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Thread: Untitled

  1. #121
    Guest crown-of-thorns's Avatar


    Just there anyone yet who knows wich band did the Untitled cover?

  2. #122
    Inactive Member social_d_fan01's Avatar
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    i would love to know the name of the band that did the cover but it doesnt look like were ever gonna know with the religious talk. come on guys obviously python is big in his religion quit giving him hell for it. i havent seen him insult your lives even once so dont insult him. why dont everyone let this shit go its not a big deal FUCK THIS SHIT

  3. #123
    Inactive Member esvenneby's Avatar
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    Well he did pretty much call AsoCI a liar in so many words. I liked your comeback AsoCI. You made a great point by saying that you felt Python did not want to believe anything but what he believes and that he is looking for ways for us to prove his beliefs. When we give him our "knowledge" he doesnt want to hear it or he wants to twist it. Thanks again for posting on here and sharing your "knowledge" with us (sounded arrogant, but it was the right word). Welcome to the board, I hope you stick around. [img]smile.gif[/img]
    Python, your right a relationship with Jesus Christ is spiritual, so is a relationship with God. So, is a relationship with anyone or anything you love. If you love to work in your garden it can be spiritual. I believe in Jesus. I think that he is the best example in our history that shows us that God exists. He did amazing things thru his belief in God. But, we all can do amazing things if we believe in ourselves enough.
    We all have the capability of performing miracles. God works in all of us how we choose him to. I dont prey to Jesus, and I dont even prey to God really. I talk to him and I talk to myself and remind myself to stay in tuned with him.
    ...and if I really feel the need to give someone the bird for cutting me off, I dont feel that I have sinned or that I need to ask for forgiveness. That guy deserved it, thats what he gets.
    I just better not let it ruin my day, because its not worth the negative energy.
    Putting your positive energy into good thoughts and beliefs, thats spirituality.
    No church is going to tell me I'm wrong because I do or dont do something that they dont feel is right.
    Mike said that he doesnt go to church on Sundays (I'm assuming that it doesnt mean that he wouldnt, but he probably doesnt feel the need to). You kept saying he has to be a born again Christian. If that were the case I think he would be going to church all the time (and preaching like most of them do).
    I mentioned in the past threads when this topic came up that if hes religious about anything its probably his sobriety. I can see by his songwriting that him having nothing to lose to now having everything to lose (thats a scary thought) that to a born again Christian that would seem that his experience was alot like your experience. But I highly doubt he thinks of himself as a born again Christian. I'm sure he thinks of himself as BORN AGAIN or SET FREE (from drugs) and he believes in God. Does he think of himself as a Christian?? Maybe. He believes in God, and he belives in himself. He doesnt preach (thank God) but his lyrics seem to teach alot of us how to be in tune with ourselves. Is he going to give someone the bird if they cut him off?? I think we all know the answer to that question! haha

    We all should prey or send good thoughts for a speedy recovery for Mr. Ness. I'm sure he would appreciate it.
    I'm preying for some solo shows. [img]wink.gif[/img]

    <font color="#FFFF00"><font size="1">[ March 26, 2006 09:10 PM: Message edited by: Erica S ]</font></font>

    <font color="#FFFF00"><font size="1">[ March 26, 2006 09:12 PM: Message edited by: Erica S ]</font></font>

    <font color="#FFFF00" size="1">[ March 26, 2006 09:16 PM: Message edited by: Erica S ]</font>

  4. #124
    Inactive Member esvenneby's Avatar
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    Originally posted by rob9902:
    miss erica
    i told you the other day leave him alone...i will go to church on sunday and pray for you then after confession will i have a couple pints of guinness....amen
    <font size="2" face="verdana, arial">Your next buddy!! ...and then you will need a couple pints of Guiness when I'm done with you!! [img]wink.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/beer.gif[/img]

  5. #125
    Inactive Member rob9902's Avatar
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    Hurt me baby doll(3/30/06 [img]graemlins/rose.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/devil.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/beer.gif[/img] )

