Quote Originally Posted by TheBeast View Post
You are really going to bring two half ass comedians and their variety/comedy programs as serious news sources. You can try and justify all of your sources not having the audience that mine does on any platform be it tv, internet, radio whatever any way you want. what that shows is that there are way more conservatives in this country than there are socialists.

I didn't wiggle out of a dam thing, you directly said that you could come and take my land since you have indian ancestory and I proved that you had no claim as you said you did. Now that you have decided to try and wiggle out of what you said and turn it somewhere else I still have the argument that the indians never claimed ownership of any piece of land. They did defend the land they were living on against whoever other tribes the new Europeans but never claimed ownership of anything.

Welcome to the top of the food chain and being the envy of the rest of the world. It really sucks that America using free market capitalism was able to catch and far surpass the rest of the world in just 300 years.

You do realize that the Daily Show has the most informed viewers out of the major networks right? Like I said, Fox viewers came in at dead last. And of course there are more conservatives than liberals genius, that's always been the case, not "socialists" btw. What it shows is that there's a lot of gullible, narrowed minded conservative idiots.

Wow, are you really this stupid? You do know I was speaking hypothetically, right? Trying to figure out if you're really this oblivious or just playing dumb to run from the argument, probably a little of both. The argument is/was that would it be okay if a person tried to take back land hundreds of years later because their ancestors were there first...it's not directed at you so you can't use your little deflection to get out of it. Israel didn't own the land before either btw, so don't know how you could use that as the argument either.

Yeah, because of our awesomeness we surpassed everyone. Even though I seem to remember some world wars that kind of knocked out some powerhouses And that great system that has only distanced the rich and poor over the years, all while countries other countries continue to catch up with this great thing we have going here.