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Thread: WOW!!

  1. #11
    Inactive Member wildnthewind's Avatar
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    Originally posted by MandaB:
    If ya ask me Bush is the one who needs to be ashamed.
    <font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC, Tahoma,sans-serif">I'm not a Bush fan nor did I vote for him. But here's some facts.

    It started at the local and state level and worked it's way up..

  2. #12
    HB Forum Owner ~R-B~'s Avatar
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    I'm sure it did wild but he's the BIG cheese and when blame falls it's gonna land right in his lap. Any way I'm not trying to start anything I just wanted to post my 2 cents worth. -lol-
    My heart truly goes out to all the people effected by Katrina and no matter who we think is to blame it's the innocent who suffer.

    I agree with Fi. Giving is giving no matter how small or large! [img]graemlins/heart.gif[/img]

  3. #13
    Guest *Olivia*'s Avatar


    well i guess i see giving as giving

    and as for giving being proportionate to the 'wealth' of a nation, that's never how it works....indeed one of the 'richest' is the US and they were not at the top of the list for the tsunami

    like the individual...we give what we give...for example there will be many who have given more than i have, and with a lower income than i have....but does that negate what i have given?

    i think it's time to just be grateful for anything...gifting is gifting

    peace and all that [img]smile.gif[/img]

  4. #14
    Guest CanadianGirl's Avatar


    no need to fight guys over this...Bush made a big fuck up not anyone else...even if they dont give nothing like donations they can say prayers and thats still giving [img]smile.gif[/img]

  5. #15
    Guest *Olivia*'s Avatar


    *L* noone here is fighting that i can see

    praying is all good and well but it doesn't put clothes on a back, food in a stomach...or even a french bandaid on a cut [img]wink.gif[/img]

    sorry but i'm not a religious person and while prayer may help the individual feel they are contributing, right now these people need material things to rebuild their lives in some manner

    and i'm not fighting either *L* just sharing my opinion

  6. #16
    Guest CanadianGirl's Avatar


    never thought you were fighting *L..just looks like wild is lookin to argue [img]tongue.gif[/img]

    thats true very true...If i knew where to donate stuff i would...Our City wants 20-30 families to come to Hamilton here in Canada and they want to provide each family with a place to stay and a job and whatever else they need...well it hasnt fallen through yet, but they say in one or two weeks will would know...I should e-mail my concil (sp?) and tell em that they dont have that much time they need housing and things NOW...ALL the kids need schooling...I think its a great idea to have them come to live in our would benifit them and it would boost up our econmoy (sp?) (sorry spelling sucks *L)...they are thinking taken the old empty churches and the old buildings that are laying around here in Hamilton and building apts in it...they would have a chance to start their life all over again and in a new City

  7. #17
    Guest *Olivia*'s Avatar


    absolutely....there are so many ways to help and there will be so very many displaced people, though i'm not sure about the logistics of an 'international' placement programme as they would be crossing a border to relocate

    if you wanted to donate things, i'm sure there are drives going locally you could add to CG...

    ?? Red Cross ??
    ?? Salvation Army ??

    i guess...maybe

    oh and i've been reading your posts about how sick you have been lately....hope you feel better really soon!

  8. #18
    Guest CanadianGirl's Avatar


    i guess thats ONE thing they have to talk about getting those people across the border, but i think it would be cool

    I have a big closet full of clothes and other stuff that i dont even use...Our house is really small so we just ditch them in the closet and they are NOT to be seen again until we decide to move *L

    I dont really trust red cross cuz last year when we were getting donations together here for the hurricane out in Flordia the red cross they kept half of the money and sent the other half to the vicitms which i found that unfair cuz that was to HELP the people out in Flordia, so i might have to look in at Salvation Army...Thanks

  9. #19
    HB Forum Owner ~R-B~'s Avatar
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    I am in the process of donating a lot of Brady's clothes and toys that he no longer fits into or plays with. I just really hope it makes it's way down there to the little ones that so desperately need the stuff. It's the only thing I can really do. I'm so broke it;s not even funny but it's killing me to not be able to do anything at all.

    I saw something on the news last night about all the schools in Ontario are ready to accept kids from N.O. I think it's great even if the logistics of it seems a bit odd.

    My brother told me this horrific story last night about something he saw on CNN. This woman who's house was flooding had 2 camcorders that she took with her as she left. She was filming her trip all the way to the superdome and was providing comentary on it. Appearantly she didn't sleep for over 5 days at the dome because all she heard was people including babies being raped. There was no electricity in there and all she did was hold her 2 kids while they slept. I felt so sick to my stomach and actually shed tears when he told me that. He said he was in shock watching that on CNN. [img]graemlins/broken_heart.gif[/img]

    <font color="#600080" size="1">[ September 09, 2005 08:01 AM: Message edited by: MandaB ]</font>

  10. #20
    Inactive Member wildnthewind's Avatar
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    Dave... Right on. That's the way it's set up...

    A son of someone I know is there in NO (in the guard) he says they have been under fire the whole time they've been there (every day) and in his last e-mail he went through six clips just tryin' to get back to his base of operations. Something the media has stopped coverin'(the gunfire)..

    Oh.... and no one is fightin' here. [img]biggrin.gif[/img]

    **wrestles CG to the floor [img]tongue.gif[/img] **

    As far as NO, lots of folks won't go back simply 'cuz they'll have it better somewhere else.

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