and i must say, you have the right back ground music at the time and its a very emotional experience... [img]confused.gif[/img]

anyhow, the lady really knocked the stuffing out of my arm. i dont think she'd really heard of being gentle. so yeah now i got a sore arm cause she yanked the needle out at the end and flew my arm in all directions.

i got this really cute little soft toy for doing it though... not that i need bribary [img]tongue.gif[/img]

[img]*SbfGbkj9Stw4jC7Nrbk q4mpEygwmnF1VCT7okBGZ56ymQrYOSCJ5PUWSJx4vE3IrGZL00 PsVDmJv6RCpPNbGRZPQ/soft%20toy.JPG?dc=4675488340583576926[/img]