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Thread: GL/Reason. This is your agrument thread

  1. #11
    HB Forum Owner gae's Avatar
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    LOL!!! You funny, reason.

  2. #12
    Guest Cagliostro's Avatar


    Originally posted by reason:
    </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by gae:
    Let the rest of the board be all about us


    Ya know, some of us have issues and stuff. Y'all wanna scrap, fine by me. BUT KEEP IT OUT OF MY THREADS!!!!

    Consider yourselves bitch slapped.
    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">gae,

    Now it should be duly noted that things were calm until GL came back and he decided to pop in on all sorts of topics to do his thing.

    Now he's free to do what he wants, no skin off my back - even if it's directed at me. But at the same time, let's acknowledge that he's on a mission to disrupt, even when the subject matter has absolutely nothing to do with me.

    I am, however, all for limiting such dialogue to a singular thread. This one should suffice.

    Though I doubt GL's obsessive compulsive tendencies will allow him to maintain control.
    </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I was generalizing about your comments directed at Trav, so don't consider it a direct "quote". But here's the proof:

    Reason whining about everyone not embracing his gayness

    See reason the whole problem stems from the fact that you are an arrogant asshole. Let's take a poll, see how many regulars on here agree with me. Gae tolerates you because she feels sorry for you, Trav overlooks a lot of your shit for basically the same reason and he probably sees a hint of mental retardation in you like I see. But your limitations are no excuse for you being such a prick all the time. If you would get to the root of your problem(s) you might be a little easier to interact with. As it is now you're nothing but a smartass dick who brings nothing to the discussion (Gae's sympathy for you notwithstanding)

  3. #13
    Senior Hostboard Member reason's Avatar
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    Originally posted by G L:
    </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by reason:
    </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by gae:
    Let the rest of the board be all about us


    Ya know, some of us have issues and stuff. Y'all wanna scrap, fine by me. BUT KEEP IT OUT OF MY THREADS!!!!

    Consider yourselves bitch slapped.
    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">gae,

    Now it should be duly noted that things were calm until GL came back and he decided to pop in on all sorts of topics to do his thing.

    Now he's free to do what he wants, no skin off my back - even if it's directed at me. But at the same time, let's acknowledge that he's on a mission to disrupt, even when the subject matter has absolutely nothing to do with me.

    I am, however, all for limiting such dialogue to a singular thread. This one should suffice.

    Though I doubt GL's obsessive compulsive tendencies will allow him to maintain control.
    </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I was generalizing about your comments directed at Trav, so don't consider it a direct "quote". But here's the proof:

    Reason whining about everyone not embracing his gayness

    See reason the whole problem stems from the fact that you are an arrogant asshole. Let's take a poll, see how many regulars on here agree with me. Gae tolerates you because she feels sorry for you, Trav overlooks a lot of your shit for basically the same reason and he probably sees a hint of mental retardation in you like I see. But your limitations are no excuse for you being such a prick all the time. If you would get to the root of your problem(s) you might be a little easier to interact with. As it is now you're nothing but a smartass dick who brings nothing to the discussion (Gae's sympathy for you notwithstanding)
    </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Your link to my dialogue with trav doesn't have anything to do with the price of eggs on Sunday...or any of your assertions for that matter.

  4. #14
    Senior Hostboard Member reason's Avatar
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    It boils down to this:

    You're angry that I think you're gay. I've always thought you're gay. And I'll always probably think you're gay. I'm sorry, but I do.

    And that's ok. There's nothing wrong with that. So get over it. Besides, what I think about your sexuality (and what you think about mine) doesn't really mean a whole lot.

    So let it go.

    I also don't give a rats ass where you live, trailer or otherwise. But don't tell me it's something other than it is. It is what it is and be happy with it. Jeez. Wheels or not, hitch or not, it's a half step away from a trailer, very similar looking to a mobile home. That's what it is. That's what people use for dwellings in Florida, to a large extent. IF you like it, that's all that matters. What I say doesn't mean jack.

    And if you really don't like what I post, don't read my posts. I skip over most of yours, and that seems to work rather nicely.

    I do think you need to work on that manic/obsessive compulsive thing, though. It's rather glaring right now.

