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  1. #11
    HB Forum Owner SummerStorm's Avatar
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    I figured as much Shatz*S*...jus wanted ya to know that he's not avoidin that spot and he'll get back as soon as he can I'm sure...*hugs ya*

  2. #12
    Guest GhostWolf's Avatar


    Shatz, I am a devils advocate, i am not a blind patriot. I want our boys..and women home, safe. As i tried to say before, which was ignored by nearly all, i disagree with our 'President' ( yes i said president sarcasticly)He is ego driven, and feels that he needs to prove that a Bush can finish what he starts. WEll so far he and daddy have a piss poor record. Since JR couldnt get Osama, he goes after the guy Daddy let get away. True, we havent heard squat from saddam since desert sheild ended. TRue, squat was heard while we were over there chasin bin ladden. Bush wanted a war, and when the UN said ok, with all said and done, you taken the bin ladden thing too far, time to stop. So bush lost UN support. He was pissed, made to look like he cant find his head from his ass( although this is true, he dragged the rest of the united states into that same catagory)He tries to tie saddam in with bin ladden because there were some terrorist camps in iraq, there for saddam is a part of the Iquada. Now if this theory of dear ol 'W' was true, then he himself would be a member of Hell's Angels, The Bloods, The Crips, The Italian Mafia, The American Mafia. He is a Pimp, a dope dealer and a memeber of any other organized crime that exists in the united states, If what he said bout Iraq is indeed a true statement. Personnaly, I believe Bush Dug deep to find a reason to go to this war simply because HE wanted it, and for no other reason. Not because of 9-11 or because of oil. His prode had been hurt, his families pride had been hurt, and he is looking for retribution.

    Now about you being against america and only voicing your opinion, im sorry, but i need my hip huggers and a shuvel because you jus tossed out a lot of crap. My basis, If, truly, if it was jus an opinion you had, You would stated, my opinion, you did not. You took fact and tried to turn it into propaganda and laughed, i repeat, LAUGHED, at the ideas of thosewho supported the war AND THOSE WHO DO NOT. To put it simply, you did exactly what you set out to do, congrats, i appluade you for raising hell on a Post board! Whooo freakin hooo.You wanted to stir up some trouble and you did. Now you cna continue this on the other board all you like, I for one will not tolerate such disrespect. If you would like to form an opinion instead of insult, you are more than welcome to post here. However, i will not allow you or any one else try to cause trouble. I have man right now telling me he is sorry because of what others have said to me. Gary, no need man, you did nothing wrong. however, as for those who laughed at others opinions,insulted those with opposite views AS YOU HAVE SHATZ,have.Your litte fire is as of now under control in THIS ROOM. It will not be tolerated, those who try to cause trouble will not be welcome here.I once again voice my opinion, and I will not try to twist fact into the fiction that is called propaganda. I said I support our TROOPS. If one cannot support their troops, I dont give a rats ass if you ar ebehind bush on this, because i am not, but if you cant even support our troops, then i have to agree with gary:"America, love it or leave it."

    Oh by the way, you have tossed the first stone my dear, jus like i said you would. Any one with half a brain will see it. Please come by any time to look at posts , comment or make a new topic, I have no hard feelings, I am not a hateful person. You and i must simply agree to disagree on this matter and let it lie, Let it die. Looking forward to seeing you again, under better circumstances.Have a great day or night.

  3. #13
    HB Forum Owner SHATOUSHKA's Avatar
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    i will concede to agree to disagree.
    but as you said, i have issues with both sides.
    i am neither for one or the other...
    the reason why i am more opinionated about
    the war-wanters is because they are a bit more
    active than passive... which was my only issue.

    i did see your point about GWB. i agree.
    i think what my main concern is/was...
    the 'justification' of the war.

    i'm not saying the underlying justification
    is good or bad (about helping iraqian people
    or whatever)... i just think the whole
    righteousness of GWBjr rescuing his fathers
    name is a bit too much.

    but regardless, the war is present and there
    is nothing to do but end it in time.

    and naturally, i dont have a problem with
    opinions, and i'm not all about who 'cast the
    first stone'...

    so its all good. [img]smile.gif[/img]

    you're cool with me GW. [img]graemlins/thumbs_up.gif[/img]

    now... let's do some (other) posting! *grins*

  4. #14
    Guest GhostWolf's Avatar



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