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Thread: personal opinion time!!!

  1. #1
    HB Forum Owner SHATOUSHKA's Avatar
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    i'll try and keep this short and sweet and
    get directly to the issue without alot of
    big, fancy words or other jazz like that...

    cancer started increasing in number of infected
    people since the dawn of the industrial revolution (200 years ago).

    prior to that, many people failed to get cancer
    due to certain vitamins we received through
    grown foods.

    early in the 20th century, it was discovered
    that vitamin B17 (laetrile) could possibly
    be the cancer end-all. however, pharmaceutical
    companies could not patent a natural vitamin
    and therefore, one of the greatest propaganda
    campaigns was unleashed to the public.

    because b17 contains one atom of cyanide,
    the propaganda stated that in consuming
    b17, you were essentially committing more
    harm than good... and that b17 never showed
    any signs of betterment with cancer patients.

    however, due to the cyanide content, b17 has
    been 'banned' in america... meaning, you
    simply cannot get it in raw form.

    so here are the two sides:

    </font><ul type="square">[*]<font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC, Tahoma">b17 offers a necessary element within the
    compound of the vitamin that may reduce
    or end cancer</font>[*]<font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC, Tahoma">b17 has not be effectively tested to demonstrate
    active changes involving cancer patients</font>[/list]<font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC, Tahoma">feel free to perform a search/study on
    b17, cancer, Dr. Ernst T. Krebs, Jr (the
    one that discovered b17), etc....

    you will certainly find your fair share of
    the battle on both sides.

    here's what i want to know --

    how does it make you feel when you clearly
    stand amist a battle of this sort? i mean,
    this is so cut and dry: its either a good
    vitamin for cancer or it isn't...
    is it just a battle between money? like,
    which company manufactures the pills???

    why do i feel like i can't trust EITHER side?
    is it my natural hope for a cancer end-all
    that i WANT b17 to be a miracle drug? or
    is it because i don't believe the FDA or
    the government is really concerned about me
    that i distrust the 'official' ACS reports??
    (american cancer society)

    we are talking about a *potential* propaganda
    campaign that has been around for 100 years...

    tell me what you think on this issue...
    or whatever

  2. #2
    Guest TastinGood's Avatar


    well you and i have been discussing cancer stuff off and on for a few days now and i must say that this is the first ive heard about the b17 vitamin.

    after all of the radiation talk that we have discussed, i do feel as though someone is hiding information (duh!) about all of this.

    Does b17 work? Who knows...but if and when I get cancer, I'd be all about trying to get me some of it to try.

    *Disclaimer: Sorry about the shitty post. It's late and I dont feel like reseaching right now.

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