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Thread: Is it just me?

  1. #81
    Guest DarrensPassion's Avatar


    Originally posted by Dyan:
    I don't get it. What is there about this fan base and that man that got under my skin??? I SWEAR, I'm a perfectly normal person with a firm grasp on reality. And yet ....... *sighs*

    You guys won't understand what I'm saying in this ramble, and I realize that. But the thing is that I just deleted two posts on two different boards. Why? They were perfectly good posts, and I think that I have a point. Frankly, I think that I'm right. And they weren't causing trouble or fights. And yet somehow pointing out what seems obvious to me seemed also somehow the wrong thing to do.

    It was about the recent articles in Australia about how Sony US didn't want to release the cd because it's supposedly too explicit and sexual. And the thing is that I posted and then it nagged me .......... somehow it seemed unfair for me to ...... I dunno how to explain this ...... maybe the word that I'm looking for is "counter". Maybe it's unfair of me to counter what other fans want or need to believe and what Darren's public relations team may want out in the media. Damn, that's not the right word either.

    WHY do I even care??? It's not like my opinions change anyone's mind or that anyone (ie Darren's team or even him) could care less what I of all people think. And yet ............ damn if it didn't seem wrong on my part to be openly cyncial and blunt.

    People need to believe something. And if that something helps to explain Darren's absence in the US or lets his fans feel better about the state of things (or even Darren himself; hell, I don't know what he needs to believe), then maybe I should let that be.

    <font color="#9966FF"><font size="1">[ March 06, 2005 09:01 PM: Message edited by: Dyan ]</font></font>
    <font size="3" face="Tempus sans ITC, Papyrus,Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Dyan, I'm not sure if I've understood you right here, but I read a couple of your posts on other boards about the release of TTATS in the US and I think you have probably hit the nail on the head when you referred back to Spin. It makes complete sense from Sony's POV that if Spin didn't sell well in the US, then they're obviously going to be reluctant to release TTATS.

    I think we're all looking for reasons to believe things, but I think ultimately most of it comes down to a purely business angle. SG did well in the US because they sold heaps of CD's over there. I don't think there's any major conspiracy afoot, it just purely and academically down to money.

    Maybe we're simply guilty of nothing more than wanting things the way they were and wishing like heck some things could have been done differently. It's human nature to want to look for reasons as to why things happen. I hope I've understood you right here Dyan, I apologise in advance if I've misconstrued your post.

    Janie xx

    <font color="#9966FF" size="1">[ March 07, 2005 06:06 AM: Message edited by: DarrensPassion ]</font>

  2. #82
    Inactive Member Kattitude's Avatar
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    Dyan I too read your post about sales of Spin. If thats what you are talking about I agree with you as well. It was spot on. It more than likely is the exact reason.. In sales terms hes not happening. I think radio wise of course the taint of possible being associated with "homesexual" thing may come into play.

    You cant make people listen and buy an album. You can force it.. it just has to happen. Seems with SG it happened one of those things unexplained. You cant say why exactly but it just did.

    I too don't know what it is about Darren and this fandom that takes sane people and makes us into this lol. I guess its another one of those unexplainable mysteries.


  3. #83
    Inactive Member mlue's Avatar
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    Interesting post Dyan. It made me think. I really do think people should be allowed to believe what they want to believe but the sad thing is we should all still be able to express our thoughts. Would you have ever second guessed those posts in the old days? We used to post that kind of stuff all the time...people agreed or disagreed but it was all ok.

    Perhaps it is just that that is missing. Too many battles have transpired perhaps and people are just "battle worn"?

  4. #84
    Inactive Member Dyan's Avatar
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    Janie, I think you have what I meant. And yes, Steen, we are all simply drops in the sea. And yet ....... *smiles* You know me. hehe I have this silly belief that every drop carries within it the power to change the very sea itself. I also think that there is something to the idea that the energy that we put out into the universe matters. But that's not what motivated me last night. LOL

    The thing is that what I had posted (as true as I still think it was) seemed mean. I'm not sure why because I certainly didn't intend it in a mean spirit and based on your replies, it didn't come across as mean. but still ....

    It felt like I was kicking something that was already down. And also, I've come to realize just how important it is to fans to believe. It might be nothing more than the image we create as we listen to the music or perhaps a fantasy that we carry in our heads or the hope as Janie says that things can be what they once were. I think that an important part of being a fan is having that ability to simply believe. And I guess that I felt that I was taking from that belief without having anything to offer. Plus, as I said, it felt sort of like kicking something after it's already down. Between the two ......... I was uncomfortable with my words.

