you had to have had a sex change of some kind, cuz you were born with an iron SET if you think i owe YOU anything, first of all

    second of all, you admitted on that thread that you didn't wanna have kids cuz "what if you decided you didn't want them anymore" but they were already here, did you not?......*L cold bitch

    as for my children, like every other aspect of my life, you are clueless *G.....they get everything they need from both parents, and then some....that's all i'll say, cuz a cunt like you doesn't deserve to know the details of what goes on under my roof....all you know is how long or when my computer is on this page or maybe the pool, period, that's it, you dont even know whether i'm actually sitting at it or passing by it or know nothing about anything else i do on it (other than what's been reported to you by your lackey, there, i'm sure if he shared your shit with me, i could be ripping into you more too) know nothing about who else is in my house, or where my kids go or do at any given go ahead and make your "professional assessment" of my home from all the way over there *LOL*....i'm sure you must've made judgment calls that were just as fucked up, only to real life people, taking their kids from them kicking n screaming......tsk tsk tsk....i bet it weighs on the conscience when you make such a huge mistake, doesn't it biggrin...cuz nobody's perfect, you had to have fucked up at least once, since you think you know so much about my parental ability and you've been dead WRONG so far *LMAO*

    i can go on like this, it's kinda fun to unravel the things you throw at me and watch you and your fellow coven members have a good's just proving what a cunt you really are, as i've been saying all along, so i really don't mind biggrin
    <font size =1><font color=black>

    [This message has been edited by M?????a (edited August 27, 2001).]

  2. #132
    Inactive Member heidi!'s Avatar
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    Im so fuckin glad you really dont mind..*VBS*...So here goes
    As for any real time relationship..I didnt happen and I wont even bother to say anything else other than you are full of shit..*L*
    Here's why I think you're not only an unfit mother but not fit to breath the same air as the rest of us..
    You once told me you're husband was abusive...How badly you wanted out...THEN..after that you got pregnant again to bring another child into abuse..and dont even bother to deny it I can bring others here you told the exact same thing too...You had a big fuckin sob story about how mistreated you were yet you werent responsible enough not to get pregnant...See Leo women like you are the ones that burden the system...You're an unproductive part of society..and I think anyone who keeps children and brings more into a bad situation is unfit...
    The only reason you are still there is because you are an uneducated dumbass who is too scared to get out into the real world and take care of yourself and your family...So instead of being the STRONG woman you claim you are...Your just a scared little girl with no way out ..
    I have watched you over the years rip girls apart here for "fucking with your net men"..Calling them whores, sluts, cunts,etc..for no other reason than they were a threat to what you thought might be someone to take you away from it all...Everyone you were ever involved with here you latched on to them with you're life...and I dont mean strangers in chat..I mean reg chatters you have ripped apart for simply CHATTING with these men...
    You dont have the courage to take care of yourself so you look for someone here to take care of you..I think thats not only sad but pathetic..
    As for my work...I was the part of the system that tried to keep children in with the aide of workers...Just like the worker you have come to your home...The times you arent logged on are the times that worker is there Im sure of it...Either that you hired someone you know who wont write a report on how you spend so much time on the puter..
    You have an oppurtunity to be a stay home mother...alot of women would love that..why dont you use it..
    You ramble on here with your curse words and your bullshit and never have anything with any merit to say....but since you insisted we keep this up...I hope you're happy now
    As for the lies and crap you are typing...You want all my friends to see how much of a "CUNT" I am....Lets see how many of them post after you to agree....My friends know what Im all about Leo as do you yours..
    You not only have a face that would flush a toilet you talk nothing but shit...
    Let me know when you want to finish you "give a fuck" Yet?

    BITCH!..Its not only an insult...Its a way of life.

  3. #133
    Inactive Member phantas~'s Avatar
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    *RME* and winks at minnow~


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