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Thread: Deep Throat

  1. #71
    Susie Sahara
    Guest Susie Sahara's Avatar


    I'm new to this board but I have been readiing up each post voraciously to see if I can learn a thing or two.

    These last few postings are pretty funny.

    I hope you'll forgive me Alex, but I read every post and can't see what anyone wrote that has you so upset.

    Maybe we should all concentrate on Super-8 and not talk about Marilyn or skanks or whatever.



  2. #72
    Mr Blackstock
    Guest Mr Blackstock's Avatar


    This is more fun reading than the yanks chasing osama!


  3. #73
    Susie Sahara
    Guest Susie Sahara's Avatar


    I'm new to this board but I have been readiing up each post voraciously to see if I can learn a thing or two.

    These last few postings are pretty funny.

    I hope you'll forgive me Alex, but I read every post and can't see what anyone wrote that has you so upset.

    Maybe we should all concentrate on Super-8 and not talk about Marilyn or skanks or whatever.



  4. #74
    Guest Alex's Avatar



    You went off topic to attack me.

    Your original E-slay question could be considered inane by some. You have no clue when others give you slack and are trying to be helpful, rather than ridicule you for not figuring out how e-bay works.

    The reward for providing helpful information to you about the inner strategies of e-bay bidding is to be attacked and slandered by you.

    That makes you an ingrate.

    You started the attack, and apparently insist on having the last word also.


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