Transportation Chronicles: Dolphins Aren't for Driving

Feb 6th 2008
By Tom Radler

There comes a point during every drunken evening when all you want is to get home. Paying $100 for a cab is bad, but trying to flag down a passing sea mammal is probably crossing the line.

Two Brits are now in court defending themselves against charges of grabbing onto a bottlenose dolphin and trying to "hitch a ride" after a night at the pub last year. Michael Jukes and Daniel Buck, both 26, have admitted that they disregarded signs near the shore, in their town of Folkestone, which warned against bothering the creature.

"He was happy to have people there. People travel thousands of miles to do that in Florida, so I took advantage while it was there," Jukes told London's Metro newspaper. "I grabbed his fin, but he didn't seem up for pulling us along. I said: 'Give him some space. Don't upset him.' The dolphin came to us. It's a powerful creature.'"

The two men were spotted by a marine biologist, and have been charged with "interfering with" the animal, which has since gone missing.

More drunks behaving badly-

Are the dolphins in your city in danger?

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