    <font color="#9966FF" size="1">[ March 07, 2005 06:54 PM: Message edited by: Dyan ]</font>

  5. #85
    Inactive Member sharonlk's Avatar
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    Dyan, I think you did a very noble thing. I've been mulling this over for about a week now, just because of something I encountered, and perhaps you're right that other fans have to believe everything is alright, and that to feel differently isn't constructive. The strange part is that despite the huge differences in this fanbase, whatever we all believe and how long we've existed as fans (SG or solo), the one thing that underlies it all is that none of us particularly want Darren to fail, or for the music which touches people on so many levels to be so universally ignored. I think everywhere there are discussions as to what is happening behind the scenes (to qualify, I mean the way in which the music industry works, not particularly Darren's management or the fan club side of things) and why the support of this album from the record company seems so half-hearted. The basic problem now is the whole no airplay-no single sales-no album sales-no possibility for tours cycle which we're stuck in, and to be honest, I don't see an easy resolution to it all. The whole ambiguous lyrics explanation, though very interesting in itself, seems a lame excuse for not releasing an album...and if I'm not mistaken, even a beautiful song like Insatiable could be interpreted either way, depending on how you see things. I wonder if anyone in the industry is willing to take a risk any more, and if they're not, then lord help us, it's just going to get blander and more teeny orientated.

  6. #86
    Inactive Member Dyan's Avatar
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    Well now......... I'm not sure that feeling different isn't constructive. After all, it's exactly as you and others on this board have often said -- people get to feel how they want to feel. AND we should get to say what we feel too.

    Hum. Damned hard balance.

    Btw, noble? Thank you for saying that. [img]smile.gif[/img]

    <font color="#9966FF" size="1">[ March 07, 2005 10:59 PM: Message edited by: Dyan ]</font>

  7. #87
    Inactive Member sunhawk's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Dyan:
    And yes, Steen, we are all simply drops in the sea. And yet ....... *smiles* You know me. hehe I have this silly belief that every drop carries within it the power to change the very sea itself. I also think that there is something to the idea that the energy that we put out into the universe matters.
    <font size="3" face="Tempus sans ITC, Papyrus,Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">i don't think that's silly at all ^_^

  8. #88
    Inactive Member sharonlk's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Dyan:
    Well now......... I'm not sure that feeling different isn't constructive. After all, it's exactly as you and others on this board have often said -- people get to feel how they want to feel. AND we should get to say what we feel too.

    Hum. Damned hard balance.

    Btw, noble? Thank you for saying that. [img]smile.gif[/img]

    <font color="#9966FF"><font size="1">[ March 07, 2005 10:59 PM: Message edited by: Dyan ]</font></font>
    <font size="3" face="Tempus sans ITC, Papyrus,Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I think right now I'm just a bit jaded generally and am learning the lessons of saying what I think. It's very hard sometimes when you set out with one intention and have somebody jump on you and twist your words...but there we go, the wonderful facelessness of the internet at work as ever. It's made me think so hard about what I'm saying that half the time I end up not saying anything. Good lesson in stopping to think though!

  9. #89
    Inactive Member Kattitude's Avatar
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    I get what you are saying Dyan. Its like who am I to be the bitch about it all.

    If people want to see the glass half full instead of half emtpy. I shouldnt always be the one pointing out the empty scenario. Not that I do. But I do tend to think that way mindwise first.

    Though I do think a balanced argument is always good. All the facts and speculations as we know them put out on the table and draw your conclusions for that be they good or bad.

    I guess I have to look back on myself. I remember when SG were on that infamous hiatus. People would come along and say have they split and sure sounds like it. Well really looking back at it a valid argument could of been put forward with all the facts pointing to the fact they had. But me in my absolute belief in them, truly beleived it wasnt so. I thought they would sit down together discuss the issues and come to amicable conclusion and then ever so nicely inform the fanbase. LMAO@me!!!
    I believed that or needed to believe it and noone could come along and tell me otherwise.


  10. #90
    Guest DarrensPassion's Avatar


    I must admit that I knew SG had split up by the time I found the SG website (Feb. 2001) when the hiatus notice was posted there. I had previously read about their demise in my Sunday Express newspaper just before Xmas, at the end of the Affirmation tour so I never doubted for one minute that they hadn't split up. All I remember thinking is that I hadn't been able to get tickets for their concert and now I never would have the chance to seem them perform live [img]graemlins/cry.gif[/img]

    All it said was that Darren wanted to continue to go it alone so I held on to that one thought that I would eventually at least get to see Darren peform solo which obviously I now have.

    I found it very odd that the split came as so much of a surprise to the majority of the fanbase when it was officially announced on 5th October 2001, because in my mind they had already broken up nearly a year before!

    Janie xx

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