  6. #126
    Inactive Member Python423's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Erica S:
    Well he did pretty much call AsoCI a liar in so many words. I liked your comeback AsoCI. You made a great point by saying that you felt Python did not want to believe anything but what he believes and that he is looking for ways for us to prove his beliefs. When we give him our "knowledge" he doesnt want to hear it or he wants to twist it. Thanks again for posting on here and sharing your "knowledge" with us (sounded arrogant, but it was the right word). Welcome to the board, I hope you stick around. [img]smile.gif[/img]
    Python, your right a relationship with Jesus Christ is spiritual, so is a relationship with God. So, is a relationship with anyone or anything you love. If you love to work in your garden it can be spiritual. I believe in Jesus. I think that he is the best example in our history that shows us that God exists. He did amazing things thru his belief in God. But, we all can do amazing things if we believe in ourselves enough.
    We all have the capability of performing miracles. God works in all of us how we choose him to. I dont prey to Jesus, and I dont even prey to God really. I talk to him and I talk to myself and remind myself to stay in tuned with him.
    ...and if I really feel the need to give someone the bird for cutting me off, I dont feel that I have sinned or that I need to ask for forgiveness. That guy deserved it, thats what he gets.
    I just better not let it ruin my day, because its not worth the negative energy.
    Putting your positive energy into good thoughts and beliefs, thats spirituality.
    No church is going to tell me I'm wrong because I do or dont do something that they dont feel is right.
    Mike said that he doesnt go to church on Sundays (I'm assuming that it doesnt mean that he wouldnt, but he probably doesnt feel the need to). You kept saying he has to be a born again Christian. If that were the case I think he would be going to church all the time (and preaching like most of them do).
    I mentioned in the past threads when this topic came up that if hes religious about anything its probably his sobriety. I can see by his songwriting that him having nothing to lose to now having everything to lose (thats a scary thought) that to a born again Christian that would seem that his experience was alot like your experience. But I highly doubt he thinks of himself as a born again Christian. I'm sure he thinks of himself as BORN AGAIN or SET FREE (from drugs) and he believes in God. Does he think of himself as a Christian?? Maybe. He believes in God, and he belives in himself. He doesnt preach (thank God) but his lyrics seem to teach alot of us how to be in tune with ourselves. Is he going to give someone the bird if they cut him off?? I think we all know the answer to that question! haha

    We all should prey or send good thoughts for a speedy recovery for Mr. Ness. I'm sure he would appreciate it.
    I'm preying for some solo shows. [img]wink.gif[/img]

    <font color="#FFFF00"><font size="1">[ March 26, 2006 09:10 PM: Message edited by: Erica S ]</font></font>

    <font color="#FFFF00"><font size="1">[ March 26, 2006 09:12 PM: Message edited by: Erica S ]</font></font>

    <font color="#FFFF00"><font size="1">[ March 26, 2006 09:16 PM: Message edited by: Erica S ]</font></font>
    <font size="2" face="verdana, arial">Erica , I would like to talk to you via email. You have the right to believe what you want to, but I ask you this? if what you believe is wrong, would you want to know?

    Mike does attend a Chirstian Church, someone contacted me that they go to the church he does, and they were there on Christmas with his wife, kids and family, and brothers. Hopefully that person will make an entrance on this thread.

    The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned. (1Cor 2:14)

  7. #127
    Inactive Member punk77's Avatar
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    Hey Python! If you wanna discuss religion or do some bible quoting; DO IT SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!!!!! I'm so fucking sick and tired of all your religious mumbo jumbo. I was asking about a band, and what happens? Some fucking jesus freak(you!) pops up and starts ranting abot jesus this and jesus that. I suggest you keep your ranting somewhere else. NOW! Case closed.

  8. #128
    Inactive Member rob9902's Avatar
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    "BEER:is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." Benjamin Franklin
    Cheers to all!

  9. #129
    Inactive Member PainWillBeMyMotivation's Avatar
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    Ah, for him maybe! I'll bet Mike Ness'd argue that one right along with me. [img]smile.gif[/img]
    It's either just beer or just God for this ol' drunk. Just couldn't seem to know when to say when or how to stay the hell outta jail...

  10. #130
    Inactive Member PainWillBeMyMotivation's Avatar
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    Since the air around this topic has been pretty tense, I thought I'd better clear up that I have nothing against people who drink beer.
    Or anything else for that matter.

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