  5. #15
    Guest Cagliostro's Avatar


    And if you really don't like what I post, don't read my posts
    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Only sensible thing you have ever said. I'll give it a try.

    The fact that you think I'm gay means nothing to me, I don't care what you think. The reasons you think I'm gay make you look very ignorant and homophobic.

  6. #16
    Senior Hostboard Member reason's Avatar
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    Originally posted by G L:
    </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">And if you really don't like what I post, don't read my posts
    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Only sensible thing you have ever said. I'll give it a try.

    The fact that you think I'm gay means nothing to me, I don't care what you think. The reasons you think I'm gay make you look very ignorant and homophobic.
    </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I think you're gay because you act like a lot of the gay people I know. Not to mention that you get incredibly defensive over it. Plus you lash back with anti-gay stuff, and these behaviors all have high correlations to actually being homosexual.

    Listen, I don't care that you're gay. You'd probably be a much nicer person to others and yourself if you'd just admit it.

  7. #17
    Senior Hostboard Member reason's Avatar
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    Originally posted by reason:
    I never called trav a homophobic ass. I never called him anything of the sort. I recently called him a "dick," but he seemed to appreciate the moniker. I also called him hairy Italian man, but with his recent nudidity, he apparently has no problem with this, either.
    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Also, I called both trav and gae "dumbasses" and I called trav stupid.

    I'm scouring the pages for all the other appropriate names I have called trav and/or gae, but homophobic ass isn't one of them.

    Now trav did say he can't stand to see two guys kissing. That's fair. But then I don't want to see trav and gae kissing, either. Blech.

  8. #18
    Guest Cagliostro's Avatar


    I only say anti-gay comments to YOU. If someone continuosly referred to you as something you are not would you get defensive? How would we know? You bitch about everything, no one can tell when something genuinely bothers you or not. You also exhibit an amazing lack of insight into human sexuality too. The percentage of people who are 100% "gay" or "straight" is much lower than you try to convey using your little stereotypes. Which again only serve to make you look stupid.

    See you try to rationalize the fact that you are an asshole and put a spin on it to make it look as though I'm simply "over reacting". You have been an asshole ever since you came back to the board. You don't engage in light hearted teasing and banter the way most of us on here do. You hone in on what you know will piss someone off the most and just keep doing it, repeatedly. My oldest brother in Cincinnati is like that too. Socially dysfunctional and has been married and divorced 2x now. I have not spoken to him since 1996 and if I never see him or speak to him again it will be OK by me. You remind me of him. You even admitted you like to seize upon people's "hot spots" (I think that was the term you used) and use it against them. That's another example of you being an asshole. You can't feel good about yourself unless you are insulting someone else. You are a sad, shitty, arrogant asshole and nothing you say is going to change my mind. Maybe when you learn to accept YOURSELF and quit trying to project your own demons onto others you might be a little more pleasant to interact with. Until then I have no use for you and will try very hard to ignore you from here on out. I have to give you "credit" for one thing, the overall level of politeness and civility markedly dropped on this board since your return. I don't give you 100% of the credit. More like the results of one smartass in a 15 yr old boy's locker room setting the tone and encouraging others to be rude and obnoxious. I should have just banned you back when you first exhibited these unsavory tendencies but then gae or Raven would have probably felt sorry for you and just unbanned you so why bother. So I left instead. Kind of like staying in a room with a pile of shit in it and enduring the smell or simply walking out into the fresh air. I must say you smell no better while I was gone.

  9. #19
    Guest Cagliostro's Avatar


    Go fuck yourself reason. Arrogant piece of shit. I get along with my brother who lives with me in Florida. I have cousins and aunts/uncles. You are a prick and nothing you can say will change that. You do remind me of my brother who has been married and divorced 2x. You think everything you say is of paramount importance, you think you know everything and you think you are always right. Buffoon. It used to be somewhat amusing on but since coming back to this board you have taken it to all new levels. Asshole.

  10. #20
    Senior Hostboard Member reason's Avatar
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    Ok. Case in point. I got to the "fuck you" part and disengaged. So you just wasted your time. Message not received.

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